4 Getting your data
By: Christian Testa, Jarvis Chen ScD, Enjoli Hall, Dena Javadi, Tamara Rushovich
4.1 High Level Overview
For the application of mapping area health outcome rates, georeferenced data are made up of three components: health outcome counts, population estimates, and the geographic boundaries of the areal units of interest. Each of these data may each come from different data sources, but they are linked together in practice by merging the data together by geographic area identifiers.

Figure 4.1: In this workflow schematic, the components for creating georeferenced data are shown in the first two rows.
Some examples of area identifiers common in the United States context include codes for ZIP codes, county FIPS codes, census block or census tract IDs, etc. As shown in Figure 4.2 (below), there are two major sets of geographies employed by the US Census Bureau. The first concerns fundamental administrative and political units (referred to as the “spine” of US Census geography) which are relevant to the primary rationale of the US census to allocate political representation (Krieger 2019); these areas include census block, block-groups, tracts, counties, and states, and corresponding units for American Indian, Alaska Native and Native Hawaiian areas, with the census block being the core area used to create voting districts (at the local, state, and federal levels). The second set includes an array of additional areas, which often cross the boundaries of these core Census geographic areas, such as ZIP Codes, school districts, traffic analysis zones, etc.
If you are studying area level health outcome rates, you may find that you must source these different necessary pieces from different places. Population estimates can often come from the Census or its related data products, health outcomes may come from healthcare providers, public health departments, electronic health records (EHR), or other sources, and geography shapefiles are similarly available from numerous sources including the Census.
4.2 Data Sources
Health data can be found in numerous formats, such as for download from a webpage as .csv or .xlsx files, accessible through querying an application programming interface (API), or available only through direct request to a health department or agency.
The sources for the data we’ve used in our case examples are as follows:
- US Census and American Community Survey data are retrieved through their API https://www.census.gov/data/developers/data-sets.html via the
package - CDC Places data were downloaded directly as .csv files from https://www.cdc.gov/places/
- Cook County Medical Case Examiner Archive data on COVID-19 deaths were downloaded directly from https://datacatalog.cookcountyil.gov/Public-Safety/Medical-Examiner-Case-Archive-COVID-19-Related-Dea/3trz-enys
- Massachusetts mortality data were requested directly from the Massachusetts Department of Public Health
- The Social Vulnerability Index (SVI) is available online to download with csv and shapefiles available from https://www.atsdr.cdc.gov/placeandhealth/svi/index.html
4.3 Loading Spreadsheet Data into R
If you have a .csv file that you have downloaded, you can use the readr
(which is part of the tidyverse
) to load it into R.
example_df <- read_csv("filename.csv")
# learn more about the options read_csv has by running:
Health data often come in other kinds of delimited formats such as
tab-delimited or fixed-width spaced, in which case you can use the
or read_fwf
functions from the readr
package similarly
to how you would use read_csv
. Learn more about readr
here: https://readr.tidyverse.org/
To read Excel data, we recommend using the readxl
package, also part of
the tidyverse
. Learn more here: https://readxl.tidyverse.org/
example_df <- read_excel("filename.xlsx", sheet = 1)
# to learn more about the options in the read_excel function, run:
# one particularly helpful feature to know about is the range argument which
# allows the user to specify they want to read a dataframe from a specific
# range of cells using Excel-style range syntax:
example_df <- read_excel("filename.xlsx", sheet = 1, range = "A3:C17")
Even if your data are not a delimited text document or an Excel file, if they
are in a common file format, it is still quite likely you can read your data
into R using other packages. For example the haven
package allows users to
read SAS, SPSS, and Stata files. Read more here https://haven.tidyverse.org/
4.4 Connecting to Databases
Many online health datasets are accessible via query to a remote database
server. References on how to interact with databases in R are available here:
https://db.rstudio.com/, and the following reference shows how to interact with
a remote database in the tidyverse
style: https://dbplyr.tidyverse.org/
4.5 tidycensus
For some databases, R programmers have already written packages to help users
submit their queries and get back their data of interest. One such example
is the U.S. Census, for which the tidycensus
package exists to automate
fetching Census data in R.
The tidycensus
package in R allows you to download data from the US Census
Bureau products, including from the decennial Census and the 1-year, 3-year, and
5-year American Community Survey (ACS). Find detailed reference materials and
an introduction to tidycensus
here: https://walker-data.com/tidycensus/
In this section, we will walk you through example code that downloads the percent of residents under the poverty line and computing the Index of Concentration at the Extremes (ICE) for racialized economic segregation from the 2015-2019 ACS. As an example, we will demonstrate how to download these measures at the census tract level in Suffolk County, Massachusetts noting that this county includes the city of Boston, where the PHDGP 2.0 training team members are based!
You can find more of the variables available in the 5-year ACS at the following link, changing 2019 to your desired year starting with 2009 when the ACS began: https://api.census.gov/data/2019/acs/acs5/variables.html

(#fig:geoid_structure)The structure of Census tract GEOIDs

Figure 4.2: Hierarchy of geographic units as assignged by the US Census Bureau. Reproduced from https://www.census.gov/content/dam/Census/data/developers/geoareaconcepts.pdf
Here’s example code for downloading data on the percent of people living in households with household income less than the poverty threshold. The poverty thresholds are defined by the US Census (see: https://www.census.gov/topics/income-poverty/poverty/guidance/poverty-measures.html).
# example code for downloading poverty measures from the American Community
# Survey through tidycensus and visualizing them through maps
# load the packages we'll use for this section
# download the data from the ACS using the get_acs method from tidycensus
# the B05010_002E variable refers to the count of residents who live in
# households with household income below the poverty line; the B05010_001E
# variable refers to the count of residents for whom household income was
# ascertained by the ACS, e.g. the relevant denominator.
poverty <- get_acs(
state = 'MA',
county = '025', # this is the FIPS code for Suffolk County, MA
geography = 'tract',
year = 2019, # this indicates the 2015-2019 5-year acs
geometry = TRUE,
variables = c(
in_poverty = 'B05010_002E',
total_pop_for_poverty_estimates = 'B05010_001E')
# we're going to recode the variable names to more human-readable names to
# make it easier to work with the data in subsequent steps
poverty <- poverty %>%
variable = recode(variable,
# you may notice that tidycensus drops the 'E' from the
# end of the variable code names
B05010_002 = 'in_poverty',
B05010_001 = 'total_pop_for_poverty_estimates'))
# pivot the data wider so that the in_poverty and
# total_pop_for_poverty_estimates; this follows the "tidy" format and approach
# where each row corresponds to an observation.
# because the pivot_wider method can mess up your data when your data contains
# geometry/shapefile information, we will remove the geomemtry information
# and add it back in later
poverty_geometry <- poverty %>% select(GEOID) %>% unique() # save the geometry data
poverty <- poverty %>%
sf::st_drop_geometry() %>% # remove geometry data
id_cols = GEOID,
names_from = variable,
values_from = c(estimate, moe))
# calculate the proportion in poverty
poverty <- poverty %>%
proportion_in_poverty = estimate_in_poverty / estimate_total_pop_for_poverty_estimates,
percent_in_poverty = proportion_in_poverty * 100)
# add the geometry back in --
# make sure to merge the data into the sf object with the sf object on the
# left hand side so the output has the sf type including your geometry data
poverty <- poverty_geometry %>%
# visualize our point estimates
ggplot(poverty, aes(fill = proportion_in_poverty)) +
geom_sf() +
scale_fill_viridis_c(label = scales::percent_format(),
limits = c(0, 1)) +
labs(fill = "Percent in Poverty") +
ggtitle("Poverty Estimates in Suffolk County, Massachusetts",
subtitle = "Based on American Community Survey 2015-2019 Estimates")
# visualize the denominator counts --
# of significance, note that there are several census tracts where the
# denominator is 0 resulting in NaN estimates for the percent in poverty.
ggplot(poverty, aes(fill = estimate_total_pop_for_poverty_estimates)) +
geom_sf() +
scale_fill_viridis_c(label = scales::comma_format(), direction = -1,
breaks = c(0, 10, 100, 1000), trans = "log1p") +
labs(fill = "Number of People") +
ggtitle("Number of People in Denominator for Poverty Estimates",
paste0("Suffolk County, Massachusetts\n",
"Based on American Community Survey 2015-2019 Estimates"))

We can also use the mapview
package to render interactive maps of the estimates and data we have computed/downloaded. This is particularly helpful in understanding how the geography relate to the estimates — especially to see where airports, green-space, schools, and other municipal zones may be located and which are not zoned to include residential units (hence the NaN or “not a number” estimates shown on the maps), but which may nevertheless be locations where unsheltered and other unhoused persons reside.
Estimates of the percent of individuals in poverty based on the American Community Survey 2015-2019
For reference, these are the poverty thresholds in US dollars for 2017 (i.e. the middle year of the 2015-2019 time-period) from the Census:
Related children under 18 years | ||||||||||
Size of family unit | Weighted | None | One | Two | Three | Four | Five | Six | Seven | Eight or more |
average | ||||||||||
thresholds | ||||||||||
One person (unrelated individual): | 12,488 | |||||||||
Under age 65.......................……… | 12,752 | 12,752 | ||||||||
Aged 65 and older.................……… | 11,756 | 11,756 | ||||||||
Two people: | 15,877 | |||||||||
Householder under age 65…........... | 16,493 | 16,414 | 16,895 | |||||||
Householder aged 65 and older...…. | 14,828 | 14,816 | 16,831 | |||||||
Three people.......................…………… | 19,515 | 19,173 | 19,730 | 19,749 | ||||||
Four people........................…………… | 25,094 | 25,283 | 25,696 | 24,858 | 24,944 | |||||
Five people........................…………… | 29,714 | 30,490 | 30,933 | 29,986 | 29,253 | 28,805 | ||||
Six people.........................……………… | 33,618 | 35,069 | 35,208 | 34,482 | 33,787 | 32,753 | 32,140 | |||
Seven people.......................…………… | 38,173 | 40,351 | 40,603 | 39,734 | 39,129 | 38,001 | 36,685 | 35,242 | ||
Eight people.......................…………… | 42,684 | 45,129 | 45,528 | 44,708 | 43,990 | 42,971 | 41,678 | 40,332 | 39,990 | |
Nine people or more................………… | 50,681 | 54,287 | 54,550 | 53,825 | 53,216 | 52,216 | 50,840 | 49,595 | 49,287 | 47,389 |
Source: U.S. Census Bureau. |
Now that we’ve created static and interactive maps of the poverty estimates for Suffolk County, we can move on to downloading and computing the Index of Concentration at the Extremes for Racialized Economic Segregation (High Income White non-Hispanic High Income vs. Low Income People of Color).
# example code for creating the index of concentration at the extremes for the
# measure of racialized economic segregation (high income white non-hispanic
# vs. low income people of color) using tidycensus
# create a data dictionary detailing the variables we're going to use -
# associating each of the variables a more readable/friendly `shortname` and a
# description can help make the subsequent code more readable and thus easier
# to debug in case you run into any errors.
variables_dict <-
~var, ~shortname, ~desc,
"B19001_001", 'hhinc_total', "total population for household income estimates",
"B19001A_002", 'hhinc_w_1', "white n.h. pop with household income <$10k",
"B19001A_003", 'hhinc_w_2', "white n.h. pop with household income $10k-14 999k",
"B19001A_004", 'hhinc_w_3', "white n.h. pop with household income $15k-19 999k",
"B19001A_005", 'hhinc_w_4', "white n.h. pop with household income $20k-24 999k",
"B19001A_014", 'hhinc_w_5', "white n.h. pop with household income $100 000 to $124 999",
"B19001A_015", 'hhinc_w_6', "white n.h. pop with household income $125k-149 999k",
"B19001A_016", 'hhinc_w_7', "white n.h. pop with household income $150k-199 999k",
"B19001A_017", 'hhinc_w_8', "white n.h. pop with household income $196k+",
"B19001_002", 'hhinc_total_1', "total pop with household income <$10k",
"B19001_003", 'hhinc_total_2', "total pop with household income $10k-14 999k",
"B19001_004", 'hhinc_total_3', "total pop with household income $15k-19 999k",
"B19001_005", 'hhinc_total_4', "total pop with household income $20k-24 999k"
# fetch data from the american community survey API (or application programming interface)
ICEraceinc <- get_acs(
geography = 'tract',
state = 'MA',
county = '025',
geometry = TRUE,
year = 2019,
variables = variables_dict$var)
# save the geommetry data separately
ICEraceinc_geometry <- ICEraceinc %>% select(GEOID) %>% unique()
# remove geometry data so we can use pivot_wider
ICEraceinc <- ICEraceinc %>% sf::st_drop_geometry()
# pivot to a wide format for renaming, dropping the margin of error data
ICEraceinc <- ICEraceinc %>% select(-moe) %>%
pivot_wider(names_from = variable, values_from = estimate)
# rename the columns using our rename_vars
# first we create a named vector, rename_vars, which has elements that are the
# acs variables we request and convenient, human readable names.
# then we use rename_vars with the rename function from dplyr.
# typically the rename function takes a syntax as follows:
# data %>% rename(newname1 = oldname1, newname2 = oldname2, ...)
# but in our case, we already have a named vector (rename_vars) that we
# want to use, and so to use the rename_vars named vector inside rename
# we use the injection-operator `!!`. you can learn more about the injection
# operator by running ?`!!` in your R console.
rename_vars <- setNames(variables_dict$var, variables_dict$shortname)
ICEraceinc <- ICEraceinc %>% rename(!!rename_vars)
# calculate the ICE for racialized economic segregation
ICEraceinc <- ICEraceinc %>%
# we calculate the people of color low income counts as the overall
# low income counts minus the white non-hispanic low income counts
people_of_color_low_income =
(hhinc_total_1 + hhinc_total_2 + hhinc_total_3 + hhinc_total_4) -
(hhinc_w_1 + hhinc_w_2 + hhinc_w_3 + hhinc_w_4),
# sum up the white non-hispanic high income counts
white_non_hispanic_high_income =
(hhinc_w_5 + hhinc_w_6 + hhinc_w_7 + hhinc_w_8),
# calculate the index of concentration at the extremes for racialized
# economic segregation (high income white non-hispanic vs. low income
# people of color)
ICEraceinc =
(white_non_hispanic_high_income - people_of_color_low_income) /
# now we can merge our spatial geometry data back in
ICEraceinc <- ICEraceinc_geometry %>%
left_join(ICEraceinc %>% select(GEOID, ICEraceinc))
# visualize our data -
# here we use a divergent color palette since the ICEraceinc measure
# is divergent in nature
ggplot(ICEraceinc, aes(fill = ICEraceinc)) +
geom_sf() +
scale_fill_distiller(palette = 'BrBG') +
labs(fill = "ICE for Racialized Economic Segregation:\nWhite non-Hispanic (High Income) vs.\nPeople of Color (Low Income)") +
"Index of Concentration at the Extremes, Racialized Economic Segregation",
paste0("Suffolk County, MA\n",
"Based on American Community Survey 2015-2019 Estimates")

mapview(ICEraceinc, zcol = 'ICEraceinc',
col.regions=rev(brewer.pal(11, "BrBG")))
Estimates of the Index of Concentration at the Extremes for Racialized Economic Segregation
(white non-Hispanic with high income vs. People of Color with low income) based on the American Community Survey 2015-2019
4.6 Cleaning Area Identifiers
One of the most important aspects to pay attention to when cleaning georeferenced data is that area identifiers are stored as character or factor data types and not numeric types because if they are stored as numeric types leading 0s will be dropped and this may cause issues when merging multiple datasets together if the area-keys are not coded in the same way (e.g. in one dataset area-keys might be coded numeric and in another dataset area-keys might be coded as a character or factor).
This can happen often with FIPS codes, like the 2-character state FIPS
codes and 3-digit county FIPS code. For states like Alabama and Alaska with FIPS
codes 01
and 02
, if these are mistakenly stored as numeric values, they will
be truncated to as 1
and 2
which can introduce errors when trying to merge
multiple datasets using FIPS codes.
For county FIPS codes, the tigris
package has a handy built-in reference.
Once you’ve installed tigris
(e.g. run install.packages('tigris')
) and
load the package (library(tigris)
) you can access the built-in fips_codes
state | state_code | state_name | county_code | county |
AL | 01 | Alabama | 001 | Autauga County |
AL | 01 | Alabama | 003 | Baldwin County |
AL | 01 | Alabama | 005 | Barbour County |
AL | 01 | Alabama | 007 | Bibb County |
AL | 01 | Alabama | 009 | Blount County |
AL | 01 | Alabama | 011 | Bullock County |
AL | 01 | Alabama | 013 | Butler County |
AL | 01 | Alabama | 015 | Calhoun County |
AL | 01 | Alabama | 017 | Chambers County |
AL | 01 | Alabama | 019 | Cherokee County |
AL | 01 | Alabama | 021 | Chilton County |
AL | 01 | Alabama | 023 | Choctaw County |
AL | 01 | Alabama | 025 | Clarke County |
AL | 01 | Alabama | 027 | Clay County |
AL | 01 | Alabama | 029 | Cleburne County |
AL | 01 | Alabama | 031 | Coffee County |
AL | 01 | Alabama | 033 | Colbert County |
AL | 01 | Alabama | 035 | Conecuh County |
AL | 01 | Alabama | 037 | Coosa County |
AL | 01 | Alabama | 039 | Covington County |
AL | 01 | Alabama | 041 | Crenshaw County |
AL | 01 | Alabama | 043 | Cullman County |
AL | 01 | Alabama | 045 | Dale County |
AL | 01 | Alabama | 047 | Dallas County |
AL | 01 | Alabama | 049 | DeKalb County |
AL | 01 | Alabama | 051 | Elmore County |
AL | 01 | Alabama | 053 | Escambia County |
AL | 01 | Alabama | 055 | Etowah County |
AL | 01 | Alabama | 057 | Fayette County |
AL | 01 | Alabama | 059 | Franklin County |
AL | 01 | Alabama | 061 | Geneva County |
AL | 01 | Alabama | 063 | Greene County |
AL | 01 | Alabama | 065 | Hale County |
AL | 01 | Alabama | 067 | Henry County |
AL | 01 | Alabama | 069 | Houston County |
AL | 01 | Alabama | 071 | Jackson County |
AL | 01 | Alabama | 073 | Jefferson County |
AL | 01 | Alabama | 075 | Lamar County |
AL | 01 | Alabama | 077 | Lauderdale County |
AL | 01 | Alabama | 079 | Lawrence County |
AL | 01 | Alabama | 081 | Lee County |
AL | 01 | Alabama | 083 | Limestone County |
AL | 01 | Alabama | 085 | Lowndes County |
AL | 01 | Alabama | 087 | Macon County |
AL | 01 | Alabama | 089 | Madison County |
AL | 01 | Alabama | 091 | Marengo County |
AL | 01 | Alabama | 093 | Marion County |
AL | 01 | Alabama | 095 | Marshall County |
AL | 01 | Alabama | 097 | Mobile County |
AL | 01 | Alabama | 099 | Monroe County |
AL | 01 | Alabama | 101 | Montgomery County |
AL | 01 | Alabama | 103 | Morgan County |
AL | 01 | Alabama | 105 | Perry County |
AL | 01 | Alabama | 107 | Pickens County |
AL | 01 | Alabama | 109 | Pike County |
AL | 01 | Alabama | 111 | Randolph County |
AL | 01 | Alabama | 113 | Russell County |
AL | 01 | Alabama | 115 | St. Clair County |
AL | 01 | Alabama | 117 | Shelby County |
AL | 01 | Alabama | 119 | Sumter County |
AL | 01 | Alabama | 121 | Talladega County |
AL | 01 | Alabama | 123 | Tallapoosa County |
AL | 01 | Alabama | 125 | Tuscaloosa County |
AL | 01 | Alabama | 127 | Walker County |
AL | 01 | Alabama | 129 | Washington County |
AL | 01 | Alabama | 131 | Wilcox County |
AL | 01 | Alabama | 133 | Winston County |
AK | 02 | Alaska | 013 | Aleutians East Borough |
AK | 02 | Alaska | 016 | Aleutians West Census Area |
AK | 02 | Alaska | 020 | Anchorage Municipality |
AK | 02 | Alaska | 050 | Bethel Census Area |
AK | 02 | Alaska | 060 | Bristol Bay Borough |
AK | 02 | Alaska | 063 | Chugach Census Area |
AK | 02 | Alaska | 066 | Copper River Census Area |
AK | 02 | Alaska | 068 | Denali Borough |
AK | 02 | Alaska | 070 | Dillingham Census Area |
AK | 02 | Alaska | 090 | Fairbanks North Star Borough |
AK | 02 | Alaska | 100 | Haines Borough |
AK | 02 | Alaska | 105 | Hoonah-Angoon Census Area |
AK | 02 | Alaska | 110 | Juneau City and Borough |
AK | 02 | Alaska | 122 | Kenai Peninsula Borough |
AK | 02 | Alaska | 130 | Ketchikan Gateway Borough |
AK | 02 | Alaska | 150 | Kodiak Island Borough |
AK | 02 | Alaska | 158 | Kusilvak Census Area |
AK | 02 | Alaska | 164 | Lake and Peninsula Borough |
AK | 02 | Alaska | 170 | Matanuska-Susitna Borough |
AK | 02 | Alaska | 180 | Nome Census Area |
AK | 02 | Alaska | 185 | North Slope Borough |
AK | 02 | Alaska | 188 | Northwest Arctic Borough |
AK | 02 | Alaska | 195 | Petersburg Census Area |
AK | 02 | Alaska | 198 | Prince of Wales-Hyder Census Area |
AK | 02 | Alaska | 201 | Prince of Wales-Outer Ketchikan Census Area |
AK | 02 | Alaska | 220 | Sitka City and Borough |
AK | 02 | Alaska | 230 | Skagway Municipality |
AK | 02 | Alaska | 231 | Skagway-Yakutat-Angoon Census Area |
AK | 02 | Alaska | 232 | Skagway-Hoonah-Angoon Census Area |
AK | 02 | Alaska | 240 | Southeast Fairbanks Census Area |
AK | 02 | Alaska | 261 | Valdez-Cordova Census Area |
AK | 02 | Alaska | 270 | Wade Hampton Census Area |
AK | 02 | Alaska | 275 | Wrangell City and Borough |
AK | 02 | Alaska | 280 | Wrangell-Petersburg Census Area |
AK | 02 | Alaska | 282 | Yakutat City and Borough |
AK | 02 | Alaska | 290 | Yukon-Koyukuk Census Area |
AZ | 04 | Arizona | 001 | Apache County |
AZ | 04 | Arizona | 003 | Cochise County |
AZ | 04 | Arizona | 005 | Coconino County |
AZ | 04 | Arizona | 007 | Gila County |
AZ | 04 | Arizona | 009 | Graham County |
AZ | 04 | Arizona | 011 | Greenlee County |
AZ | 04 | Arizona | 012 | La Paz County |
AZ | 04 | Arizona | 013 | Maricopa County |
AZ | 04 | Arizona | 015 | Mohave County |
AZ | 04 | Arizona | 017 | Navajo County |
AZ | 04 | Arizona | 019 | Pima County |
AZ | 04 | Arizona | 021 | Pinal County |
AZ | 04 | Arizona | 023 | Santa Cruz County |
AZ | 04 | Arizona | 025 | Yavapai County |
AZ | 04 | Arizona | 027 | Yuma County |
AR | 05 | Arkansas | 001 | Arkansas County |
AR | 05 | Arkansas | 003 | Ashley County |
AR | 05 | Arkansas | 005 | Baxter County |
AR | 05 | Arkansas | 007 | Benton County |
AR | 05 | Arkansas | 009 | Boone County |
AR | 05 | Arkansas | 011 | Bradley County |
AR | 05 | Arkansas | 013 | Calhoun County |
AR | 05 | Arkansas | 015 | Carroll County |
AR | 05 | Arkansas | 017 | Chicot County |
AR | 05 | Arkansas | 019 | Clark County |
AR | 05 | Arkansas | 021 | Clay County |
AR | 05 | Arkansas | 023 | Cleburne County |
AR | 05 | Arkansas | 025 | Cleveland County |
AR | 05 | Arkansas | 027 | Columbia County |
AR | 05 | Arkansas | 029 | Conway County |
AR | 05 | Arkansas | 031 | Craighead County |
AR | 05 | Arkansas | 033 | Crawford County |
AR | 05 | Arkansas | 035 | Crittenden County |
AR | 05 | Arkansas | 037 | Cross County |
AR | 05 | Arkansas | 039 | Dallas County |
AR | 05 | Arkansas | 041 | Desha County |
AR | 05 | Arkansas | 043 | Drew County |
AR | 05 | Arkansas | 045 | Faulkner County |
AR | 05 | Arkansas | 047 | Franklin County |
AR | 05 | Arkansas | 049 | Fulton County |
AR | 05 | Arkansas | 051 | Garland County |
AR | 05 | Arkansas | 053 | Grant County |
AR | 05 | Arkansas | 055 | Greene County |
AR | 05 | Arkansas | 057 | Hempstead County |
AR | 05 | Arkansas | 059 | Hot Spring County |
AR | 05 | Arkansas | 061 | Howard County |
AR | 05 | Arkansas | 063 | Independence County |
AR | 05 | Arkansas | 065 | Izard County |
AR | 05 | Arkansas | 067 | Jackson County |
AR | 05 | Arkansas | 069 | Jefferson County |
AR | 05 | Arkansas | 071 | Johnson County |
AR | 05 | Arkansas | 073 | Lafayette County |
AR | 05 | Arkansas | 075 | Lawrence County |
AR | 05 | Arkansas | 077 | Lee County |
AR | 05 | Arkansas | 079 | Lincoln County |
AR | 05 | Arkansas | 081 | Little River County |
AR | 05 | Arkansas | 083 | Logan County |
AR | 05 | Arkansas | 085 | Lonoke County |
AR | 05 | Arkansas | 087 | Madison County |
AR | 05 | Arkansas | 089 | Marion County |
AR | 05 | Arkansas | 091 | Miller County |
AR | 05 | Arkansas | 093 | Mississippi County |
AR | 05 | Arkansas | 095 | Monroe County |
AR | 05 | Arkansas | 097 | Montgomery County |
AR | 05 | Arkansas | 099 | Nevada County |
AR | 05 | Arkansas | 101 | Newton County |
AR | 05 | Arkansas | 103 | Ouachita County |
AR | 05 | Arkansas | 105 | Perry County |
AR | 05 | Arkansas | 107 | Phillips County |
AR | 05 | Arkansas | 109 | Pike County |
AR | 05 | Arkansas | 111 | Poinsett County |
AR | 05 | Arkansas | 113 | Polk County |
AR | 05 | Arkansas | 115 | Pope County |
AR | 05 | Arkansas | 117 | Prairie County |
AR | 05 | Arkansas | 119 | Pulaski County |
AR | 05 | Arkansas | 121 | Randolph County |
AR | 05 | Arkansas | 123 | St. Francis County |
AR | 05 | Arkansas | 125 | Saline County |
AR | 05 | Arkansas | 127 | Scott County |
AR | 05 | Arkansas | 129 | Searcy County |
AR | 05 | Arkansas | 131 | Sebastian County |
AR | 05 | Arkansas | 133 | Sevier County |
AR | 05 | Arkansas | 135 | Sharp County |
AR | 05 | Arkansas | 137 | Stone County |
AR | 05 | Arkansas | 139 | Union County |
AR | 05 | Arkansas | 141 | Van Buren County |
AR | 05 | Arkansas | 143 | Washington County |
AR | 05 | Arkansas | 145 | White County |
AR | 05 | Arkansas | 147 | Woodruff County |
AR | 05 | Arkansas | 149 | Yell County |
CA | 06 | California | 001 | Alameda County |
CA | 06 | California | 003 | Alpine County |
CA | 06 | California | 005 | Amador County |
CA | 06 | California | 007 | Butte County |
CA | 06 | California | 009 | Calaveras County |
CA | 06 | California | 011 | Colusa County |
CA | 06 | California | 013 | Contra Costa County |
CA | 06 | California | 015 | Del Norte County |
CA | 06 | California | 017 | El Dorado County |
CA | 06 | California | 019 | Fresno County |
CA | 06 | California | 021 | Glenn County |
CA | 06 | California | 023 | Humboldt County |
CA | 06 | California | 025 | Imperial County |
CA | 06 | California | 027 | Inyo County |
CA | 06 | California | 029 | Kern County |
CA | 06 | California | 031 | Kings County |
CA | 06 | California | 033 | Lake County |
CA | 06 | California | 035 | Lassen County |
CA | 06 | California | 037 | Los Angeles County |
CA | 06 | California | 039 | Madera County |
CA | 06 | California | 041 | Marin County |
CA | 06 | California | 043 | Mariposa County |
CA | 06 | California | 045 | Mendocino County |
CA | 06 | California | 047 | Merced County |
CA | 06 | California | 049 | Modoc County |
CA | 06 | California | 051 | Mono County |
CA | 06 | California | 053 | Monterey County |
CA | 06 | California | 055 | Napa County |
CA | 06 | California | 057 | Nevada County |
CA | 06 | California | 059 | Orange County |
CA | 06 | California | 061 | Placer County |
CA | 06 | California | 063 | Plumas County |
CA | 06 | California | 065 | Riverside County |
CA | 06 | California | 067 | Sacramento County |
CA | 06 | California | 069 | San Benito County |
CA | 06 | California | 071 | San Bernardino County |
CA | 06 | California | 073 | San Diego County |
CA | 06 | California | 075 | San Francisco County |
CA | 06 | California | 077 | San Joaquin County |
CA | 06 | California | 079 | San Luis Obispo County |
CA | 06 | California | 081 | San Mateo County |
CA | 06 | California | 083 | Santa Barbara County |
CA | 06 | California | 085 | Santa Clara County |
CA | 06 | California | 087 | Santa Cruz County |
CA | 06 | California | 089 | Shasta County |
CA | 06 | California | 091 | Sierra County |
CA | 06 | California | 093 | Siskiyou County |
CA | 06 | California | 095 | Solano County |
CA | 06 | California | 097 | Sonoma County |
CA | 06 | California | 099 | Stanislaus County |
CA | 06 | California | 101 | Sutter County |
CA | 06 | California | 103 | Tehama County |
CA | 06 | California | 105 | Trinity County |
CA | 06 | California | 107 | Tulare County |
CA | 06 | California | 109 | Tuolumne County |
CA | 06 | California | 111 | Ventura County |
CA | 06 | California | 113 | Yolo County |
CA | 06 | California | 115 | Yuba County |
CO | 08 | Colorado | 001 | Adams County |
CO | 08 | Colorado | 003 | Alamosa County |
CO | 08 | Colorado | 005 | Arapahoe County |
CO | 08 | Colorado | 007 | Archuleta County |
CO | 08 | Colorado | 009 | Baca County |
CO | 08 | Colorado | 011 | Bent County |
CO | 08 | Colorado | 013 | Boulder County |
CO | 08 | Colorado | 014 | Broomfield County |
CO | 08 | Colorado | 015 | Chaffee County |
CO | 08 | Colorado | 017 | Cheyenne County |
CO | 08 | Colorado | 019 | Clear Creek County |
CO | 08 | Colorado | 021 | Conejos County |
CO | 08 | Colorado | 023 | Costilla County |
CO | 08 | Colorado | 025 | Crowley County |
CO | 08 | Colorado | 027 | Custer County |
CO | 08 | Colorado | 029 | Delta County |
CO | 08 | Colorado | 031 | Denver County |
CO | 08 | Colorado | 033 | Dolores County |
CO | 08 | Colorado | 035 | Douglas County |
CO | 08 | Colorado | 037 | Eagle County |
CO | 08 | Colorado | 039 | Elbert County |
CO | 08 | Colorado | 041 | El Paso County |
CO | 08 | Colorado | 043 | Fremont County |
CO | 08 | Colorado | 045 | Garfield County |
CO | 08 | Colorado | 047 | Gilpin County |
CO | 08 | Colorado | 049 | Grand County |
CO | 08 | Colorado | 051 | Gunnison County |
CO | 08 | Colorado | 053 | Hinsdale County |
CO | 08 | Colorado | 055 | Huerfano County |
CO | 08 | Colorado | 057 | Jackson County |
CO | 08 | Colorado | 059 | Jefferson County |
CO | 08 | Colorado | 061 | Kiowa County |
CO | 08 | Colorado | 063 | Kit Carson County |
CO | 08 | Colorado | 065 | Lake County |
CO | 08 | Colorado | 067 | La Plata County |
CO | 08 | Colorado | 069 | Larimer County |
CO | 08 | Colorado | 071 | Las Animas County |
CO | 08 | Colorado | 073 | Lincoln County |
CO | 08 | Colorado | 075 | Logan County |
CO | 08 | Colorado | 077 | Mesa County |
CO | 08 | Colorado | 079 | Mineral County |
CO | 08 | Colorado | 081 | Moffat County |
CO | 08 | Colorado | 083 | Montezuma County |
CO | 08 | Colorado | 085 | Montrose County |
CO | 08 | Colorado | 087 | Morgan County |
CO | 08 | Colorado | 089 | Otero County |
CO | 08 | Colorado | 091 | Ouray County |
CO | 08 | Colorado | 093 | Park County |
CO | 08 | Colorado | 095 | Phillips County |
CO | 08 | Colorado | 097 | Pitkin County |
CO | 08 | Colorado | 099 | Prowers County |
CO | 08 | Colorado | 101 | Pueblo County |
CO | 08 | Colorado | 103 | Rio Blanco County |
CO | 08 | Colorado | 105 | Rio Grande County |
CO | 08 | Colorado | 107 | Routt County |
CO | 08 | Colorado | 109 | Saguache County |
CO | 08 | Colorado | 111 | San Juan County |
CO | 08 | Colorado | 113 | San Miguel County |
CO | 08 | Colorado | 115 | Sedgwick County |
CO | 08 | Colorado | 117 | Summit County |
CO | 08 | Colorado | 119 | Teller County |
CO | 08 | Colorado | 121 | Washington County |
CO | 08 | Colorado | 123 | Weld County |
CO | 08 | Colorado | 125 | Yuma County |
CT | 09 | Connecticut | 001 | Fairfield County |
CT | 09 | Connecticut | 003 | Hartford County |
CT | 09 | Connecticut | 005 | Litchfield County |
CT | 09 | Connecticut | 007 | Middlesex County |
CT | 09 | Connecticut | 009 | New Haven County |
CT | 09 | Connecticut | 011 | New London County |
CT | 09 | Connecticut | 013 | Tolland County |
CT | 09 | Connecticut | 015 | Windham County |
DE | 10 | Delaware | 001 | Kent County |
DE | 10 | Delaware | 003 | New Castle County |
DE | 10 | Delaware | 005 | Sussex County |
DC | 11 | District of Columbia | 001 | District of Columbia |
FL | 12 | Florida | 001 | Alachua County |
FL | 12 | Florida | 003 | Baker County |
FL | 12 | Florida | 005 | Bay County |
FL | 12 | Florida | 007 | Bradford County |
FL | 12 | Florida | 009 | Brevard County |
FL | 12 | Florida | 011 | Broward County |
FL | 12 | Florida | 013 | Calhoun County |
FL | 12 | Florida | 015 | Charlotte County |
FL | 12 | Florida | 017 | Citrus County |
FL | 12 | Florida | 019 | Clay County |
FL | 12 | Florida | 021 | Collier County |
FL | 12 | Florida | 023 | Columbia County |
FL | 12 | Florida | 025 | Dade County |
FL | 12 | Florida | 027 | DeSoto County |
FL | 12 | Florida | 029 | Dixie County |
FL | 12 | Florida | 031 | Duval County |
FL | 12 | Florida | 033 | Escambia County |
FL | 12 | Florida | 035 | Flagler County |
FL | 12 | Florida | 037 | Franklin County |
FL | 12 | Florida | 039 | Gadsden County |
FL | 12 | Florida | 041 | Gilchrist County |
FL | 12 | Florida | 043 | Glades County |
FL | 12 | Florida | 045 | Gulf County |
FL | 12 | Florida | 047 | Hamilton County |
FL | 12 | Florida | 049 | Hardee County |
FL | 12 | Florida | 051 | Hendry County |
FL | 12 | Florida | 053 | Hernando County |
FL | 12 | Florida | 055 | Highlands County |
FL | 12 | Florida | 057 | Hillsborough County |
FL | 12 | Florida | 059 | Holmes County |
FL | 12 | Florida | 061 | Indian River County |
FL | 12 | Florida | 063 | Jackson County |
FL | 12 | Florida | 065 | Jefferson County |
FL | 12 | Florida | 067 | Lafayette County |
FL | 12 | Florida | 069 | Lake County |
FL | 12 | Florida | 071 | Lee County |
FL | 12 | Florida | 073 | Leon County |
FL | 12 | Florida | 075 | Levy County |
FL | 12 | Florida | 077 | Liberty County |
FL | 12 | Florida | 079 | Madison County |
FL | 12 | Florida | 081 | Manatee County |
FL | 12 | Florida | 083 | Marion County |
FL | 12 | Florida | 085 | Martin County |
FL | 12 | Florida | 086 | Miami-Dade County |
FL | 12 | Florida | 087 | Monroe County |
FL | 12 | Florida | 089 | Nassau County |
FL | 12 | Florida | 091 | Okaloosa County |
FL | 12 | Florida | 093 | Okeechobee County |
FL | 12 | Florida | 095 | Orange County |
FL | 12 | Florida | 097 | Osceola County |
FL | 12 | Florida | 099 | Palm Beach County |
FL | 12 | Florida | 101 | Pasco County |
FL | 12 | Florida | 103 | Pinellas County |
FL | 12 | Florida | 105 | Polk County |
FL | 12 | Florida | 107 | Putnam County |
FL | 12 | Florida | 109 | St. Johns County |
FL | 12 | Florida | 111 | St. Lucie County |
FL | 12 | Florida | 113 | Santa Rosa County |
FL | 12 | Florida | 115 | Sarasota County |
FL | 12 | Florida | 117 | Seminole County |
FL | 12 | Florida | 119 | Sumter County |
FL | 12 | Florida | 121 | Suwannee County |
FL | 12 | Florida | 123 | Taylor County |
FL | 12 | Florida | 125 | Union County |
FL | 12 | Florida | 127 | Volusia County |
FL | 12 | Florida | 129 | Wakulla County |
FL | 12 | Florida | 131 | Walton County |
FL | 12 | Florida | 133 | Washington County |
GA | 13 | Georgia | 001 | Appling County |
GA | 13 | Georgia | 003 | Atkinson County |
GA | 13 | Georgia | 005 | Bacon County |
GA | 13 | Georgia | 007 | Baker County |
GA | 13 | Georgia | 009 | Baldwin County |
GA | 13 | Georgia | 011 | Banks County |
GA | 13 | Georgia | 013 | Barrow County |
GA | 13 | Georgia | 015 | Bartow County |
GA | 13 | Georgia | 017 | Ben Hill County |
GA | 13 | Georgia | 019 | Berrien County |
GA | 13 | Georgia | 021 | Bibb County |
GA | 13 | Georgia | 023 | Bleckley County |
GA | 13 | Georgia | 025 | Brantley County |
GA | 13 | Georgia | 027 | Brooks County |
GA | 13 | Georgia | 029 | Bryan County |
GA | 13 | Georgia | 031 | Bulloch County |
GA | 13 | Georgia | 033 | Burke County |
GA | 13 | Georgia | 035 | Butts County |
GA | 13 | Georgia | 037 | Calhoun County |
GA | 13 | Georgia | 039 | Camden County |
GA | 13 | Georgia | 043 | Candler County |
GA | 13 | Georgia | 045 | Carroll County |
GA | 13 | Georgia | 047 | Catoosa County |
GA | 13 | Georgia | 049 | Charlton County |
GA | 13 | Georgia | 051 | Chatham County |
GA | 13 | Georgia | 053 | Chattahoochee County |
GA | 13 | Georgia | 055 | Chattooga County |
GA | 13 | Georgia | 057 | Cherokee County |
GA | 13 | Georgia | 059 | Clarke County |
GA | 13 | Georgia | 061 | Clay County |
GA | 13 | Georgia | 063 | Clayton County |
GA | 13 | Georgia | 065 | Clinch County |
GA | 13 | Georgia | 067 | Cobb County |
GA | 13 | Georgia | 069 | Coffee County |
GA | 13 | Georgia | 071 | Colquitt County |
GA | 13 | Georgia | 073 | Columbia County |
GA | 13 | Georgia | 075 | Cook County |
GA | 13 | Georgia | 077 | Coweta County |
GA | 13 | Georgia | 079 | Crawford County |
GA | 13 | Georgia | 081 | Crisp County |
GA | 13 | Georgia | 083 | Dade County |
GA | 13 | Georgia | 085 | Dawson County |
GA | 13 | Georgia | 087 | Decatur County |
GA | 13 | Georgia | 089 | DeKalb County |
GA | 13 | Georgia | 091 | Dodge County |
GA | 13 | Georgia | 093 | Dooly County |
GA | 13 | Georgia | 095 | Dougherty County |
GA | 13 | Georgia | 097 | Douglas County |
GA | 13 | Georgia | 099 | Early County |
GA | 13 | Georgia | 101 | Echols County |
GA | 13 | Georgia | 103 | Effingham County |
GA | 13 | Georgia | 105 | Elbert County |
GA | 13 | Georgia | 107 | Emanuel County |
GA | 13 | Georgia | 109 | Evans County |
GA | 13 | Georgia | 111 | Fannin County |
GA | 13 | Georgia | 113 | Fayette County |
GA | 13 | Georgia | 115 | Floyd County |
GA | 13 | Georgia | 117 | Forsyth County |
GA | 13 | Georgia | 119 | Franklin County |
GA | 13 | Georgia | 121 | Fulton County |
GA | 13 | Georgia | 123 | Gilmer County |
GA | 13 | Georgia | 125 | Glascock County |
GA | 13 | Georgia | 127 | Glynn County |
GA | 13 | Georgia | 129 | Gordon County |
GA | 13 | Georgia | 131 | Grady County |
GA | 13 | Georgia | 133 | Greene County |
GA | 13 | Georgia | 135 | Gwinnett County |
GA | 13 | Georgia | 137 | Habersham County |
GA | 13 | Georgia | 139 | Hall County |
GA | 13 | Georgia | 141 | Hancock County |
GA | 13 | Georgia | 143 | Haralson County |
GA | 13 | Georgia | 145 | Harris County |
GA | 13 | Georgia | 147 | Hart County |
GA | 13 | Georgia | 149 | Heard County |
GA | 13 | Georgia | 151 | Henry County |
GA | 13 | Georgia | 153 | Houston County |
GA | 13 | Georgia | 155 | Irwin County |
GA | 13 | Georgia | 157 | Jackson County |
GA | 13 | Georgia | 159 | Jasper County |
GA | 13 | Georgia | 161 | Jeff Davis County |
GA | 13 | Georgia | 163 | Jefferson County |
GA | 13 | Georgia | 165 | Jenkins County |
GA | 13 | Georgia | 167 | Johnson County |
GA | 13 | Georgia | 169 | Jones County |
GA | 13 | Georgia | 171 | Lamar County |
GA | 13 | Georgia | 173 | Lanier County |
GA | 13 | Georgia | 175 | Laurens County |
GA | 13 | Georgia | 177 | Lee County |
GA | 13 | Georgia | 179 | Liberty County |
GA | 13 | Georgia | 181 | Lincoln County |
GA | 13 | Georgia | 183 | Long County |
GA | 13 | Georgia | 185 | Lowndes County |
GA | 13 | Georgia | 187 | Lumpkin County |
GA | 13 | Georgia | 189 | McDuffie County |
GA | 13 | Georgia | 191 | McIntosh County |
GA | 13 | Georgia | 193 | Macon County |
GA | 13 | Georgia | 195 | Madison County |
GA | 13 | Georgia | 197 | Marion County |
GA | 13 | Georgia | 199 | Meriwether County |
GA | 13 | Georgia | 201 | Miller County |
GA | 13 | Georgia | 205 | Mitchell County |
GA | 13 | Georgia | 207 | Monroe County |
GA | 13 | Georgia | 209 | Montgomery County |
GA | 13 | Georgia | 211 | Morgan County |
GA | 13 | Georgia | 213 | Murray County |
GA | 13 | Georgia | 215 | Muscogee County |
GA | 13 | Georgia | 217 | Newton County |
GA | 13 | Georgia | 219 | Oconee County |
GA | 13 | Georgia | 221 | Oglethorpe County |
GA | 13 | Georgia | 223 | Paulding County |
GA | 13 | Georgia | 225 | Peach County |
GA | 13 | Georgia | 227 | Pickens County |
GA | 13 | Georgia | 229 | Pierce County |
GA | 13 | Georgia | 231 | Pike County |
GA | 13 | Georgia | 233 | Polk County |
GA | 13 | Georgia | 235 | Pulaski County |
GA | 13 | Georgia | 237 | Putnam County |
GA | 13 | Georgia | 239 | Quitman County |
GA | 13 | Georgia | 241 | Rabun County |
GA | 13 | Georgia | 243 | Randolph County |
GA | 13 | Georgia | 245 | Richmond County |
GA | 13 | Georgia | 247 | Rockdale County |
GA | 13 | Georgia | 249 | Schley County |
GA | 13 | Georgia | 251 | Screven County |
GA | 13 | Georgia | 253 | Seminole County |
GA | 13 | Georgia | 255 | Spalding County |
GA | 13 | Georgia | 257 | Stephens County |
GA | 13 | Georgia | 259 | Stewart County |
GA | 13 | Georgia | 261 | Sumter County |
GA | 13 | Georgia | 263 | Talbot County |
GA | 13 | Georgia | 265 | Taliaferro County |
GA | 13 | Georgia | 267 | Tattnall County |
GA | 13 | Georgia | 269 | Taylor County |
GA | 13 | Georgia | 271 | Telfair County |
GA | 13 | Georgia | 273 | Terrell County |
GA | 13 | Georgia | 275 | Thomas County |
GA | 13 | Georgia | 277 | Tift County |
GA | 13 | Georgia | 279 | Toombs County |
GA | 13 | Georgia | 281 | Towns County |
GA | 13 | Georgia | 283 | Treutlen County |
GA | 13 | Georgia | 285 | Troup County |
GA | 13 | Georgia | 287 | Turner County |
GA | 13 | Georgia | 289 | Twiggs County |
GA | 13 | Georgia | 291 | Union County |
GA | 13 | Georgia | 293 | Upson County |
GA | 13 | Georgia | 295 | Walker County |
GA | 13 | Georgia | 297 | Walton County |
GA | 13 | Georgia | 299 | Ware County |
GA | 13 | Georgia | 301 | Warren County |
GA | 13 | Georgia | 303 | Washington County |
GA | 13 | Georgia | 305 | Wayne County |
GA | 13 | Georgia | 307 | Webster County |
GA | 13 | Georgia | 309 | Wheeler County |
GA | 13 | Georgia | 311 | White County |
GA | 13 | Georgia | 313 | Whitfield County |
GA | 13 | Georgia | 315 | Wilcox County |
GA | 13 | Georgia | 317 | Wilkes County |
GA | 13 | Georgia | 319 | Wilkinson County |
GA | 13 | Georgia | 321 | Worth County |
HI | 15 | Hawaii | 001 | Hawaii County |
HI | 15 | Hawaii | 003 | Honolulu County |
HI | 15 | Hawaii | 005 | Kalawao County |
HI | 15 | Hawaii | 007 | Kauai County |
HI | 15 | Hawaii | 009 | Maui County |
ID | 16 | Idaho | 001 | Ada County |
ID | 16 | Idaho | 003 | Adams County |
ID | 16 | Idaho | 005 | Bannock County |
ID | 16 | Idaho | 007 | Bear Lake County |
ID | 16 | Idaho | 009 | Benewah County |
ID | 16 | Idaho | 011 | Bingham County |
ID | 16 | Idaho | 013 | Blaine County |
ID | 16 | Idaho | 015 | Boise County |
ID | 16 | Idaho | 017 | Bonner County |
ID | 16 | Idaho | 019 | Bonneville County |
ID | 16 | Idaho | 021 | Boundary County |
ID | 16 | Idaho | 023 | Butte County |
ID | 16 | Idaho | 025 | Camas County |
ID | 16 | Idaho | 027 | Canyon County |
ID | 16 | Idaho | 029 | Caribou County |
ID | 16 | Idaho | 031 | Cassia County |
ID | 16 | Idaho | 033 | Clark County |
ID | 16 | Idaho | 035 | Clearwater County |
ID | 16 | Idaho | 037 | Custer County |
ID | 16 | Idaho | 039 | Elmore County |
ID | 16 | Idaho | 041 | Franklin County |
ID | 16 | Idaho | 043 | Fremont County |
ID | 16 | Idaho | 045 | Gem County |
ID | 16 | Idaho | 047 | Gooding County |
ID | 16 | Idaho | 049 | Idaho County |
ID | 16 | Idaho | 051 | Jefferson County |
ID | 16 | Idaho | 053 | Jerome County |
ID | 16 | Idaho | 055 | Kootenai County |
ID | 16 | Idaho | 057 | Latah County |
ID | 16 | Idaho | 059 | Lemhi County |
ID | 16 | Idaho | 061 | Lewis County |
ID | 16 | Idaho | 063 | Lincoln County |
ID | 16 | Idaho | 065 | Madison County |
ID | 16 | Idaho | 067 | Minidoka County |
ID | 16 | Idaho | 069 | Nez Perce County |
ID | 16 | Idaho | 071 | Oneida County |
ID | 16 | Idaho | 073 | Owyhee County |
ID | 16 | Idaho | 075 | Payette County |
ID | 16 | Idaho | 077 | Power County |
ID | 16 | Idaho | 079 | Shoshone County |
ID | 16 | Idaho | 081 | Teton County |
ID | 16 | Idaho | 083 | Twin Falls County |
ID | 16 | Idaho | 085 | Valley County |
ID | 16 | Idaho | 087 | Washington County |
IL | 17 | Illinois | 001 | Adams County |
IL | 17 | Illinois | 003 | Alexander County |
IL | 17 | Illinois | 005 | Bond County |
IL | 17 | Illinois | 007 | Boone County |
IL | 17 | Illinois | 009 | Brown County |
IL | 17 | Illinois | 011 | Bureau County |
IL | 17 | Illinois | 013 | Calhoun County |
IL | 17 | Illinois | 015 | Carroll County |
IL | 17 | Illinois | 017 | Cass County |
IL | 17 | Illinois | 019 | Champaign County |
IL | 17 | Illinois | 021 | Christian County |
IL | 17 | Illinois | 023 | Clark County |
IL | 17 | Illinois | 025 | Clay County |
IL | 17 | Illinois | 027 | Clinton County |
IL | 17 | Illinois | 029 | Coles County |
IL | 17 | Illinois | 031 | Cook County |
IL | 17 | Illinois | 033 | Crawford County |
IL | 17 | Illinois | 035 | Cumberland County |
IL | 17 | Illinois | 037 | DeKalb County |
IL | 17 | Illinois | 039 | De Witt County |
IL | 17 | Illinois | 041 | Douglas County |
IL | 17 | Illinois | 043 | DuPage County |
IL | 17 | Illinois | 045 | Edgar County |
IL | 17 | Illinois | 047 | Edwards County |
IL | 17 | Illinois | 049 | Effingham County |
IL | 17 | Illinois | 051 | Fayette County |
IL | 17 | Illinois | 053 | Ford County |
IL | 17 | Illinois | 055 | Franklin County |
IL | 17 | Illinois | 057 | Fulton County |
IL | 17 | Illinois | 059 | Gallatin County |
IL | 17 | Illinois | 061 | Greene County |
IL | 17 | Illinois | 063 | Grundy County |
IL | 17 | Illinois | 065 | Hamilton County |
IL | 17 | Illinois | 067 | Hancock County |
IL | 17 | Illinois | 069 | Hardin County |
IL | 17 | Illinois | 071 | Henderson County |
IL | 17 | Illinois | 073 | Henry County |
IL | 17 | Illinois | 075 | Iroquois County |
IL | 17 | Illinois | 077 | Jackson County |
IL | 17 | Illinois | 079 | Jasper County |
IL | 17 | Illinois | 081 | Jefferson County |
IL | 17 | Illinois | 083 | Jersey County |
IL | 17 | Illinois | 085 | Jo Daviess County |
IL | 17 | Illinois | 087 | Johnson County |
IL | 17 | Illinois | 089 | Kane County |
IL | 17 | Illinois | 091 | Kankakee County |
IL | 17 | Illinois | 093 | Kendall County |
IL | 17 | Illinois | 095 | Knox County |
IL | 17 | Illinois | 097 | Lake County |
IL | 17 | Illinois | 099 | LaSalle County |
IL | 17 | Illinois | 101 | Lawrence County |
IL | 17 | Illinois | 103 | Lee County |
IL | 17 | Illinois | 105 | Livingston County |
IL | 17 | Illinois | 107 | Logan County |
IL | 17 | Illinois | 109 | McDonough County |
IL | 17 | Illinois | 111 | McHenry County |
IL | 17 | Illinois | 113 | McLean County |
IL | 17 | Illinois | 115 | Macon County |
IL | 17 | Illinois | 117 | Macoupin County |
IL | 17 | Illinois | 119 | Madison County |
IL | 17 | Illinois | 121 | Marion County |
IL | 17 | Illinois | 123 | Marshall County |
IL | 17 | Illinois | 125 | Mason County |
IL | 17 | Illinois | 127 | Massac County |
IL | 17 | Illinois | 129 | Menard County |
IL | 17 | Illinois | 131 | Mercer County |
IL | 17 | Illinois | 133 | Monroe County |
IL | 17 | Illinois | 135 | Montgomery County |
IL | 17 | Illinois | 137 | Morgan County |
IL | 17 | Illinois | 139 | Moultrie County |
IL | 17 | Illinois | 141 | Ogle County |
IL | 17 | Illinois | 143 | Peoria County |
IL | 17 | Illinois | 145 | Perry County |
IL | 17 | Illinois | 147 | Piatt County |
IL | 17 | Illinois | 149 | Pike County |
IL | 17 | Illinois | 151 | Pope County |
IL | 17 | Illinois | 153 | Pulaski County |
IL | 17 | Illinois | 155 | Putnam County |
IL | 17 | Illinois | 157 | Randolph County |
IL | 17 | Illinois | 159 | Richland County |
IL | 17 | Illinois | 161 | Rock Island County |
IL | 17 | Illinois | 163 | St. Clair County |
IL | 17 | Illinois | 165 | Saline County |
IL | 17 | Illinois | 167 | Sangamon County |
IL | 17 | Illinois | 169 | Schuyler County |
IL | 17 | Illinois | 171 | Scott County |
IL | 17 | Illinois | 173 | Shelby County |
IL | 17 | Illinois | 175 | Stark County |
IL | 17 | Illinois | 177 | Stephenson County |
IL | 17 | Illinois | 179 | Tazewell County |
IL | 17 | Illinois | 181 | Union County |
IL | 17 | Illinois | 183 | Vermilion County |
IL | 17 | Illinois | 185 | Wabash County |
IL | 17 | Illinois | 187 | Warren County |
IL | 17 | Illinois | 189 | Washington County |
IL | 17 | Illinois | 191 | Wayne County |
IL | 17 | Illinois | 193 | White County |
IL | 17 | Illinois | 195 | Whiteside County |
IL | 17 | Illinois | 197 | Will County |
IL | 17 | Illinois | 199 | Williamson County |
IL | 17 | Illinois | 201 | Winnebago County |
IL | 17 | Illinois | 203 | Woodford County |
IN | 18 | Indiana | 001 | Adams County |
IN | 18 | Indiana | 003 | Allen County |
IN | 18 | Indiana | 005 | Bartholomew County |
IN | 18 | Indiana | 007 | Benton County |
IN | 18 | Indiana | 009 | Blackford County |
IN | 18 | Indiana | 011 | Boone County |
IN | 18 | Indiana | 013 | Brown County |
IN | 18 | Indiana | 015 | Carroll County |
IN | 18 | Indiana | 017 | Cass County |
IN | 18 | Indiana | 019 | Clark County |
IN | 18 | Indiana | 021 | Clay County |
IN | 18 | Indiana | 023 | Clinton County |
IN | 18 | Indiana | 025 | Crawford County |
IN | 18 | Indiana | 027 | Daviess County |
IN | 18 | Indiana | 029 | Dearborn County |
IN | 18 | Indiana | 031 | Decatur County |
IN | 18 | Indiana | 033 | DeKalb County |
IN | 18 | Indiana | 035 | Delaware County |
IN | 18 | Indiana | 037 | Dubois County |
IN | 18 | Indiana | 039 | Elkhart County |
IN | 18 | Indiana | 041 | Fayette County |
IN | 18 | Indiana | 043 | Floyd County |
IN | 18 | Indiana | 045 | Fountain County |
IN | 18 | Indiana | 047 | Franklin County |
IN | 18 | Indiana | 049 | Fulton County |
IN | 18 | Indiana | 051 | Gibson County |
IN | 18 | Indiana | 053 | Grant County |
IN | 18 | Indiana | 055 | Greene County |
IN | 18 | Indiana | 057 | Hamilton County |
IN | 18 | Indiana | 059 | Hancock County |
IN | 18 | Indiana | 061 | Harrison County |
IN | 18 | Indiana | 063 | Hendricks County |
IN | 18 | Indiana | 065 | Henry County |
IN | 18 | Indiana | 067 | Howard County |
IN | 18 | Indiana | 069 | Huntington County |
IN | 18 | Indiana | 071 | Jackson County |
IN | 18 | Indiana | 073 | Jasper County |
IN | 18 | Indiana | 075 | Jay County |
IN | 18 | Indiana | 077 | Jefferson County |
IN | 18 | Indiana | 079 | Jennings County |
IN | 18 | Indiana | 081 | Johnson County |
IN | 18 | Indiana | 083 | Knox County |
IN | 18 | Indiana | 085 | Kosciusko County |
IN | 18 | Indiana | 087 | LaGrange County |
IN | 18 | Indiana | 089 | Lake County |
IN | 18 | Indiana | 091 | LaPorte County |
IN | 18 | Indiana | 093 | Lawrence County |
IN | 18 | Indiana | 095 | Madison County |
IN | 18 | Indiana | 097 | Marion County |
IN | 18 | Indiana | 099 | Marshall County |
IN | 18 | Indiana | 101 | Martin County |
IN | 18 | Indiana | 103 | Miami County |
IN | 18 | Indiana | 105 | Monroe County |
IN | 18 | Indiana | 107 | Montgomery County |
IN | 18 | Indiana | 109 | Morgan County |
IN | 18 | Indiana | 111 | Newton County |
IN | 18 | Indiana | 113 | Noble County |
IN | 18 | Indiana | 115 | Ohio County |
IN | 18 | Indiana | 117 | Orange County |
IN | 18 | Indiana | 119 | Owen County |
IN | 18 | Indiana | 121 | Parke County |
IN | 18 | Indiana | 123 | Perry County |
IN | 18 | Indiana | 125 | Pike County |
IN | 18 | Indiana | 127 | Porter County |
IN | 18 | Indiana | 129 | Posey County |
IN | 18 | Indiana | 131 | Pulaski County |
IN | 18 | Indiana | 133 | Putnam County |
IN | 18 | Indiana | 135 | Randolph County |
IN | 18 | Indiana | 137 | Ripley County |
IN | 18 | Indiana | 139 | Rush County |
IN | 18 | Indiana | 141 | St. Joseph County |
IN | 18 | Indiana | 143 | Scott County |
IN | 18 | Indiana | 145 | Shelby County |
IN | 18 | Indiana | 147 | Spencer County |
IN | 18 | Indiana | 149 | Starke County |
IN | 18 | Indiana | 151 | Steuben County |
IN | 18 | Indiana | 153 | Sullivan County |
IN | 18 | Indiana | 155 | Switzerland County |
IN | 18 | Indiana | 157 | Tippecanoe County |
IN | 18 | Indiana | 159 | Tipton County |
IN | 18 | Indiana | 161 | Union County |
IN | 18 | Indiana | 163 | Vanderburgh County |
IN | 18 | Indiana | 165 | Vermillion County |
IN | 18 | Indiana | 167 | Vigo County |
IN | 18 | Indiana | 169 | Wabash County |
IN | 18 | Indiana | 171 | Warren County |
IN | 18 | Indiana | 173 | Warrick County |
IN | 18 | Indiana | 175 | Washington County |
IN | 18 | Indiana | 177 | Wayne County |
IN | 18 | Indiana | 179 | Wells County |
IN | 18 | Indiana | 181 | White County |
IN | 18 | Indiana | 183 | Whitley County |
IA | 19 | Iowa | 001 | Adair County |
IA | 19 | Iowa | 003 | Adams County |
IA | 19 | Iowa | 005 | Allamakee County |
IA | 19 | Iowa | 007 | Appanoose County |
IA | 19 | Iowa | 009 | Audubon County |
IA | 19 | Iowa | 011 | Benton County |
IA | 19 | Iowa | 013 | Black Hawk County |
IA | 19 | Iowa | 015 | Boone County |
IA | 19 | Iowa | 017 | Bremer County |
IA | 19 | Iowa | 019 | Buchanan County |
IA | 19 | Iowa | 021 | Buena Vista County |
IA | 19 | Iowa | 023 | Butler County |
IA | 19 | Iowa | 025 | Calhoun County |
IA | 19 | Iowa | 027 | Carroll County |
IA | 19 | Iowa | 029 | Cass County |
IA | 19 | Iowa | 031 | Cedar County |
IA | 19 | Iowa | 033 | Cerro Gordo County |
IA | 19 | Iowa | 035 | Cherokee County |
IA | 19 | Iowa | 037 | Chickasaw County |
IA | 19 | Iowa | 039 | Clarke County |
IA | 19 | Iowa | 041 | Clay County |
IA | 19 | Iowa | 043 | Clayton County |
IA | 19 | Iowa | 045 | Clinton County |
IA | 19 | Iowa | 047 | Crawford County |
IA | 19 | Iowa | 049 | Dallas County |
IA | 19 | Iowa | 051 | Davis County |
IA | 19 | Iowa | 053 | Decatur County |
IA | 19 | Iowa | 055 | Delaware County |
IA | 19 | Iowa | 057 | Des Moines County |
IA | 19 | Iowa | 059 | Dickinson County |
IA | 19 | Iowa | 061 | Dubuque County |
IA | 19 | Iowa | 063 | Emmet County |
IA | 19 | Iowa | 065 | Fayette County |
IA | 19 | Iowa | 067 | Floyd County |
IA | 19 | Iowa | 069 | Franklin County |
IA | 19 | Iowa | 071 | Fremont County |
IA | 19 | Iowa | 073 | Greene County |
IA | 19 | Iowa | 075 | Grundy County |
IA | 19 | Iowa | 077 | Guthrie County |
IA | 19 | Iowa | 079 | Hamilton County |
IA | 19 | Iowa | 081 | Hancock County |
IA | 19 | Iowa | 083 | Hardin County |
IA | 19 | Iowa | 085 | Harrison County |
IA | 19 | Iowa | 087 | Henry County |
IA | 19 | Iowa | 089 | Howard County |
IA | 19 | Iowa | 091 | Humboldt County |
IA | 19 | Iowa | 093 | Ida County |
IA | 19 | Iowa | 095 | Iowa County |
IA | 19 | Iowa | 097 | Jackson County |
IA | 19 | Iowa | 099 | Jasper County |
IA | 19 | Iowa | 101 | Jefferson County |
IA | 19 | Iowa | 103 | Johnson County |
IA | 19 | Iowa | 105 | Jones County |
IA | 19 | Iowa | 107 | Keokuk County |
IA | 19 | Iowa | 109 | Kossuth County |
IA | 19 | Iowa | 111 | Lee County |
IA | 19 | Iowa | 113 | Linn County |
IA | 19 | Iowa | 115 | Louisa County |
IA | 19 | Iowa | 117 | Lucas County |
IA | 19 | Iowa | 119 | Lyon County |
IA | 19 | Iowa | 121 | Madison County |
IA | 19 | Iowa | 123 | Mahaska County |
IA | 19 | Iowa | 125 | Marion County |
IA | 19 | Iowa | 127 | Marshall County |
IA | 19 | Iowa | 129 | Mills County |
IA | 19 | Iowa | 131 | Mitchell County |
IA | 19 | Iowa | 133 | Monona County |
IA | 19 | Iowa | 135 | Monroe County |
IA | 19 | Iowa | 137 | Montgomery County |
IA | 19 | Iowa | 139 | Muscatine County |
IA | 19 | Iowa | 141 | O’Brien County |
IA | 19 | Iowa | 143 | Osceola County |
IA | 19 | Iowa | 145 | Page County |
IA | 19 | Iowa | 147 | Palo Alto County |
IA | 19 | Iowa | 149 | Plymouth County |
IA | 19 | Iowa | 151 | Pocahontas County |
IA | 19 | Iowa | 153 | Polk County |
IA | 19 | Iowa | 155 | Pottawattamie County |
IA | 19 | Iowa | 157 | Poweshiek County |
IA | 19 | Iowa | 159 | Ringgold County |
IA | 19 | Iowa | 161 | Sac County |
IA | 19 | Iowa | 163 | Scott County |
IA | 19 | Iowa | 165 | Shelby County |
IA | 19 | Iowa | 167 | Sioux County |
IA | 19 | Iowa | 169 | Story County |
IA | 19 | Iowa | 171 | Tama County |
IA | 19 | Iowa | 173 | Taylor County |
IA | 19 | Iowa | 175 | Union County |
IA | 19 | Iowa | 177 | Van Buren County |
IA | 19 | Iowa | 179 | Wapello County |
IA | 19 | Iowa | 181 | Warren County |
IA | 19 | Iowa | 183 | Washington County |
IA | 19 | Iowa | 185 | Wayne County |
IA | 19 | Iowa | 187 | Webster County |
IA | 19 | Iowa | 189 | Winnebago County |
IA | 19 | Iowa | 191 | Winneshiek County |
IA | 19 | Iowa | 193 | Woodbury County |
IA | 19 | Iowa | 195 | Worth County |
IA | 19 | Iowa | 197 | Wright County |
KS | 20 | Kansas | 001 | Allen County |
KS | 20 | Kansas | 003 | Anderson County |
KS | 20 | Kansas | 005 | Atchison County |
KS | 20 | Kansas | 007 | Barber County |
KS | 20 | Kansas | 009 | Barton County |
KS | 20 | Kansas | 011 | Bourbon County |
KS | 20 | Kansas | 013 | Brown County |
KS | 20 | Kansas | 015 | Butler County |
KS | 20 | Kansas | 017 | Chase County |
KS | 20 | Kansas | 019 | Chautauqua County |
KS | 20 | Kansas | 021 | Cherokee County |
KS | 20 | Kansas | 023 | Cheyenne County |
KS | 20 | Kansas | 025 | Clark County |
KS | 20 | Kansas | 027 | Clay County |
KS | 20 | Kansas | 029 | Cloud County |
KS | 20 | Kansas | 031 | Coffey County |
KS | 20 | Kansas | 033 | Comanche County |
KS | 20 | Kansas | 035 | Cowley County |
KS | 20 | Kansas | 037 | Crawford County |
KS | 20 | Kansas | 039 | Decatur County |
KS | 20 | Kansas | 041 | Dickinson County |
KS | 20 | Kansas | 043 | Doniphan County |
KS | 20 | Kansas | 045 | Douglas County |
KS | 20 | Kansas | 047 | Edwards County |
KS | 20 | Kansas | 049 | Elk County |
KS | 20 | Kansas | 051 | Ellis County |
KS | 20 | Kansas | 053 | Ellsworth County |
KS | 20 | Kansas | 055 | Finney County |
KS | 20 | Kansas | 057 | Ford County |
KS | 20 | Kansas | 059 | Franklin County |
KS | 20 | Kansas | 061 | Geary County |
KS | 20 | Kansas | 063 | Gove County |
KS | 20 | Kansas | 065 | Graham County |
KS | 20 | Kansas | 067 | Grant County |
KS | 20 | Kansas | 069 | Gray County |
KS | 20 | Kansas | 071 | Greeley County |
KS | 20 | Kansas | 073 | Greenwood County |
KS | 20 | Kansas | 075 | Hamilton County |
KS | 20 | Kansas | 077 | Harper County |
KS | 20 | Kansas | 079 | Harvey County |
KS | 20 | Kansas | 081 | Haskell County |
KS | 20 | Kansas | 083 | Hodgeman County |
KS | 20 | Kansas | 085 | Jackson County |
KS | 20 | Kansas | 087 | Jefferson County |
KS | 20 | Kansas | 089 | Jewell County |
KS | 20 | Kansas | 091 | Johnson County |
KS | 20 | Kansas | 093 | Kearny County |
KS | 20 | Kansas | 095 | Kingman County |
KS | 20 | Kansas | 097 | Kiowa County |
KS | 20 | Kansas | 099 | Labette County |
KS | 20 | Kansas | 101 | Lane County |
KS | 20 | Kansas | 103 | Leavenworth County |
KS | 20 | Kansas | 105 | Lincoln County |
KS | 20 | Kansas | 107 | Linn County |
KS | 20 | Kansas | 109 | Logan County |
KS | 20 | Kansas | 111 | Lyon County |
KS | 20 | Kansas | 113 | McPherson County |
KS | 20 | Kansas | 115 | Marion County |
KS | 20 | Kansas | 117 | Marshall County |
KS | 20 | Kansas | 119 | Meade County |
KS | 20 | Kansas | 121 | Miami County |
KS | 20 | Kansas | 123 | Mitchell County |
KS | 20 | Kansas | 125 | Montgomery County |
KS | 20 | Kansas | 127 | Morris County |
KS | 20 | Kansas | 129 | Morton County |
KS | 20 | Kansas | 131 | Nemaha County |
KS | 20 | Kansas | 133 | Neosho County |
KS | 20 | Kansas | 135 | Ness County |
KS | 20 | Kansas | 137 | Norton County |
KS | 20 | Kansas | 139 | Osage County |
KS | 20 | Kansas | 141 | Osborne County |
KS | 20 | Kansas | 143 | Ottawa County |
KS | 20 | Kansas | 145 | Pawnee County |
KS | 20 | Kansas | 147 | Phillips County |
KS | 20 | Kansas | 149 | Pottawatomie County |
KS | 20 | Kansas | 151 | Pratt County |
KS | 20 | Kansas | 153 | Rawlins County |
KS | 20 | Kansas | 155 | Reno County |
KS | 20 | Kansas | 157 | Republic County |
KS | 20 | Kansas | 159 | Rice County |
KS | 20 | Kansas | 161 | Riley County |
KS | 20 | Kansas | 163 | Rooks County |
KS | 20 | Kansas | 165 | Rush County |
KS | 20 | Kansas | 167 | Russell County |
KS | 20 | Kansas | 169 | Saline County |
KS | 20 | Kansas | 171 | Scott County |
KS | 20 | Kansas | 173 | Sedgwick County |
KS | 20 | Kansas | 175 | Seward County |
KS | 20 | Kansas | 177 | Shawnee County |
KS | 20 | Kansas | 179 | Sheridan County |
KS | 20 | Kansas | 181 | Sherman County |
KS | 20 | Kansas | 183 | Smith County |
KS | 20 | Kansas | 185 | Stafford County |
KS | 20 | Kansas | 187 | Stanton County |
KS | 20 | Kansas | 189 | Stevens County |
KS | 20 | Kansas | 191 | Sumner County |
KS | 20 | Kansas | 193 | Thomas County |
KS | 20 | Kansas | 195 | Trego County |
KS | 20 | Kansas | 197 | Wabaunsee County |
KS | 20 | Kansas | 199 | Wallace County |
KS | 20 | Kansas | 201 | Washington County |
KS | 20 | Kansas | 203 | Wichita County |
KS | 20 | Kansas | 205 | Wilson County |
KS | 20 | Kansas | 207 | Woodson County |
KS | 20 | Kansas | 209 | Wyandotte County |
KY | 21 | Kentucky | 001 | Adair County |
KY | 21 | Kentucky | 003 | Allen County |
KY | 21 | Kentucky | 005 | Anderson County |
KY | 21 | Kentucky | 007 | Ballard County |
KY | 21 | Kentucky | 009 | Barren County |
KY | 21 | Kentucky | 011 | Bath County |
KY | 21 | Kentucky | 013 | Bell County |
KY | 21 | Kentucky | 015 | Boone County |
KY | 21 | Kentucky | 017 | Bourbon County |
KY | 21 | Kentucky | 019 | Boyd County |
KY | 21 | Kentucky | 021 | Boyle County |
KY | 21 | Kentucky | 023 | Bracken County |
KY | 21 | Kentucky | 025 | Breathitt County |
KY | 21 | Kentucky | 027 | Breckinridge County |
KY | 21 | Kentucky | 029 | Bullitt County |
KY | 21 | Kentucky | 031 | Butler County |
KY | 21 | Kentucky | 033 | Caldwell County |
KY | 21 | Kentucky | 035 | Calloway County |
KY | 21 | Kentucky | 037 | Campbell County |
KY | 21 | Kentucky | 039 | Carlisle County |
KY | 21 | Kentucky | 041 | Carroll County |
KY | 21 | Kentucky | 043 | Carter County |
KY | 21 | Kentucky | 045 | Casey County |
KY | 21 | Kentucky | 047 | Christian County |
KY | 21 | Kentucky | 049 | Clark County |
KY | 21 | Kentucky | 051 | Clay County |
KY | 21 | Kentucky | 053 | Clinton County |
KY | 21 | Kentucky | 055 | Crittenden County |
KY | 21 | Kentucky | 057 | Cumberland County |
KY | 21 | Kentucky | 059 | Daviess County |
KY | 21 | Kentucky | 061 | Edmonson County |
KY | 21 | Kentucky | 063 | Elliott County |
KY | 21 | Kentucky | 065 | Estill County |
KY | 21 | Kentucky | 067 | Fayette County |
KY | 21 | Kentucky | 069 | Fleming County |
KY | 21 | Kentucky | 071 | Floyd County |
KY | 21 | Kentucky | 073 | Franklin County |
KY | 21 | Kentucky | 075 | Fulton County |
KY | 21 | Kentucky | 077 | Gallatin County |
KY | 21 | Kentucky | 079 | Garrard County |
KY | 21 | Kentucky | 081 | Grant County |
KY | 21 | Kentucky | 083 | Graves County |
KY | 21 | Kentucky | 085 | Grayson County |
KY | 21 | Kentucky | 087 | Green County |
KY | 21 | Kentucky | 089 | Greenup County |
KY | 21 | Kentucky | 091 | Hancock County |
KY | 21 | Kentucky | 093 | Hardin County |
KY | 21 | Kentucky | 095 | Harlan County |
KY | 21 | Kentucky | 097 | Harrison County |
KY | 21 | Kentucky | 099 | Hart County |
KY | 21 | Kentucky | 101 | Henderson County |
KY | 21 | Kentucky | 103 | Henry County |
KY | 21 | Kentucky | 105 | Hickman County |
KY | 21 | Kentucky | 107 | Hopkins County |
KY | 21 | Kentucky | 109 | Jackson County |
KY | 21 | Kentucky | 111 | Jefferson County |
KY | 21 | Kentucky | 113 | Jessamine County |
KY | 21 | Kentucky | 115 | Johnson County |
KY | 21 | Kentucky | 117 | Kenton County |
KY | 21 | Kentucky | 119 | Knott County |
KY | 21 | Kentucky | 121 | Knox County |
KY | 21 | Kentucky | 123 | Larue County |
KY | 21 | Kentucky | 125 | Laurel County |
KY | 21 | Kentucky | 127 | Lawrence County |
KY | 21 | Kentucky | 129 | Lee County |
KY | 21 | Kentucky | 131 | Leslie County |
KY | 21 | Kentucky | 133 | Letcher County |
KY | 21 | Kentucky | 135 | Lewis County |
KY | 21 | Kentucky | 137 | Lincoln County |
KY | 21 | Kentucky | 139 | Livingston County |
KY | 21 | Kentucky | 141 | Logan County |
KY | 21 | Kentucky | 143 | Lyon County |
KY | 21 | Kentucky | 145 | McCracken County |
KY | 21 | Kentucky | 147 | McCreary County |
KY | 21 | Kentucky | 149 | McLean County |
KY | 21 | Kentucky | 151 | Madison County |
KY | 21 | Kentucky | 153 | Magoffin County |
KY | 21 | Kentucky | 155 | Marion County |
KY | 21 | Kentucky | 157 | Marshall County |
KY | 21 | Kentucky | 159 | Martin County |
KY | 21 | Kentucky | 161 | Mason County |
KY | 21 | Kentucky | 163 | Meade County |
KY | 21 | Kentucky | 165 | Menifee County |
KY | 21 | Kentucky | 167 | Mercer County |
KY | 21 | Kentucky | 169 | Metcalfe County |
KY | 21 | Kentucky | 171 | Monroe County |
KY | 21 | Kentucky | 173 | Montgomery County |
KY | 21 | Kentucky | 175 | Morgan County |
KY | 21 | Kentucky | 177 | Muhlenberg County |
KY | 21 | Kentucky | 179 | Nelson County |
KY | 21 | Kentucky | 181 | Nicholas County |
KY | 21 | Kentucky | 183 | Ohio County |
KY | 21 | Kentucky | 185 | Oldham County |
KY | 21 | Kentucky | 187 | Owen County |
KY | 21 | Kentucky | 189 | Owsley County |
KY | 21 | Kentucky | 191 | Pendleton County |
KY | 21 | Kentucky | 193 | Perry County |
KY | 21 | Kentucky | 195 | Pike County |
KY | 21 | Kentucky | 197 | Powell County |
KY | 21 | Kentucky | 199 | Pulaski County |
KY | 21 | Kentucky | 201 | Robertson County |
KY | 21 | Kentucky | 203 | Rockcastle County |
KY | 21 | Kentucky | 205 | Rowan County |
KY | 21 | Kentucky | 207 | Russell County |
KY | 21 | Kentucky | 209 | Scott County |
KY | 21 | Kentucky | 211 | Shelby County |
KY | 21 | Kentucky | 213 | Simpson County |
KY | 21 | Kentucky | 215 | Spencer County |
KY | 21 | Kentucky | 217 | Taylor County |
KY | 21 | Kentucky | 219 | Todd County |
KY | 21 | Kentucky | 221 | Trigg County |
KY | 21 | Kentucky | 223 | Trimble County |
KY | 21 | Kentucky | 225 | Union County |
KY | 21 | Kentucky | 227 | Warren County |
KY | 21 | Kentucky | 229 | Washington County |
KY | 21 | Kentucky | 231 | Wayne County |
KY | 21 | Kentucky | 233 | Webster County |
KY | 21 | Kentucky | 235 | Whitley County |
KY | 21 | Kentucky | 237 | Wolfe County |
KY | 21 | Kentucky | 239 | Woodford County |
LA | 22 | Louisiana | 001 | Acadia Parish |
LA | 22 | Louisiana | 003 | Allen Parish |
LA | 22 | Louisiana | 005 | Ascension Parish |
LA | 22 | Louisiana | 007 | Assumption Parish |
LA | 22 | Louisiana | 009 | Avoyelles Parish |
LA | 22 | Louisiana | 011 | Beauregard Parish |
LA | 22 | Louisiana | 013 | Bienville Parish |
LA | 22 | Louisiana | 015 | Bossier Parish |
LA | 22 | Louisiana | 017 | Caddo Parish |
LA | 22 | Louisiana | 019 | Calcasieu Parish |
LA | 22 | Louisiana | 021 | Caldwell Parish |
LA | 22 | Louisiana | 023 | Cameron Parish |
LA | 22 | Louisiana | 025 | Catahoula Parish |
LA | 22 | Louisiana | 027 | Claiborne Parish |
LA | 22 | Louisiana | 029 | Concordia Parish |
LA | 22 | Louisiana | 031 | De Soto Parish |
LA | 22 | Louisiana | 033 | East Baton Rouge Parish |
LA | 22 | Louisiana | 035 | East Carroll Parish |
LA | 22 | Louisiana | 037 | East Feliciana Parish |
LA | 22 | Louisiana | 039 | Evangeline Parish |
LA | 22 | Louisiana | 041 | Franklin Parish |
LA | 22 | Louisiana | 043 | Grant Parish |
LA | 22 | Louisiana | 045 | Iberia Parish |
LA | 22 | Louisiana | 047 | Iberville Parish |
LA | 22 | Louisiana | 049 | Jackson Parish |
LA | 22 | Louisiana | 051 | Jefferson Parish |
LA | 22 | Louisiana | 053 | Jefferson Davis Parish |
LA | 22 | Louisiana | 055 | Lafayette Parish |
LA | 22 | Louisiana | 057 | Lafourche Parish |
LA | 22 | Louisiana | 059 | La Salle Parish |
LA | 22 | Louisiana | 061 | Lincoln Parish |
LA | 22 | Louisiana | 063 | Livingston Parish |
LA | 22 | Louisiana | 065 | Madison Parish |
LA | 22 | Louisiana | 067 | Morehouse Parish |
LA | 22 | Louisiana | 069 | Natchitoches Parish |
LA | 22 | Louisiana | 071 | Orleans Parish |
LA | 22 | Louisiana | 073 | Ouachita Parish |
LA | 22 | Louisiana | 075 | Plaquemines Parish |
LA | 22 | Louisiana | 077 | Pointe Coupee Parish |
LA | 22 | Louisiana | 079 | Rapides Parish |
LA | 22 | Louisiana | 081 | Red River Parish |
LA | 22 | Louisiana | 083 | Richland Parish |
LA | 22 | Louisiana | 085 | Sabine Parish |
LA | 22 | Louisiana | 087 | St. Bernard Parish |
LA | 22 | Louisiana | 089 | St. Charles Parish |
LA | 22 | Louisiana | 091 | St. Helena Parish |
LA | 22 | Louisiana | 093 | St. James Parish |
LA | 22 | Louisiana | 095 | St. John the Baptist Parish |
LA | 22 | Louisiana | 097 | St. Landry Parish |
LA | 22 | Louisiana | 099 | St. Martin Parish |
LA | 22 | Louisiana | 101 | St. Mary Parish |
LA | 22 | Louisiana | 103 | St. Tammany Parish |
LA | 22 | Louisiana | 105 | Tangipahoa Parish |
LA | 22 | Louisiana | 107 | Tensas Parish |
LA | 22 | Louisiana | 109 | Terrebonne Parish |
LA | 22 | Louisiana | 111 | Union Parish |
LA | 22 | Louisiana | 113 | Vermilion Parish |
LA | 22 | Louisiana | 115 | Vernon Parish |
LA | 22 | Louisiana | 117 | Washington Parish |
LA | 22 | Louisiana | 119 | Webster Parish |
LA | 22 | Louisiana | 121 | West Baton Rouge Parish |
LA | 22 | Louisiana | 123 | West Carroll Parish |
LA | 22 | Louisiana | 125 | West Feliciana Parish |
LA | 22 | Louisiana | 127 | Winn Parish |
ME | 23 | Maine | 001 | Androscoggin County |
ME | 23 | Maine | 003 | Aroostook County |
ME | 23 | Maine | 005 | Cumberland County |
ME | 23 | Maine | 007 | Franklin County |
ME | 23 | Maine | 009 | Hancock County |
ME | 23 | Maine | 011 | Kennebec County |
ME | 23 | Maine | 013 | Knox County |
ME | 23 | Maine | 015 | Lincoln County |
ME | 23 | Maine | 017 | Oxford County |
ME | 23 | Maine | 019 | Penobscot County |
ME | 23 | Maine | 021 | Piscataquis County |
ME | 23 | Maine | 023 | Sagadahoc County |
ME | 23 | Maine | 025 | Somerset County |
ME | 23 | Maine | 027 | Waldo County |
ME | 23 | Maine | 029 | Washington County |
ME | 23 | Maine | 031 | York County |
MD | 24 | Maryland | 001 | Allegany County |
MD | 24 | Maryland | 003 | Anne Arundel County |
MD | 24 | Maryland | 005 | Baltimore County |
MD | 24 | Maryland | 009 | Calvert County |
MD | 24 | Maryland | 011 | Caroline County |
MD | 24 | Maryland | 013 | Carroll County |
MD | 24 | Maryland | 015 | Cecil County |
MD | 24 | Maryland | 017 | Charles County |
MD | 24 | Maryland | 019 | Dorchester County |
MD | 24 | Maryland | 021 | Frederick County |
MD | 24 | Maryland | 023 | Garrett County |
MD | 24 | Maryland | 025 | Harford County |
MD | 24 | Maryland | 027 | Howard County |
MD | 24 | Maryland | 029 | Kent County |
MD | 24 | Maryland | 031 | Montgomery County |
MD | 24 | Maryland | 033 | Prince George’s County |
MD | 24 | Maryland | 035 | Queen Anne’s County |
MD | 24 | Maryland | 037 | St. Mary’s County |
MD | 24 | Maryland | 039 | Somerset County |
MD | 24 | Maryland | 041 | Talbot County |
MD | 24 | Maryland | 043 | Washington County |
MD | 24 | Maryland | 045 | Wicomico County |
MD | 24 | Maryland | 047 | Worcester County |
MD | 24 | Maryland | 510 | Baltimore city |
MA | 25 | Massachusetts | 001 | Barnstable County |
MA | 25 | Massachusetts | 003 | Berkshire County |
MA | 25 | Massachusetts | 005 | Bristol County |
MA | 25 | Massachusetts | 007 | Dukes County |
MA | 25 | Massachusetts | 009 | Essex County |
MA | 25 | Massachusetts | 011 | Franklin County |
MA | 25 | Massachusetts | 013 | Hampden County |
MA | 25 | Massachusetts | 015 | Hampshire County |
MA | 25 | Massachusetts | 017 | Middlesex County |
MA | 25 | Massachusetts | 019 | Nantucket County |
MA | 25 | Massachusetts | 021 | Norfolk County |
MA | 25 | Massachusetts | 023 | Plymouth County |
MA | 25 | Massachusetts | 025 | Suffolk County |
MA | 25 | Massachusetts | 027 | Worcester County |
MI | 26 | Michigan | 001 | Alcona County |
MI | 26 | Michigan | 003 | Alger County |
MI | 26 | Michigan | 005 | Allegan County |
MI | 26 | Michigan | 007 | Alpena County |
MI | 26 | Michigan | 009 | Antrim County |
MI | 26 | Michigan | 011 | Arenac County |
MI | 26 | Michigan | 013 | Baraga County |
MI | 26 | Michigan | 015 | Barry County |
MI | 26 | Michigan | 017 | Bay County |
MI | 26 | Michigan | 019 | Benzie County |
MI | 26 | Michigan | 021 | Berrien County |
MI | 26 | Michigan | 023 | Branch County |
MI | 26 | Michigan | 025 | Calhoun County |
MI | 26 | Michigan | 027 | Cass County |
MI | 26 | Michigan | 029 | Charlevoix County |
MI | 26 | Michigan | 031 | Cheboygan County |
MI | 26 | Michigan | 033 | Chippewa County |
MI | 26 | Michigan | 035 | Clare County |
MI | 26 | Michigan | 037 | Clinton County |
MI | 26 | Michigan | 039 | Crawford County |
MI | 26 | Michigan | 041 | Delta County |
MI | 26 | Michigan | 043 | Dickinson County |
MI | 26 | Michigan | 045 | Eaton County |
MI | 26 | Michigan | 047 | Emmet County |
MI | 26 | Michigan | 049 | Genesee County |
MI | 26 | Michigan | 051 | Gladwin County |
MI | 26 | Michigan | 053 | Gogebic County |
MI | 26 | Michigan | 055 | Grand Traverse County |
MI | 26 | Michigan | 057 | Gratiot County |
MI | 26 | Michigan | 059 | Hillsdale County |
MI | 26 | Michigan | 061 | Houghton County |
MI | 26 | Michigan | 063 | Huron County |
MI | 26 | Michigan | 065 | Ingham County |
MI | 26 | Michigan | 067 | Ionia County |
MI | 26 | Michigan | 069 | Iosco County |
MI | 26 | Michigan | 071 | Iron County |
MI | 26 | Michigan | 073 | Isabella County |
MI | 26 | Michigan | 075 | Jackson County |
MI | 26 | Michigan | 077 | Kalamazoo County |
MI | 26 | Michigan | 079 | Kalkaska County |
MI | 26 | Michigan | 081 | Kent County |
MI | 26 | Michigan | 083 | Keweenaw County |
MI | 26 | Michigan | 085 | Lake County |
MI | 26 | Michigan | 087 | Lapeer County |
MI | 26 | Michigan | 089 | Leelanau County |
MI | 26 | Michigan | 091 | Lenawee County |
MI | 26 | Michigan | 093 | Livingston County |
MI | 26 | Michigan | 095 | Luce County |
MI | 26 | Michigan | 097 | Mackinac County |
MI | 26 | Michigan | 099 | Macomb County |
MI | 26 | Michigan | 101 | Manistee County |
MI | 26 | Michigan | 103 | Marquette County |
MI | 26 | Michigan | 105 | Mason County |
MI | 26 | Michigan | 107 | Mecosta County |
MI | 26 | Michigan | 109 | Menominee County |
MI | 26 | Michigan | 111 | Midland County |
MI | 26 | Michigan | 113 | Missaukee County |
MI | 26 | Michigan | 115 | Monroe County |
MI | 26 | Michigan | 117 | Montcalm County |
MI | 26 | Michigan | 119 | Montmorency County |
MI | 26 | Michigan | 121 | Muskegon County |
MI | 26 | Michigan | 123 | Newaygo County |
MI | 26 | Michigan | 125 | Oakland County |
MI | 26 | Michigan | 127 | Oceana County |
MI | 26 | Michigan | 129 | Ogemaw County |
MI | 26 | Michigan | 131 | Ontonagon County |
MI | 26 | Michigan | 133 | Osceola County |
MI | 26 | Michigan | 135 | Oscoda County |
MI | 26 | Michigan | 137 | Otsego County |
MI | 26 | Michigan | 139 | Ottawa County |
MI | 26 | Michigan | 141 | Presque Isle County |
MI | 26 | Michigan | 143 | Roscommon County |
MI | 26 | Michigan | 145 | Saginaw County |
MI | 26 | Michigan | 147 | St. Clair County |
MI | 26 | Michigan | 149 | St. Joseph County |
MI | 26 | Michigan | 151 | Sanilac County |
MI | 26 | Michigan | 153 | Schoolcraft County |
MI | 26 | Michigan | 155 | Shiawassee County |
MI | 26 | Michigan | 157 | Tuscola County |
MI | 26 | Michigan | 159 | Van Buren County |
MI | 26 | Michigan | 161 | Washtenaw County |
MI | 26 | Michigan | 163 | Wayne County |
MI | 26 | Michigan | 165 | Wexford County |
MN | 27 | Minnesota | 001 | Aitkin County |
MN | 27 | Minnesota | 003 | Anoka County |
MN | 27 | Minnesota | 005 | Becker County |
MN | 27 | Minnesota | 007 | Beltrami County |
MN | 27 | Minnesota | 009 | Benton County |
MN | 27 | Minnesota | 011 | Big Stone County |
MN | 27 | Minnesota | 013 | Blue Earth County |
MN | 27 | Minnesota | 015 | Brown County |
MN | 27 | Minnesota | 017 | Carlton County |
MN | 27 | Minnesota | 019 | Carver County |
MN | 27 | Minnesota | 021 | Cass County |
MN | 27 | Minnesota | 023 | Chippewa County |
MN | 27 | Minnesota | 025 | Chisago County |
MN | 27 | Minnesota | 027 | Clay County |
MN | 27 | Minnesota | 029 | Clearwater County |
MN | 27 | Minnesota | 031 | Cook County |
MN | 27 | Minnesota | 033 | Cottonwood County |
MN | 27 | Minnesota | 035 | Crow Wing County |
MN | 27 | Minnesota | 037 | Dakota County |
MN | 27 | Minnesota | 039 | Dodge County |
MN | 27 | Minnesota | 041 | Douglas County |
MN | 27 | Minnesota | 043 | Faribault County |
MN | 27 | Minnesota | 045 | Fillmore County |
MN | 27 | Minnesota | 047 | Freeborn County |
MN | 27 | Minnesota | 049 | Goodhue County |
MN | 27 | Minnesota | 051 | Grant County |
MN | 27 | Minnesota | 053 | Hennepin County |
MN | 27 | Minnesota | 055 | Houston County |
MN | 27 | Minnesota | 057 | Hubbard County |
MN | 27 | Minnesota | 059 | Isanti County |
MN | 27 | Minnesota | 061 | Itasca County |
MN | 27 | Minnesota | 063 | Jackson County |
MN | 27 | Minnesota | 065 | Kanabec County |
MN | 27 | Minnesota | 067 | Kandiyohi County |
MN | 27 | Minnesota | 069 | Kittson County |
MN | 27 | Minnesota | 071 | Koochiching County |
MN | 27 | Minnesota | 073 | Lac qui Parle County |
MN | 27 | Minnesota | 075 | Lake County |
MN | 27 | Minnesota | 077 | Lake of the Woods County |
MN | 27 | Minnesota | 079 | Le Sueur County |
MN | 27 | Minnesota | 081 | Lincoln County |
MN | 27 | Minnesota | 083 | Lyon County |
MN | 27 | Minnesota | 085 | McLeod County |
MN | 27 | Minnesota | 087 | Mahnomen County |
MN | 27 | Minnesota | 089 | Marshall County |
MN | 27 | Minnesota | 091 | Martin County |
MN | 27 | Minnesota | 093 | Meeker County |
MN | 27 | Minnesota | 095 | Mille Lacs County |
MN | 27 | Minnesota | 097 | Morrison County |
MN | 27 | Minnesota | 099 | Mower County |
MN | 27 | Minnesota | 101 | Murray County |
MN | 27 | Minnesota | 103 | Nicollet County |
MN | 27 | Minnesota | 105 | Nobles County |
MN | 27 | Minnesota | 107 | Norman County |
MN | 27 | Minnesota | 109 | Olmsted County |
MN | 27 | Minnesota | 111 | Otter Tail County |
MN | 27 | Minnesota | 113 | Pennington County |
MN | 27 | Minnesota | 115 | Pine County |
MN | 27 | Minnesota | 117 | Pipestone County |
MN | 27 | Minnesota | 119 | Polk County |
MN | 27 | Minnesota | 121 | Pope County |
MN | 27 | Minnesota | 123 | Ramsey County |
MN | 27 | Minnesota | 125 | Red Lake County |
MN | 27 | Minnesota | 127 | Redwood County |
MN | 27 | Minnesota | 129 | Renville County |
MN | 27 | Minnesota | 131 | Rice County |
MN | 27 | Minnesota | 133 | Rock County |
MN | 27 | Minnesota | 135 | Roseau County |
MN | 27 | Minnesota | 137 | St. Louis County |
MN | 27 | Minnesota | 139 | Scott County |
MN | 27 | Minnesota | 141 | Sherburne County |
MN | 27 | Minnesota | 143 | Sibley County |
MN | 27 | Minnesota | 145 | Stearns County |
MN | 27 | Minnesota | 147 | Steele County |
MN | 27 | Minnesota | 149 | Stevens County |
MN | 27 | Minnesota | 151 | Swift County |
MN | 27 | Minnesota | 153 | Todd County |
MN | 27 | Minnesota | 155 | Traverse County |
MN | 27 | Minnesota | 157 | Wabasha County |
MN | 27 | Minnesota | 159 | Wadena County |
MN | 27 | Minnesota | 161 | Waseca County |
MN | 27 | Minnesota | 163 | Washington County |
MN | 27 | Minnesota | 165 | Watonwan County |
MN | 27 | Minnesota | 167 | Wilkin County |
MN | 27 | Minnesota | 169 | Winona County |
MN | 27 | Minnesota | 171 | Wright County |
MN | 27 | Minnesota | 173 | Yellow Medicine County |
MS | 28 | Mississippi | 001 | Adams County |
MS | 28 | Mississippi | 003 | Alcorn County |
MS | 28 | Mississippi | 005 | Amite County |
MS | 28 | Mississippi | 007 | Attala County |
MS | 28 | Mississippi | 009 | Benton County |
MS | 28 | Mississippi | 011 | Bolivar County |
MS | 28 | Mississippi | 013 | Calhoun County |
MS | 28 | Mississippi | 015 | Carroll County |
MS | 28 | Mississippi | 017 | Chickasaw County |
MS | 28 | Mississippi | 019 | Choctaw County |
MS | 28 | Mississippi | 021 | Claiborne County |
MS | 28 | Mississippi | 023 | Clarke County |
MS | 28 | Mississippi | 025 | Clay County |
MS | 28 | Mississippi | 027 | Coahoma County |
MS | 28 | Mississippi | 029 | Copiah County |
MS | 28 | Mississippi | 031 | Covington County |
MS | 28 | Mississippi | 033 | DeSoto County |
MS | 28 | Mississippi | 035 | Forrest County |
MS | 28 | Mississippi | 037 | Franklin County |
MS | 28 | Mississippi | 039 | George County |
MS | 28 | Mississippi | 041 | Greene County |
MS | 28 | Mississippi | 043 | Grenada County |
MS | 28 | Mississippi | 045 | Hancock County |
MS | 28 | Mississippi | 047 | Harrison County |
MS | 28 | Mississippi | 049 | Hinds County |
MS | 28 | Mississippi | 051 | Holmes County |
MS | 28 | Mississippi | 053 | Humphreys County |
MS | 28 | Mississippi | 055 | Issaquena County |
MS | 28 | Mississippi | 057 | Itawamba County |
MS | 28 | Mississippi | 059 | Jackson County |
MS | 28 | Mississippi | 061 | Jasper County |
MS | 28 | Mississippi | 063 | Jefferson County |
MS | 28 | Mississippi | 065 | Jefferson Davis County |
MS | 28 | Mississippi | 067 | Jones County |
MS | 28 | Mississippi | 069 | Kemper County |
MS | 28 | Mississippi | 071 | Lafayette County |
MS | 28 | Mississippi | 073 | Lamar County |
MS | 28 | Mississippi | 075 | Lauderdale County |
MS | 28 | Mississippi | 077 | Lawrence County |
MS | 28 | Mississippi | 079 | Leake County |
MS | 28 | Mississippi | 081 | Lee County |
MS | 28 | Mississippi | 083 | Leflore County |
MS | 28 | Mississippi | 085 | Lincoln County |
MS | 28 | Mississippi | 087 | Lowndes County |
MS | 28 | Mississippi | 089 | Madison County |
MS | 28 | Mississippi | 091 | Marion County |
MS | 28 | Mississippi | 093 | Marshall County |
MS | 28 | Mississippi | 095 | Monroe County |
MS | 28 | Mississippi | 097 | Montgomery County |
MS | 28 | Mississippi | 099 | Neshoba County |
MS | 28 | Mississippi | 101 | Newton County |
MS | 28 | Mississippi | 103 | Noxubee County |
MS | 28 | Mississippi | 105 | Oktibbeha County |
MS | 28 | Mississippi | 107 | Panola County |
MS | 28 | Mississippi | 109 | Pearl River County |
MS | 28 | Mississippi | 111 | Perry County |
MS | 28 | Mississippi | 113 | Pike County |
MS | 28 | Mississippi | 115 | Pontotoc County |
MS | 28 | Mississippi | 117 | Prentiss County |
MS | 28 | Mississippi | 119 | Quitman County |
MS | 28 | Mississippi | 121 | Rankin County |
MS | 28 | Mississippi | 123 | Scott County |
MS | 28 | Mississippi | 125 | Sharkey County |
MS | 28 | Mississippi | 127 | Simpson County |
MS | 28 | Mississippi | 129 | Smith County |
MS | 28 | Mississippi | 131 | Stone County |
MS | 28 | Mississippi | 133 | Sunflower County |
MS | 28 | Mississippi | 135 | Tallahatchie County |
MS | 28 | Mississippi | 137 | Tate County |
MS | 28 | Mississippi | 139 | Tippah County |
MS | 28 | Mississippi | 141 | Tishomingo County |
MS | 28 | Mississippi | 143 | Tunica County |
MS | 28 | Mississippi | 145 | Union County |
MS | 28 | Mississippi | 147 | Walthall County |
MS | 28 | Mississippi | 149 | Warren County |
MS | 28 | Mississippi | 151 | Washington County |
MS | 28 | Mississippi | 153 | Wayne County |
MS | 28 | Mississippi | 155 | Webster County |
MS | 28 | Mississippi | 157 | Wilkinson County |
MS | 28 | Mississippi | 159 | Winston County |
MS | 28 | Mississippi | 161 | Yalobusha County |
MS | 28 | Mississippi | 163 | Yazoo County |
MO | 29 | Missouri | 001 | Adair County |
MO | 29 | Missouri | 003 | Andrew County |
MO | 29 | Missouri | 005 | Atchison County |
MO | 29 | Missouri | 007 | Audrain County |
MO | 29 | Missouri | 009 | Barry County |
MO | 29 | Missouri | 011 | Barton County |
MO | 29 | Missouri | 013 | Bates County |
MO | 29 | Missouri | 015 | Benton County |
MO | 29 | Missouri | 017 | Bollinger County |
MO | 29 | Missouri | 019 | Boone County |
MO | 29 | Missouri | 021 | Buchanan County |
MO | 29 | Missouri | 023 | Butler County |
MO | 29 | Missouri | 025 | Caldwell County |
MO | 29 | Missouri | 027 | Callaway County |
MO | 29 | Missouri | 029 | Camden County |
MO | 29 | Missouri | 031 | Cape Girardeau County |
MO | 29 | Missouri | 033 | Carroll County |
MO | 29 | Missouri | 035 | Carter County |
MO | 29 | Missouri | 037 | Cass County |
MO | 29 | Missouri | 039 | Cedar County |
MO | 29 | Missouri | 041 | Chariton County |
MO | 29 | Missouri | 043 | Christian County |
MO | 29 | Missouri | 045 | Clark County |
MO | 29 | Missouri | 047 | Clay County |
MO | 29 | Missouri | 049 | Clinton County |
MO | 29 | Missouri | 051 | Cole County |
MO | 29 | Missouri | 053 | Cooper County |
MO | 29 | Missouri | 055 | Crawford County |
MO | 29 | Missouri | 057 | Dade County |
MO | 29 | Missouri | 059 | Dallas County |
MO | 29 | Missouri | 061 | Daviess County |
MO | 29 | Missouri | 063 | DeKalb County |
MO | 29 | Missouri | 065 | Dent County |
MO | 29 | Missouri | 067 | Douglas County |
MO | 29 | Missouri | 069 | Dunklin County |
MO | 29 | Missouri | 071 | Franklin County |
MO | 29 | Missouri | 073 | Gasconade County |
MO | 29 | Missouri | 075 | Gentry County |
MO | 29 | Missouri | 077 | Greene County |
MO | 29 | Missouri | 079 | Grundy County |
MO | 29 | Missouri | 081 | Harrison County |
MO | 29 | Missouri | 083 | Henry County |
MO | 29 | Missouri | 085 | Hickory County |
MO | 29 | Missouri | 087 | Holt County |
MO | 29 | Missouri | 089 | Howard County |
MO | 29 | Missouri | 091 | Howell County |
MO | 29 | Missouri | 093 | Iron County |
MO | 29 | Missouri | 095 | Jackson County |
MO | 29 | Missouri | 097 | Jasper County |
MO | 29 | Missouri | 099 | Jefferson County |
MO | 29 | Missouri | 101 | Johnson County |
MO | 29 | Missouri | 103 | Knox County |
MO | 29 | Missouri | 105 | Laclede County |
MO | 29 | Missouri | 107 | Lafayette County |
MO | 29 | Missouri | 109 | Lawrence County |
MO | 29 | Missouri | 111 | Lewis County |
MO | 29 | Missouri | 113 | Lincoln County |
MO | 29 | Missouri | 115 | Linn County |
MO | 29 | Missouri | 117 | Livingston County |
MO | 29 | Missouri | 119 | McDonald County |
MO | 29 | Missouri | 121 | Macon County |
MO | 29 | Missouri | 123 | Madison County |
MO | 29 | Missouri | 125 | Maries County |
MO | 29 | Missouri | 127 | Marion County |
MO | 29 | Missouri | 129 | Mercer County |
MO | 29 | Missouri | 131 | Miller County |
MO | 29 | Missouri | 133 | Mississippi County |
MO | 29 | Missouri | 135 | Moniteau County |
MO | 29 | Missouri | 137 | Monroe County |
MO | 29 | Missouri | 139 | Montgomery County |
MO | 29 | Missouri | 141 | Morgan County |
MO | 29 | Missouri | 143 | New Madrid County |
MO | 29 | Missouri | 145 | Newton County |
MO | 29 | Missouri | 147 | Nodaway County |
MO | 29 | Missouri | 149 | Oregon County |
MO | 29 | Missouri | 151 | Osage County |
MO | 29 | Missouri | 153 | Ozark County |
MO | 29 | Missouri | 155 | Pemiscot County |
MO | 29 | Missouri | 157 | Perry County |
MO | 29 | Missouri | 159 | Pettis County |
MO | 29 | Missouri | 161 | Phelps County |
MO | 29 | Missouri | 163 | Pike County |
MO | 29 | Missouri | 165 | Platte County |
MO | 29 | Missouri | 167 | Polk County |
MO | 29 | Missouri | 169 | Pulaski County |
MO | 29 | Missouri | 171 | Putnam County |
MO | 29 | Missouri | 173 | Ralls County |
MO | 29 | Missouri | 175 | Randolph County |
MO | 29 | Missouri | 177 | Ray County |
MO | 29 | Missouri | 179 | Reynolds County |
MO | 29 | Missouri | 181 | Ripley County |
MO | 29 | Missouri | 183 | St. Charles County |
MO | 29 | Missouri | 185 | St. Clair County |
MO | 29 | Missouri | 186 | Ste. Genevieve County |
MO | 29 | Missouri | 187 | St. Francois County |
MO | 29 | Missouri | 189 | St. Louis County |
MO | 29 | Missouri | 195 | Saline County |
MO | 29 | Missouri | 197 | Schuyler County |
MO | 29 | Missouri | 199 | Scotland County |
MO | 29 | Missouri | 201 | Scott County |
MO | 29 | Missouri | 203 | Shannon County |
MO | 29 | Missouri | 205 | Shelby County |
MO | 29 | Missouri | 207 | Stoddard County |
MO | 29 | Missouri | 209 | Stone County |
MO | 29 | Missouri | 211 | Sullivan County |
MO | 29 | Missouri | 213 | Taney County |
MO | 29 | Missouri | 215 | Texas County |
MO | 29 | Missouri | 217 | Vernon County |
MO | 29 | Missouri | 219 | Warren County |
MO | 29 | Missouri | 221 | Washington County |
MO | 29 | Missouri | 223 | Wayne County |
MO | 29 | Missouri | 225 | Webster County |
MO | 29 | Missouri | 227 | Worth County |
MO | 29 | Missouri | 229 | Wright County |
MO | 29 | Missouri | 510 | St. Louis city |
MT | 30 | Montana | 001 | Beaverhead County |
MT | 30 | Montana | 003 | Big Horn County |
MT | 30 | Montana | 005 | Blaine County |
MT | 30 | Montana | 007 | Broadwater County |
MT | 30 | Montana | 009 | Carbon County |
MT | 30 | Montana | 011 | Carter County |
MT | 30 | Montana | 013 | Cascade County |
MT | 30 | Montana | 015 | Chouteau County |
MT | 30 | Montana | 017 | Custer County |
MT | 30 | Montana | 019 | Daniels County |
MT | 30 | Montana | 021 | Dawson County |
MT | 30 | Montana | 023 | Deer Lodge County |
MT | 30 | Montana | 025 | Fallon County |
MT | 30 | Montana | 027 | Fergus County |
MT | 30 | Montana | 029 | Flathead County |
MT | 30 | Montana | 031 | Gallatin County |
MT | 30 | Montana | 033 | Garfield County |
MT | 30 | Montana | 035 | Glacier County |
MT | 30 | Montana | 037 | Golden Valley County |
MT | 30 | Montana | 039 | Granite County |
MT | 30 | Montana | 041 | Hill County |
MT | 30 | Montana | 043 | Jefferson County |
MT | 30 | Montana | 045 | Judith Basin County |
MT | 30 | Montana | 047 | Lake County |
MT | 30 | Montana | 049 | Lewis and Clark County |
MT | 30 | Montana | 051 | Liberty County |
MT | 30 | Montana | 053 | Lincoln County |
MT | 30 | Montana | 055 | McCone County |
MT | 30 | Montana | 057 | Madison County |
MT | 30 | Montana | 059 | Meagher County |
MT | 30 | Montana | 061 | Mineral County |
MT | 30 | Montana | 063 | Missoula County |
MT | 30 | Montana | 065 | Musselshell County |
MT | 30 | Montana | 067 | Park County |
MT | 30 | Montana | 069 | Petroleum County |
MT | 30 | Montana | 071 | Phillips County |
MT | 30 | Montana | 073 | Pondera County |
MT | 30 | Montana | 075 | Powder River County |
MT | 30 | Montana | 077 | Powell County |
MT | 30 | Montana | 079 | Prairie County |
MT | 30 | Montana | 081 | Ravalli County |
MT | 30 | Montana | 083 | Richland County |
MT | 30 | Montana | 085 | Roosevelt County |
MT | 30 | Montana | 087 | Rosebud County |
MT | 30 | Montana | 089 | Sanders County |
MT | 30 | Montana | 091 | Sheridan County |
MT | 30 | Montana | 093 | Silver Bow County |
MT | 30 | Montana | 095 | Stillwater County |
MT | 30 | Montana | 097 | Sweet Grass County |
MT | 30 | Montana | 099 | Teton County |
MT | 30 | Montana | 101 | Toole County |
MT | 30 | Montana | 103 | Treasure County |
MT | 30 | Montana | 105 | Valley County |
MT | 30 | Montana | 107 | Wheatland County |
MT | 30 | Montana | 109 | Wibaux County |
MT | 30 | Montana | 111 | Yellowstone County |
MT | 30 | Montana | 113 | Yellowstone National Park |
NE | 31 | Nebraska | 001 | Adams County |
NE | 31 | Nebraska | 003 | Antelope County |
NE | 31 | Nebraska | 005 | Arthur County |
NE | 31 | Nebraska | 007 | Banner County |
NE | 31 | Nebraska | 009 | Blaine County |
NE | 31 | Nebraska | 011 | Boone County |
NE | 31 | Nebraska | 013 | Box Butte County |
NE | 31 | Nebraska | 015 | Boyd County |
NE | 31 | Nebraska | 017 | Brown County |
NE | 31 | Nebraska | 019 | Buffalo County |
NE | 31 | Nebraska | 021 | Burt County |
NE | 31 | Nebraska | 023 | Butler County |
NE | 31 | Nebraska | 025 | Cass County |
NE | 31 | Nebraska | 027 | Cedar County |
NE | 31 | Nebraska | 029 | Chase County |
NE | 31 | Nebraska | 031 | Cherry County |
NE | 31 | Nebraska | 033 | Cheyenne County |
NE | 31 | Nebraska | 035 | Clay County |
NE | 31 | Nebraska | 037 | Colfax County |
NE | 31 | Nebraska | 039 | Cuming County |
NE | 31 | Nebraska | 041 | Custer County |
NE | 31 | Nebraska | 043 | Dakota County |
NE | 31 | Nebraska | 045 | Dawes County |
NE | 31 | Nebraska | 047 | Dawson County |
NE | 31 | Nebraska | 049 | Deuel County |
NE | 31 | Nebraska | 051 | Dixon County |
NE | 31 | Nebraska | 053 | Dodge County |
NE | 31 | Nebraska | 055 | Douglas County |
NE | 31 | Nebraska | 057 | Dundy County |
NE | 31 | Nebraska | 059 | Fillmore County |
NE | 31 | Nebraska | 061 | Franklin County |
NE | 31 | Nebraska | 063 | Frontier County |
NE | 31 | Nebraska | 065 | Furnas County |
NE | 31 | Nebraska | 067 | Gage County |
NE | 31 | Nebraska | 069 | Garden County |
NE | 31 | Nebraska | 071 | Garfield County |
NE | 31 | Nebraska | 073 | Gosper County |
NE | 31 | Nebraska | 075 | Grant County |
NE | 31 | Nebraska | 077 | Greeley County |
NE | 31 | Nebraska | 079 | Hall County |
NE | 31 | Nebraska | 081 | Hamilton County |
NE | 31 | Nebraska | 083 | Harlan County |
NE | 31 | Nebraska | 085 | Hayes County |
NE | 31 | Nebraska | 087 | Hitchcock County |
NE | 31 | Nebraska | 089 | Holt County |
NE | 31 | Nebraska | 091 | Hooker County |
NE | 31 | Nebraska | 093 | Howard County |
NE | 31 | Nebraska | 095 | Jefferson County |
NE | 31 | Nebraska | 097 | Johnson County |
NE | 31 | Nebraska | 099 | Kearney County |
NE | 31 | Nebraska | 101 | Keith County |
NE | 31 | Nebraska | 103 | Keya Paha County |
NE | 31 | Nebraska | 105 | Kimball County |
NE | 31 | Nebraska | 107 | Knox County |
NE | 31 | Nebraska | 109 | Lancaster County |
NE | 31 | Nebraska | 111 | Lincoln County |
NE | 31 | Nebraska | 113 | Logan County |
NE | 31 | Nebraska | 115 | Loup County |
NE | 31 | Nebraska | 117 | McPherson County |
NE | 31 | Nebraska | 119 | Madison County |
NE | 31 | Nebraska | 121 | Merrick County |
NE | 31 | Nebraska | 123 | Morrill County |
NE | 31 | Nebraska | 125 | Nance County |
NE | 31 | Nebraska | 127 | Nemaha County |
NE | 31 | Nebraska | 129 | Nuckolls County |
NE | 31 | Nebraska | 131 | Otoe County |
NE | 31 | Nebraska | 133 | Pawnee County |
NE | 31 | Nebraska | 135 | Perkins County |
NE | 31 | Nebraska | 137 | Phelps County |
NE | 31 | Nebraska | 139 | Pierce County |
NE | 31 | Nebraska | 141 | Platte County |
NE | 31 | Nebraska | 143 | Polk County |
NE | 31 | Nebraska | 145 | Red Willow County |
NE | 31 | Nebraska | 147 | Richardson County |
NE | 31 | Nebraska | 149 | Rock County |
NE | 31 | Nebraska | 151 | Saline County |
NE | 31 | Nebraska | 153 | Sarpy County |
NE | 31 | Nebraska | 155 | Saunders County |
NE | 31 | Nebraska | 157 | Scotts Bluff County |
NE | 31 | Nebraska | 159 | Seward County |
NE | 31 | Nebraska | 161 | Sheridan County |
NE | 31 | Nebraska | 163 | Sherman County |
NE | 31 | Nebraska | 165 | Sioux County |
NE | 31 | Nebraska | 167 | Stanton County |
NE | 31 | Nebraska | 169 | Thayer County |
NE | 31 | Nebraska | 171 | Thomas County |
NE | 31 | Nebraska | 173 | Thurston County |
NE | 31 | Nebraska | 175 | Valley County |
NE | 31 | Nebraska | 177 | Washington County |
NE | 31 | Nebraska | 179 | Wayne County |
NE | 31 | Nebraska | 181 | Webster County |
NE | 31 | Nebraska | 183 | Wheeler County |
NE | 31 | Nebraska | 185 | York County |
NV | 32 | Nevada | 001 | Churchill County |
NV | 32 | Nevada | 003 | Clark County |
NV | 32 | Nevada | 005 | Douglas County |
NV | 32 | Nevada | 007 | Elko County |
NV | 32 | Nevada | 009 | Esmeralda County |
NV | 32 | Nevada | 011 | Eureka County |
NV | 32 | Nevada | 013 | Humboldt County |
NV | 32 | Nevada | 015 | Lander County |
NV | 32 | Nevada | 017 | Lincoln County |
NV | 32 | Nevada | 019 | Lyon County |
NV | 32 | Nevada | 021 | Mineral County |
NV | 32 | Nevada | 023 | Nye County |
NV | 32 | Nevada | 027 | Pershing County |
NV | 32 | Nevada | 029 | Storey County |
NV | 32 | Nevada | 031 | Washoe County |
NV | 32 | Nevada | 033 | White Pine County |
NV | 32 | Nevada | 510 | Carson City |
NH | 33 | New Hampshire | 001 | Belknap County |
NH | 33 | New Hampshire | 003 | Carroll County |
NH | 33 | New Hampshire | 005 | Cheshire County |
NH | 33 | New Hampshire | 007 | Coos County |
NH | 33 | New Hampshire | 009 | Grafton County |
NH | 33 | New Hampshire | 011 | Hillsborough County |
NH | 33 | New Hampshire | 013 | Merrimack County |
NH | 33 | New Hampshire | 015 | Rockingham County |
NH | 33 | New Hampshire | 017 | Strafford County |
NH | 33 | New Hampshire | 019 | Sullivan County |
NJ | 34 | New Jersey | 001 | Atlantic County |
NJ | 34 | New Jersey | 003 | Bergen County |
NJ | 34 | New Jersey | 005 | Burlington County |
NJ | 34 | New Jersey | 007 | Camden County |
NJ | 34 | New Jersey | 009 | Cape May County |
NJ | 34 | New Jersey | 011 | Cumberland County |
NJ | 34 | New Jersey | 013 | Essex County |
NJ | 34 | New Jersey | 015 | Gloucester County |
NJ | 34 | New Jersey | 017 | Hudson County |
NJ | 34 | New Jersey | 019 | Hunterdon County |
NJ | 34 | New Jersey | 021 | Mercer County |
NJ | 34 | New Jersey | 023 | Middlesex County |
NJ | 34 | New Jersey | 025 | Monmouth County |
NJ | 34 | New Jersey | 027 | Morris County |
NJ | 34 | New Jersey | 029 | Ocean County |
NJ | 34 | New Jersey | 031 | Passaic County |
NJ | 34 | New Jersey | 033 | Salem County |
NJ | 34 | New Jersey | 035 | Somerset County |
NJ | 34 | New Jersey | 037 | Sussex County |
NJ | 34 | New Jersey | 039 | Union County |
NJ | 34 | New Jersey | 041 | Warren County |
NM | 35 | New Mexico | 001 | Bernalillo County |
NM | 35 | New Mexico | 003 | Catron County |
NM | 35 | New Mexico | 005 | Chaves County |
NM | 35 | New Mexico | 006 | Cibola County |
NM | 35 | New Mexico | 007 | Colfax County |
NM | 35 | New Mexico | 009 | Curry County |
NM | 35 | New Mexico | 011 | De Baca County |
NM | 35 | New Mexico | 013 | Dona Ana County |
NM | 35 | New Mexico | 015 | Eddy County |
NM | 35 | New Mexico | 017 | Grant County |
NM | 35 | New Mexico | 019 | Guadalupe County |
NM | 35 | New Mexico | 021 | Harding County |
NM | 35 | New Mexico | 023 | Hidalgo County |
NM | 35 | New Mexico | 025 | Lea County |
NM | 35 | New Mexico | 027 | Lincoln County |
NM | 35 | New Mexico | 028 | Los Alamos County |
NM | 35 | New Mexico | 029 | Luna County |
NM | 35 | New Mexico | 031 | McKinley County |
NM | 35 | New Mexico | 033 | Mora County |
NM | 35 | New Mexico | 035 | Otero County |
NM | 35 | New Mexico | 037 | Quay County |
NM | 35 | New Mexico | 039 | Rio Arriba County |
NM | 35 | New Mexico | 041 | Roosevelt County |
NM | 35 | New Mexico | 043 | Sandoval County |
NM | 35 | New Mexico | 045 | San Juan County |
NM | 35 | New Mexico | 047 | San Miguel County |
NM | 35 | New Mexico | 049 | Santa Fe County |
NM | 35 | New Mexico | 051 | Sierra County |
NM | 35 | New Mexico | 053 | Socorro County |
NM | 35 | New Mexico | 055 | Taos County |
NM | 35 | New Mexico | 057 | Torrance County |
NM | 35 | New Mexico | 059 | Union County |
NM | 35 | New Mexico | 061 | Valencia County |
NY | 36 | New York | 001 | Albany County |
NY | 36 | New York | 003 | Allegany County |
NY | 36 | New York | 005 | Bronx County |
NY | 36 | New York | 007 | Broome County |
NY | 36 | New York | 009 | Cattaraugus County |
NY | 36 | New York | 011 | Cayuga County |
NY | 36 | New York | 013 | Chautauqua County |
NY | 36 | New York | 015 | Chemung County |
NY | 36 | New York | 017 | Chenango County |
NY | 36 | New York | 019 | Clinton County |
NY | 36 | New York | 021 | Columbia County |
NY | 36 | New York | 023 | Cortland County |
NY | 36 | New York | 025 | Delaware County |
NY | 36 | New York | 027 | Dutchess County |
NY | 36 | New York | 029 | Erie County |
NY | 36 | New York | 031 | Essex County |
NY | 36 | New York | 033 | Franklin County |
NY | 36 | New York | 035 | Fulton County |
NY | 36 | New York | 037 | Genesee County |
NY | 36 | New York | 039 | Greene County |
NY | 36 | New York | 041 | Hamilton County |
NY | 36 | New York | 043 | Herkimer County |
NY | 36 | New York | 045 | Jefferson County |
NY | 36 | New York | 047 | Kings County |
NY | 36 | New York | 049 | Lewis County |
NY | 36 | New York | 051 | Livingston County |
NY | 36 | New York | 053 | Madison County |
NY | 36 | New York | 055 | Monroe County |
NY | 36 | New York | 057 | Montgomery County |
NY | 36 | New York | 059 | Nassau County |
NY | 36 | New York | 061 | New York County |
NY | 36 | New York | 063 | Niagara County |
NY | 36 | New York | 065 | Oneida County |
NY | 36 | New York | 067 | Onondaga County |
NY | 36 | New York | 069 | Ontario County |
NY | 36 | New York | 071 | Orange County |
NY | 36 | New York | 073 | Orleans County |
NY | 36 | New York | 075 | Oswego County |
NY | 36 | New York | 077 | Otsego County |
NY | 36 | New York | 079 | Putnam County |
NY | 36 | New York | 081 | Queens County |
NY | 36 | New York | 083 | Rensselaer County |
NY | 36 | New York | 085 | Richmond County |
NY | 36 | New York | 087 | Rockland County |
NY | 36 | New York | 089 | St. Lawrence County |
NY | 36 | New York | 091 | Saratoga County |
NY | 36 | New York | 093 | Schenectady County |
NY | 36 | New York | 095 | Schoharie County |
NY | 36 | New York | 097 | Schuyler County |
NY | 36 | New York | 099 | Seneca County |
NY | 36 | New York | 101 | Steuben County |
NY | 36 | New York | 103 | Suffolk County |
NY | 36 | New York | 105 | Sullivan County |
NY | 36 | New York | 107 | Tioga County |
NY | 36 | New York | 109 | Tompkins County |
NY | 36 | New York | 111 | Ulster County |
NY | 36 | New York | 113 | Warren County |
NY | 36 | New York | 115 | Washington County |
NY | 36 | New York | 117 | Wayne County |
NY | 36 | New York | 119 | Westchester County |
NY | 36 | New York | 121 | Wyoming County |
NY | 36 | New York | 123 | Yates County |
NC | 37 | North Carolina | 001 | Alamance County |
NC | 37 | North Carolina | 003 | Alexander County |
NC | 37 | North Carolina | 005 | Alleghany County |
NC | 37 | North Carolina | 007 | Anson County |
NC | 37 | North Carolina | 009 | Ashe County |
NC | 37 | North Carolina | 011 | Avery County |
NC | 37 | North Carolina | 013 | Beaufort County |
NC | 37 | North Carolina | 015 | Bertie County |
NC | 37 | North Carolina | 017 | Bladen County |
NC | 37 | North Carolina | 019 | Brunswick County |
NC | 37 | North Carolina | 021 | Buncombe County |
NC | 37 | North Carolina | 023 | Burke County |
NC | 37 | North Carolina | 025 | Cabarrus County |
NC | 37 | North Carolina | 027 | Caldwell County |
NC | 37 | North Carolina | 029 | Camden County |
NC | 37 | North Carolina | 031 | Carteret County |
NC | 37 | North Carolina | 033 | Caswell County |
NC | 37 | North Carolina | 035 | Catawba County |
NC | 37 | North Carolina | 037 | Chatham County |
NC | 37 | North Carolina | 039 | Cherokee County |
NC | 37 | North Carolina | 041 | Chowan County |
NC | 37 | North Carolina | 043 | Clay County |
NC | 37 | North Carolina | 045 | Cleveland County |
NC | 37 | North Carolina | 047 | Columbus County |
NC | 37 | North Carolina | 049 | Craven County |
NC | 37 | North Carolina | 051 | Cumberland County |
NC | 37 | North Carolina | 053 | Currituck County |
NC | 37 | North Carolina | 055 | Dare County |
NC | 37 | North Carolina | 057 | Davidson County |
NC | 37 | North Carolina | 059 | Davie County |
NC | 37 | North Carolina | 061 | Duplin County |
NC | 37 | North Carolina | 063 | Durham County |
NC | 37 | North Carolina | 065 | Edgecombe County |
NC | 37 | North Carolina | 067 | Forsyth County |
NC | 37 | North Carolina | 069 | Franklin County |
NC | 37 | North Carolina | 071 | Gaston County |
NC | 37 | North Carolina | 073 | Gates County |
NC | 37 | North Carolina | 075 | Graham County |
NC | 37 | North Carolina | 077 | Granville County |
NC | 37 | North Carolina | 079 | Greene County |
NC | 37 | North Carolina | 081 | Guilford County |
NC | 37 | North Carolina | 083 | Halifax County |
NC | 37 | North Carolina | 085 | Harnett County |
NC | 37 | North Carolina | 087 | Haywood County |
NC | 37 | North Carolina | 089 | Henderson County |
NC | 37 | North Carolina | 091 | Hertford County |
NC | 37 | North Carolina | 093 | Hoke County |
NC | 37 | North Carolina | 095 | Hyde County |
NC | 37 | North Carolina | 097 | Iredell County |
NC | 37 | North Carolina | 099 | Jackson County |
NC | 37 | North Carolina | 101 | Johnston County |
NC | 37 | North Carolina | 103 | Jones County |
NC | 37 | North Carolina | 105 | Lee County |
NC | 37 | North Carolina | 107 | Lenoir County |
NC | 37 | North Carolina | 109 | Lincoln County |
NC | 37 | North Carolina | 111 | McDowell County |
NC | 37 | North Carolina | 113 | Macon County |
NC | 37 | North Carolina | 115 | Madison County |
NC | 37 | North Carolina | 117 | Martin County |
NC | 37 | North Carolina | 119 | Mecklenburg County |
NC | 37 | North Carolina | 121 | Mitchell County |
NC | 37 | North Carolina | 123 | Montgomery County |
NC | 37 | North Carolina | 125 | Moore County |
NC | 37 | North Carolina | 127 | Nash County |
NC | 37 | North Carolina | 129 | New Hanover County |
NC | 37 | North Carolina | 131 | Northampton County |
NC | 37 | North Carolina | 133 | Onslow County |
NC | 37 | North Carolina | 135 | Orange County |
NC | 37 | North Carolina | 137 | Pamlico County |
NC | 37 | North Carolina | 139 | Pasquotank County |
NC | 37 | North Carolina | 141 | Pender County |
NC | 37 | North Carolina | 143 | Perquimans County |
NC | 37 | North Carolina | 145 | Person County |
NC | 37 | North Carolina | 147 | Pitt County |
NC | 37 | North Carolina | 149 | Polk County |
NC | 37 | North Carolina | 151 | Randolph County |
NC | 37 | North Carolina | 153 | Richmond County |
NC | 37 | North Carolina | 155 | Robeson County |
NC | 37 | North Carolina | 157 | Rockingham County |
NC | 37 | North Carolina | 159 | Rowan County |
NC | 37 | North Carolina | 161 | Rutherford County |
NC | 37 | North Carolina | 163 | Sampson County |
NC | 37 | North Carolina | 165 | Scotland County |
NC | 37 | North Carolina | 167 | Stanly County |
NC | 37 | North Carolina | 169 | Stokes County |
NC | 37 | North Carolina | 171 | Surry County |
NC | 37 | North Carolina | 173 | Swain County |
NC | 37 | North Carolina | 175 | Transylvania County |
NC | 37 | North Carolina | 177 | Tyrrell County |
NC | 37 | North Carolina | 179 | Union County |
NC | 37 | North Carolina | 181 | Vance County |
NC | 37 | North Carolina | 183 | Wake County |
NC | 37 | North Carolina | 185 | Warren County |
NC | 37 | North Carolina | 187 | Washington County |
NC | 37 | North Carolina | 189 | Watauga County |
NC | 37 | North Carolina | 191 | Wayne County |
NC | 37 | North Carolina | 193 | Wilkes County |
NC | 37 | North Carolina | 195 | Wilson County |
NC | 37 | North Carolina | 197 | Yadkin County |
NC | 37 | North Carolina | 199 | Yancey County |
ND | 38 | North Dakota | 001 | Adams County |
ND | 38 | North Dakota | 003 | Barnes County |
ND | 38 | North Dakota | 005 | Benson County |
ND | 38 | North Dakota | 007 | Billings County |
ND | 38 | North Dakota | 009 | Bottineau County |
ND | 38 | North Dakota | 011 | Bowman County |
ND | 38 | North Dakota | 013 | Burke County |
ND | 38 | North Dakota | 015 | Burleigh County |
ND | 38 | North Dakota | 017 | Cass County |
ND | 38 | North Dakota | 019 | Cavalier County |
ND | 38 | North Dakota | 021 | Dickey County |
ND | 38 | North Dakota | 023 | Divide County |
ND | 38 | North Dakota | 025 | Dunn County |
ND | 38 | North Dakota | 027 | Eddy County |
ND | 38 | North Dakota | 029 | Emmons County |
ND | 38 | North Dakota | 031 | Foster County |
ND | 38 | North Dakota | 033 | Golden Valley County |
ND | 38 | North Dakota | 035 | Grand Forks County |
ND | 38 | North Dakota | 037 | Grant County |
ND | 38 | North Dakota | 039 | Griggs County |
ND | 38 | North Dakota | 041 | Hettinger County |
ND | 38 | North Dakota | 043 | Kidder County |
ND | 38 | North Dakota | 045 | LaMoure County |
ND | 38 | North Dakota | 047 | Logan County |
ND | 38 | North Dakota | 049 | McHenry County |
ND | 38 | North Dakota | 051 | McIntosh County |
ND | 38 | North Dakota | 053 | McKenzie County |
ND | 38 | North Dakota | 055 | McLean County |
ND | 38 | North Dakota | 057 | Mercer County |
ND | 38 | North Dakota | 059 | Morton County |
ND | 38 | North Dakota | 061 | Mountrail County |
ND | 38 | North Dakota | 063 | Nelson County |
ND | 38 | North Dakota | 065 | Oliver County |
ND | 38 | North Dakota | 067 | Pembina County |
ND | 38 | North Dakota | 069 | Pierce County |
ND | 38 | North Dakota | 071 | Ramsey County |
ND | 38 | North Dakota | 073 | Ransom County |
ND | 38 | North Dakota | 075 | Renville County |
ND | 38 | North Dakota | 077 | Richland County |
ND | 38 | North Dakota | 079 | Rolette County |
ND | 38 | North Dakota | 081 | Sargent County |
ND | 38 | North Dakota | 083 | Sheridan County |
ND | 38 | North Dakota | 085 | Sioux County |
ND | 38 | North Dakota | 087 | Slope County |
ND | 38 | North Dakota | 089 | Stark County |
ND | 38 | North Dakota | 091 | Steele County |
ND | 38 | North Dakota | 093 | Stutsman County |
ND | 38 | North Dakota | 095 | Towner County |
ND | 38 | North Dakota | 097 | Traill County |
ND | 38 | North Dakota | 099 | Walsh County |
ND | 38 | North Dakota | 101 | Ward County |
ND | 38 | North Dakota | 103 | Wells County |
ND | 38 | North Dakota | 105 | Williams County |
OH | 39 | Ohio | 001 | Adams County |
OH | 39 | Ohio | 003 | Allen County |
OH | 39 | Ohio | 005 | Ashland County |
OH | 39 | Ohio | 007 | Ashtabula County |
OH | 39 | Ohio | 009 | Athens County |
OH | 39 | Ohio | 011 | Auglaize County |
OH | 39 | Ohio | 013 | Belmont County |
OH | 39 | Ohio | 015 | Brown County |
OH | 39 | Ohio | 017 | Butler County |
OH | 39 | Ohio | 019 | Carroll County |
OH | 39 | Ohio | 021 | Champaign County |
OH | 39 | Ohio | 023 | Clark County |
OH | 39 | Ohio | 025 | Clermont County |
OH | 39 | Ohio | 027 | Clinton County |
OH | 39 | Ohio | 029 | Columbiana County |
OH | 39 | Ohio | 031 | Coshocton County |
OH | 39 | Ohio | 033 | Crawford County |
OH | 39 | Ohio | 035 | Cuyahoga County |
OH | 39 | Ohio | 037 | Darke County |
OH | 39 | Ohio | 039 | Defiance County |
OH | 39 | Ohio | 041 | Delaware County |
OH | 39 | Ohio | 043 | Erie County |
OH | 39 | Ohio | 045 | Fairfield County |
OH | 39 | Ohio | 047 | Fayette County |
OH | 39 | Ohio | 049 | Franklin County |
OH | 39 | Ohio | 051 | Fulton County |
OH | 39 | Ohio | 053 | Gallia County |
OH | 39 | Ohio | 055 | Geauga County |
OH | 39 | Ohio | 057 | Greene County |
OH | 39 | Ohio | 059 | Guernsey County |
OH | 39 | Ohio | 061 | Hamilton County |
OH | 39 | Ohio | 063 | Hancock County |
OH | 39 | Ohio | 065 | Hardin County |
OH | 39 | Ohio | 067 | Harrison County |
OH | 39 | Ohio | 069 | Henry County |
OH | 39 | Ohio | 071 | Highland County |
OH | 39 | Ohio | 073 | Hocking County |
OH | 39 | Ohio | 075 | Holmes County |
OH | 39 | Ohio | 077 | Huron County |
OH | 39 | Ohio | 079 | Jackson County |
OH | 39 | Ohio | 081 | Jefferson County |
OH | 39 | Ohio | 083 | Knox County |
OH | 39 | Ohio | 085 | Lake County |
OH | 39 | Ohio | 087 | Lawrence County |
OH | 39 | Ohio | 089 | Licking County |
OH | 39 | Ohio | 091 | Logan County |
OH | 39 | Ohio | 093 | Lorain County |
OH | 39 | Ohio | 095 | Lucas County |
OH | 39 | Ohio | 097 | Madison County |
OH | 39 | Ohio | 099 | Mahoning County |
OH | 39 | Ohio | 101 | Marion County |
OH | 39 | Ohio | 103 | Medina County |
OH | 39 | Ohio | 105 | Meigs County |
OH | 39 | Ohio | 107 | Mercer County |
OH | 39 | Ohio | 109 | Miami County |
OH | 39 | Ohio | 111 | Monroe County |
OH | 39 | Ohio | 113 | Montgomery County |
OH | 39 | Ohio | 115 | Morgan County |
OH | 39 | Ohio | 117 | Morrow County |
OH | 39 | Ohio | 119 | Muskingum County |
OH | 39 | Ohio | 121 | Noble County |
OH | 39 | Ohio | 123 | Ottawa County |
OH | 39 | Ohio | 125 | Paulding County |
OH | 39 | Ohio | 127 | Perry County |
OH | 39 | Ohio | 129 | Pickaway County |
OH | 39 | Ohio | 131 | Pike County |
OH | 39 | Ohio | 133 | Portage County |
OH | 39 | Ohio | 135 | Preble County |
OH | 39 | Ohio | 137 | Putnam County |
OH | 39 | Ohio | 139 | Richland County |
OH | 39 | Ohio | 141 | Ross County |
OH | 39 | Ohio | 143 | Sandusky County |
OH | 39 | Ohio | 145 | Scioto County |
OH | 39 | Ohio | 147 | Seneca County |
OH | 39 | Ohio | 149 | Shelby County |
OH | 39 | Ohio | 151 | Stark County |
OH | 39 | Ohio | 153 | Summit County |
OH | 39 | Ohio | 155 | Trumbull County |
OH | 39 | Ohio | 157 | Tuscarawas County |
OH | 39 | Ohio | 159 | Union County |
OH | 39 | Ohio | 161 | Van Wert County |
OH | 39 | Ohio | 163 | Vinton County |
OH | 39 | Ohio | 165 | Warren County |
OH | 39 | Ohio | 167 | Washington County |
OH | 39 | Ohio | 169 | Wayne County |
OH | 39 | Ohio | 171 | Williams County |
OH | 39 | Ohio | 173 | Wood County |
OH | 39 | Ohio | 175 | Wyandot County |
OK | 40 | Oklahoma | 001 | Adair County |
OK | 40 | Oklahoma | 003 | Alfalfa County |
OK | 40 | Oklahoma | 005 | Atoka County |
OK | 40 | Oklahoma | 007 | Beaver County |
OK | 40 | Oklahoma | 009 | Beckham County |
OK | 40 | Oklahoma | 011 | Blaine County |
OK | 40 | Oklahoma | 013 | Bryan County |
OK | 40 | Oklahoma | 015 | Caddo County |
OK | 40 | Oklahoma | 017 | Canadian County |
OK | 40 | Oklahoma | 019 | Carter County |
OK | 40 | Oklahoma | 021 | Cherokee County |
OK | 40 | Oklahoma | 023 | Choctaw County |
OK | 40 | Oklahoma | 025 | Cimarron County |
OK | 40 | Oklahoma | 027 | Cleveland County |
OK | 40 | Oklahoma | 029 | Coal County |
OK | 40 | Oklahoma | 031 | Comanche County |
OK | 40 | Oklahoma | 033 | Cotton County |
OK | 40 | Oklahoma | 035 | Craig County |
OK | 40 | Oklahoma | 037 | Creek County |
OK | 40 | Oklahoma | 039 | Custer County |
OK | 40 | Oklahoma | 041 | Delaware County |
OK | 40 | Oklahoma | 043 | Dewey County |
OK | 40 | Oklahoma | 045 | Ellis County |
OK | 40 | Oklahoma | 047 | Garfield County |
OK | 40 | Oklahoma | 049 | Garvin County |
OK | 40 | Oklahoma | 051 | Grady County |
OK | 40 | Oklahoma | 053 | Grant County |
OK | 40 | Oklahoma | 055 | Greer County |
OK | 40 | Oklahoma | 057 | Harmon County |
OK | 40 | Oklahoma | 059 | Harper County |
OK | 40 | Oklahoma | 061 | Haskell County |
OK | 40 | Oklahoma | 063 | Hughes County |
OK | 40 | Oklahoma | 065 | Jackson County |
OK | 40 | Oklahoma | 067 | Jefferson County |
OK | 40 | Oklahoma | 069 | Johnston County |
OK | 40 | Oklahoma | 071 | Kay County |
OK | 40 | Oklahoma | 073 | Kingfisher County |
OK | 40 | Oklahoma | 075 | Kiowa County |
OK | 40 | Oklahoma | 077 | Latimer County |
OK | 40 | Oklahoma | 079 | Le Flore County |
OK | 40 | Oklahoma | 081 | Lincoln County |
OK | 40 | Oklahoma | 083 | Logan County |
OK | 40 | Oklahoma | 085 | Love County |
OK | 40 | Oklahoma | 087 | McClain County |
OK | 40 | Oklahoma | 089 | McCurtain County |
OK | 40 | Oklahoma | 091 | McIntosh County |
OK | 40 | Oklahoma | 093 | Major County |
OK | 40 | Oklahoma | 095 | Marshall County |
OK | 40 | Oklahoma | 097 | Mayes County |
OK | 40 | Oklahoma | 099 | Murray County |
OK | 40 | Oklahoma | 101 | Muskogee County |
OK | 40 | Oklahoma | 103 | Noble County |
OK | 40 | Oklahoma | 105 | Nowata County |
OK | 40 | Oklahoma | 107 | Okfuskee County |
OK | 40 | Oklahoma | 109 | Oklahoma County |
OK | 40 | Oklahoma | 111 | Okmulgee County |
OK | 40 | Oklahoma | 113 | Osage County |
OK | 40 | Oklahoma | 115 | Ottawa County |
OK | 40 | Oklahoma | 117 | Pawnee County |
OK | 40 | Oklahoma | 119 | Payne County |
OK | 40 | Oklahoma | 121 | Pittsburg County |
OK | 40 | Oklahoma | 123 | Pontotoc County |
OK | 40 | Oklahoma | 125 | Pottawatomie County |
OK | 40 | Oklahoma | 127 | Pushmataha County |
OK | 40 | Oklahoma | 129 | Roger Mills County |
OK | 40 | Oklahoma | 131 | Rogers County |
OK | 40 | Oklahoma | 133 | Seminole County |
OK | 40 | Oklahoma | 135 | Sequoyah County |
OK | 40 | Oklahoma | 137 | Stephens County |
OK | 40 | Oklahoma | 139 | Texas County |
OK | 40 | Oklahoma | 141 | Tillman County |
OK | 40 | Oklahoma | 143 | Tulsa County |
OK | 40 | Oklahoma | 145 | Wagoner County |
OK | 40 | Oklahoma | 147 | Washington County |
OK | 40 | Oklahoma | 149 | Washita County |
OK | 40 | Oklahoma | 151 | Woods County |
OK | 40 | Oklahoma | 153 | Woodward County |
OR | 41 | Oregon | 001 | Baker County |
OR | 41 | Oregon | 003 | Benton County |
OR | 41 | Oregon | 005 | Clackamas County |
OR | 41 | Oregon | 007 | Clatsop County |
OR | 41 | Oregon | 009 | Columbia County |
OR | 41 | Oregon | 011 | Coos County |
OR | 41 | Oregon | 013 | Crook County |
OR | 41 | Oregon | 015 | Curry County |
OR | 41 | Oregon | 017 | Deschutes County |
OR | 41 | Oregon | 019 | Douglas County |
OR | 41 | Oregon | 021 | Gilliam County |
OR | 41 | Oregon | 023 | Grant County |
OR | 41 | Oregon | 025 | Harney County |
OR | 41 | Oregon | 027 | Hood River County |
OR | 41 | Oregon | 029 | Jackson County |
OR | 41 | Oregon | 031 | Jefferson County |
OR | 41 | Oregon | 033 | Josephine County |
OR | 41 | Oregon | 035 | Klamath County |
OR | 41 | Oregon | 037 | Lake County |
OR | 41 | Oregon | 039 | Lane County |
OR | 41 | Oregon | 041 | Lincoln County |
OR | 41 | Oregon | 043 | Linn County |
OR | 41 | Oregon | 045 | Malheur County |
OR | 41 | Oregon | 047 | Marion County |
OR | 41 | Oregon | 049 | Morrow County |
OR | 41 | Oregon | 051 | Multnomah County |
OR | 41 | Oregon | 053 | Polk County |
OR | 41 | Oregon | 055 | Sherman County |
OR | 41 | Oregon | 057 | Tillamook County |
OR | 41 | Oregon | 059 | Umatilla County |
OR | 41 | Oregon | 061 | Union County |
OR | 41 | Oregon | 063 | Wallowa County |
OR | 41 | Oregon | 065 | Wasco County |
OR | 41 | Oregon | 067 | Washington County |
OR | 41 | Oregon | 069 | Wheeler County |
OR | 41 | Oregon | 071 | Yamhill County |
PA | 42 | Pennsylvania | 001 | Adams County |
PA | 42 | Pennsylvania | 003 | Allegheny County |
PA | 42 | Pennsylvania | 005 | Armstrong County |
PA | 42 | Pennsylvania | 007 | Beaver County |
PA | 42 | Pennsylvania | 009 | Bedford County |
PA | 42 | Pennsylvania | 011 | Berks County |
PA | 42 | Pennsylvania | 013 | Blair County |
PA | 42 | Pennsylvania | 015 | Bradford County |
PA | 42 | Pennsylvania | 017 | Bucks County |
PA | 42 | Pennsylvania | 019 | Butler County |
PA | 42 | Pennsylvania | 021 | Cambria County |
PA | 42 | Pennsylvania | 023 | Cameron County |
PA | 42 | Pennsylvania | 025 | Carbon County |
PA | 42 | Pennsylvania | 027 | Centre County |
PA | 42 | Pennsylvania | 029 | Chester County |
PA | 42 | Pennsylvania | 031 | Clarion County |
PA | 42 | Pennsylvania | 033 | Clearfield County |
PA | 42 | Pennsylvania | 035 | Clinton County |
PA | 42 | Pennsylvania | 037 | Columbia County |
PA | 42 | Pennsylvania | 039 | Crawford County |
PA | 42 | Pennsylvania | 041 | Cumberland County |
PA | 42 | Pennsylvania | 043 | Dauphin County |
PA | 42 | Pennsylvania | 045 | Delaware County |
PA | 42 | Pennsylvania | 047 | Elk County |
PA | 42 | Pennsylvania | 049 | Erie County |
PA | 42 | Pennsylvania | 051 | Fayette County |
PA | 42 | Pennsylvania | 053 | Forest County |
PA | 42 | Pennsylvania | 055 | Franklin County |
PA | 42 | Pennsylvania | 057 | Fulton County |
PA | 42 | Pennsylvania | 059 | Greene County |
PA | 42 | Pennsylvania | 061 | Huntingdon County |
PA | 42 | Pennsylvania | 063 | Indiana County |
PA | 42 | Pennsylvania | 065 | Jefferson County |
PA | 42 | Pennsylvania | 067 | Juniata County |
PA | 42 | Pennsylvania | 069 | Lackawanna County |
PA | 42 | Pennsylvania | 071 | Lancaster County |
PA | 42 | Pennsylvania | 073 | Lawrence County |
PA | 42 | Pennsylvania | 075 | Lebanon County |
PA | 42 | Pennsylvania | 077 | Lehigh County |
PA | 42 | Pennsylvania | 079 | Luzerne County |
PA | 42 | Pennsylvania | 081 | Lycoming County |
PA | 42 | Pennsylvania | 083 | McKean County |
PA | 42 | Pennsylvania | 085 | Mercer County |
PA | 42 | Pennsylvania | 087 | Mifflin County |
PA | 42 | Pennsylvania | 089 | Monroe County |
PA | 42 | Pennsylvania | 091 | Montgomery County |
PA | 42 | Pennsylvania | 093 | Montour County |
PA | 42 | Pennsylvania | 095 | Northampton County |
PA | 42 | Pennsylvania | 097 | Northumberland County |
PA | 42 | Pennsylvania | 099 | Perry County |
PA | 42 | Pennsylvania | 101 | Philadelphia County |
PA | 42 | Pennsylvania | 103 | Pike County |
PA | 42 | Pennsylvania | 105 | Potter County |
PA | 42 | Pennsylvania | 107 | Schuylkill County |
PA | 42 | Pennsylvania | 109 | Snyder County |
PA | 42 | Pennsylvania | 111 | Somerset County |
PA | 42 | Pennsylvania | 113 | Sullivan County |
PA | 42 | Pennsylvania | 115 | Susquehanna County |
PA | 42 | Pennsylvania | 117 | Tioga County |
PA | 42 | Pennsylvania | 119 | Union County |
PA | 42 | Pennsylvania | 121 | Venango County |
PA | 42 | Pennsylvania | 123 | Warren County |
PA | 42 | Pennsylvania | 125 | Washington County |
PA | 42 | Pennsylvania | 127 | Wayne County |
PA | 42 | Pennsylvania | 129 | Westmoreland County |
PA | 42 | Pennsylvania | 131 | Wyoming County |
PA | 42 | Pennsylvania | 133 | York County |
RI | 44 | Rhode Island | 001 | Bristol County |
RI | 44 | Rhode Island | 003 | Kent County |
RI | 44 | Rhode Island | 005 | Newport County |
RI | 44 | Rhode Island | 007 | Providence County |
RI | 44 | Rhode Island | 009 | Washington County |
SC | 45 | South Carolina | 001 | Abbeville County |
SC | 45 | South Carolina | 003 | Aiken County |
SC | 45 | South Carolina | 005 | Allendale County |
SC | 45 | South Carolina | 007 | Anderson County |
SC | 45 | South Carolina | 009 | Bamberg County |
SC | 45 | South Carolina | 011 | Barnwell County |
SC | 45 | South Carolina | 013 | Beaufort County |
SC | 45 | South Carolina | 015 | Berkeley County |
SC | 45 | South Carolina | 017 | Calhoun County |
SC | 45 | South Carolina | 019 | Charleston County |
SC | 45 | South Carolina | 021 | Cherokee County |
SC | 45 | South Carolina | 023 | Chester County |
SC | 45 | South Carolina | 025 | Chesterfield County |
SC | 45 | South Carolina | 027 | Clarendon County |
SC | 45 | South Carolina | 029 | Colleton County |
SC | 45 | South Carolina | 031 | Darlington County |
SC | 45 | South Carolina | 033 | Dillon County |
SC | 45 | South Carolina | 035 | Dorchester County |
SC | 45 | South Carolina | 037 | Edgefield County |
SC | 45 | South Carolina | 039 | Fairfield County |
SC | 45 | South Carolina | 041 | Florence County |
SC | 45 | South Carolina | 043 | Georgetown County |
SC | 45 | South Carolina | 045 | Greenville County |
SC | 45 | South Carolina | 047 | Greenwood County |
SC | 45 | South Carolina | 049 | Hampton County |
SC | 45 | South Carolina | 051 | Horry County |
SC | 45 | South Carolina | 053 | Jasper County |
SC | 45 | South Carolina | 055 | Kershaw County |
SC | 45 | South Carolina | 057 | Lancaster County |
SC | 45 | South Carolina | 059 | Laurens County |
SC | 45 | South Carolina | 061 | Lee County |
SC | 45 | South Carolina | 063 | Lexington County |
SC | 45 | South Carolina | 065 | McCormick County |
SC | 45 | South Carolina | 067 | Marion County |
SC | 45 | South Carolina | 069 | Marlboro County |
SC | 45 | South Carolina | 071 | Newberry County |
SC | 45 | South Carolina | 073 | Oconee County |
SC | 45 | South Carolina | 075 | Orangeburg County |
SC | 45 | South Carolina | 077 | Pickens County |
SC | 45 | South Carolina | 079 | Richland County |
SC | 45 | South Carolina | 081 | Saluda County |
SC | 45 | South Carolina | 083 | Spartanburg County |
SC | 45 | South Carolina | 085 | Sumter County |
SC | 45 | South Carolina | 087 | Union County |
SC | 45 | South Carolina | 089 | Williamsburg County |
SC | 45 | South Carolina | 091 | York County |
SD | 46 | South Dakota | 003 | Aurora County |
SD | 46 | South Dakota | 005 | Beadle County |
SD | 46 | South Dakota | 007 | Bennett County |
SD | 46 | South Dakota | 009 | Bon Homme County |
SD | 46 | South Dakota | 011 | Brookings County |
SD | 46 | South Dakota | 013 | Brown County |
SD | 46 | South Dakota | 015 | Brule County |
SD | 46 | South Dakota | 017 | Buffalo County |
SD | 46 | South Dakota | 019 | Butte County |
SD | 46 | South Dakota | 021 | Campbell County |
SD | 46 | South Dakota | 023 | Charles Mix County |
SD | 46 | South Dakota | 025 | Clark County |
SD | 46 | South Dakota | 027 | Clay County |
SD | 46 | South Dakota | 029 | Codington County |
SD | 46 | South Dakota | 031 | Corson County |
SD | 46 | South Dakota | 033 | Custer County |
SD | 46 | South Dakota | 035 | Davison County |
SD | 46 | South Dakota | 037 | Day County |
SD | 46 | South Dakota | 039 | Deuel County |
SD | 46 | South Dakota | 041 | Dewey County |
SD | 46 | South Dakota | 043 | Douglas County |
SD | 46 | South Dakota | 045 | Edmunds County |
SD | 46 | South Dakota | 047 | Fall River County |
SD | 46 | South Dakota | 049 | Faulk County |
SD | 46 | South Dakota | 051 | Grant County |
SD | 46 | South Dakota | 053 | Gregory County |
SD | 46 | South Dakota | 055 | Haakon County |
SD | 46 | South Dakota | 057 | Hamlin County |
SD | 46 | South Dakota | 059 | Hand County |
SD | 46 | South Dakota | 061 | Hanson County |
SD | 46 | South Dakota | 063 | Harding County |
SD | 46 | South Dakota | 065 | Hughes County |
SD | 46 | South Dakota | 067 | Hutchinson County |
SD | 46 | South Dakota | 069 | Hyde County |
SD | 46 | South Dakota | 071 | Jackson County |
SD | 46 | South Dakota | 073 | Jerauld County |
SD | 46 | South Dakota | 075 | Jones County |
SD | 46 | South Dakota | 077 | Kingsbury County |
SD | 46 | South Dakota | 079 | Lake County |
SD | 46 | South Dakota | 081 | Lawrence County |
SD | 46 | South Dakota | 083 | Lincoln County |
SD | 46 | South Dakota | 085 | Lyman County |
SD | 46 | South Dakota | 087 | McCook County |
SD | 46 | South Dakota | 089 | McPherson County |
SD | 46 | South Dakota | 091 | Marshall County |
SD | 46 | South Dakota | 093 | Meade County |
SD | 46 | South Dakota | 095 | Mellette County |
SD | 46 | South Dakota | 097 | Miner County |
SD | 46 | South Dakota | 099 | Minnehaha County |
SD | 46 | South Dakota | 101 | Moody County |
SD | 46 | South Dakota | 102 | Oglala Lakota County |
SD | 46 | South Dakota | 103 | Pennington County |
SD | 46 | South Dakota | 105 | Perkins County |
SD | 46 | South Dakota | 107 | Potter County |
SD | 46 | South Dakota | 109 | Roberts County |
SD | 46 | South Dakota | 111 | Sanborn County |
SD | 46 | South Dakota | 113 | Shannon County |
SD | 46 | South Dakota | 115 | Spink County |
SD | 46 | South Dakota | 117 | Stanley County |
SD | 46 | South Dakota | 119 | Sully County |
SD | 46 | South Dakota | 121 | Todd County |
SD | 46 | South Dakota | 123 | Tripp County |
SD | 46 | South Dakota | 125 | Turner County |
SD | 46 | South Dakota | 127 | Union County |
SD | 46 | South Dakota | 129 | Walworth County |
SD | 46 | South Dakota | 135 | Yankton County |
SD | 46 | South Dakota | 137 | Ziebach County |
TN | 47 | Tennessee | 001 | Anderson County |
TN | 47 | Tennessee | 003 | Bedford County |
TN | 47 | Tennessee | 005 | Benton County |
TN | 47 | Tennessee | 007 | Bledsoe County |
TN | 47 | Tennessee | 009 | Blount County |
TN | 47 | Tennessee | 011 | Bradley County |
TN | 47 | Tennessee | 013 | Campbell County |
TN | 47 | Tennessee | 015 | Cannon County |
TN | 47 | Tennessee | 017 | Carroll County |
TN | 47 | Tennessee | 019 | Carter County |
TN | 47 | Tennessee | 021 | Cheatham County |
TN | 47 | Tennessee | 023 | Chester County |
TN | 47 | Tennessee | 025 | Claiborne County |
TN | 47 | Tennessee | 027 | Clay County |
TN | 47 | Tennessee | 029 | Cocke County |
TN | 47 | Tennessee | 031 | Coffee County |
TN | 47 | Tennessee | 033 | Crockett County |
TN | 47 | Tennessee | 035 | Cumberland County |
TN | 47 | Tennessee | 037 | Davidson County |
TN | 47 | Tennessee | 039 | Decatur County |
TN | 47 | Tennessee | 041 | DeKalb County |
TN | 47 | Tennessee | 043 | Dickson County |
TN | 47 | Tennessee | 045 | Dyer County |
TN | 47 | Tennessee | 047 | Fayette County |
TN | 47 | Tennessee | 049 | Fentress County |
TN | 47 | Tennessee | 051 | Franklin County |
TN | 47 | Tennessee | 053 | Gibson County |
TN | 47 | Tennessee | 055 | Giles County |
TN | 47 | Tennessee | 057 | Grainger County |
TN | 47 | Tennessee | 059 | Greene County |
TN | 47 | Tennessee | 061 | Grundy County |
TN | 47 | Tennessee | 063 | Hamblen County |
TN | 47 | Tennessee | 065 | Hamilton County |
TN | 47 | Tennessee | 067 | Hancock County |
TN | 47 | Tennessee | 069 | Hardeman County |
TN | 47 | Tennessee | 071 | Hardin County |
TN | 47 | Tennessee | 073 | Hawkins County |
TN | 47 | Tennessee | 075 | Haywood County |
TN | 47 | Tennessee | 077 | Henderson County |
TN | 47 | Tennessee | 079 | Henry County |
TN | 47 | Tennessee | 081 | Hickman County |
TN | 47 | Tennessee | 083 | Houston County |
TN | 47 | Tennessee | 085 | Humphreys County |
TN | 47 | Tennessee | 087 | Jackson County |
TN | 47 | Tennessee | 089 | Jefferson County |
TN | 47 | Tennessee | 091 | Johnson County |
TN | 47 | Tennessee | 093 | Knox County |
TN | 47 | Tennessee | 095 | Lake County |
TN | 47 | Tennessee | 097 | Lauderdale County |
TN | 47 | Tennessee | 099 | Lawrence County |
TN | 47 | Tennessee | 101 | Lewis County |
TN | 47 | Tennessee | 103 | Lincoln County |
TN | 47 | Tennessee | 105 | Loudon County |
TN | 47 | Tennessee | 107 | McMinn County |
TN | 47 | Tennessee | 109 | McNairy County |
TN | 47 | Tennessee | 111 | Macon County |
TN | 47 | Tennessee | 113 | Madison County |
TN | 47 | Tennessee | 115 | Marion County |
TN | 47 | Tennessee | 117 | Marshall County |
TN | 47 | Tennessee | 119 | Maury County |
TN | 47 | Tennessee | 121 | Meigs County |
TN | 47 | Tennessee | 123 | Monroe County |
TN | 47 | Tennessee | 125 | Montgomery County |
TN | 47 | Tennessee | 127 | Moore County |
TN | 47 | Tennessee | 129 | Morgan County |
TN | 47 | Tennessee | 131 | Obion County |
TN | 47 | Tennessee | 133 | Overton County |
TN | 47 | Tennessee | 135 | Perry County |
TN | 47 | Tennessee | 137 | Pickett County |
TN | 47 | Tennessee | 139 | Polk County |
TN | 47 | Tennessee | 141 | Putnam County |
TN | 47 | Tennessee | 143 | Rhea County |
TN | 47 | Tennessee | 145 | Roane County |
TN | 47 | Tennessee | 147 | Robertson County |
TN | 47 | Tennessee | 149 | Rutherford County |
TN | 47 | Tennessee | 151 | Scott County |
TN | 47 | Tennessee | 153 | Sequatchie County |
TN | 47 | Tennessee | 155 | Sevier County |
TN | 47 | Tennessee | 157 | Shelby County |
TN | 47 | Tennessee | 159 | Smith County |
TN | 47 | Tennessee | 161 | Stewart County |
TN | 47 | Tennessee | 163 | Sullivan County |
TN | 47 | Tennessee | 165 | Sumner County |
TN | 47 | Tennessee | 167 | Tipton County |
TN | 47 | Tennessee | 169 | Trousdale County |
TN | 47 | Tennessee | 171 | Unicoi County |
TN | 47 | Tennessee | 173 | Union County |
TN | 47 | Tennessee | 175 | Van Buren County |
TN | 47 | Tennessee | 177 | Warren County |
TN | 47 | Tennessee | 179 | Washington County |
TN | 47 | Tennessee | 181 | Wayne County |
TN | 47 | Tennessee | 183 | Weakley County |
TN | 47 | Tennessee | 185 | White County |
TN | 47 | Tennessee | 187 | Williamson County |
TN | 47 | Tennessee | 189 | Wilson County |
TX | 48 | Texas | 001 | Anderson County |
TX | 48 | Texas | 003 | Andrews County |
TX | 48 | Texas | 005 | Angelina County |
TX | 48 | Texas | 007 | Aransas County |
TX | 48 | Texas | 009 | Archer County |
TX | 48 | Texas | 011 | Armstrong County |
TX | 48 | Texas | 013 | Atascosa County |
TX | 48 | Texas | 015 | Austin County |
TX | 48 | Texas | 017 | Bailey County |
TX | 48 | Texas | 019 | Bandera County |
TX | 48 | Texas | 021 | Bastrop County |
TX | 48 | Texas | 023 | Baylor County |
TX | 48 | Texas | 025 | Bee County |
TX | 48 | Texas | 027 | Bell County |
TX | 48 | Texas | 029 | Bexar County |
TX | 48 | Texas | 031 | Blanco County |
TX | 48 | Texas | 033 | Borden County |
TX | 48 | Texas | 035 | Bosque County |
TX | 48 | Texas | 037 | Bowie County |
TX | 48 | Texas | 039 | Brazoria County |
TX | 48 | Texas | 041 | Brazos County |
TX | 48 | Texas | 043 | Brewster County |
TX | 48 | Texas | 045 | Briscoe County |
TX | 48 | Texas | 047 | Brooks County |
TX | 48 | Texas | 049 | Brown County |
TX | 48 | Texas | 051 | Burleson County |
TX | 48 | Texas | 053 | Burnet County |
TX | 48 | Texas | 055 | Caldwell County |
TX | 48 | Texas | 057 | Calhoun County |
TX | 48 | Texas | 059 | Callahan County |
TX | 48 | Texas | 061 | Cameron County |
TX | 48 | Texas | 063 | Camp County |
TX | 48 | Texas | 065 | Carson County |
TX | 48 | Texas | 067 | Cass County |
TX | 48 | Texas | 069 | Castro County |
TX | 48 | Texas | 071 | Chambers County |
TX | 48 | Texas | 073 | Cherokee County |
TX | 48 | Texas | 075 | Childress County |
TX | 48 | Texas | 077 | Clay County |
TX | 48 | Texas | 079 | Cochran County |
TX | 48 | Texas | 081 | Coke County |
TX | 48 | Texas | 083 | Coleman County |
TX | 48 | Texas | 085 | Collin County |
TX | 48 | Texas | 087 | Collingsworth County |
TX | 48 | Texas | 089 | Colorado County |
TX | 48 | Texas | 091 | Comal County |
TX | 48 | Texas | 093 | Comanche County |
TX | 48 | Texas | 095 | Concho County |
TX | 48 | Texas | 097 | Cooke County |
TX | 48 | Texas | 099 | Coryell County |
TX | 48 | Texas | 101 | Cottle County |
TX | 48 | Texas | 103 | Crane County |
TX | 48 | Texas | 105 | Crockett County |
TX | 48 | Texas | 107 | Crosby County |
TX | 48 | Texas | 109 | Culberson County |
TX | 48 | Texas | 111 | Dallam County |
TX | 48 | Texas | 113 | Dallas County |
TX | 48 | Texas | 115 | Dawson County |
TX | 48 | Texas | 117 | Deaf Smith County |
TX | 48 | Texas | 119 | Delta County |
TX | 48 | Texas | 121 | Denton County |
TX | 48 | Texas | 123 | DeWitt County |
TX | 48 | Texas | 125 | Dickens County |
TX | 48 | Texas | 127 | Dimmit County |
TX | 48 | Texas | 129 | Donley County |
TX | 48 | Texas | 131 | Duval County |
TX | 48 | Texas | 133 | Eastland County |
TX | 48 | Texas | 135 | Ector County |
TX | 48 | Texas | 137 | Edwards County |
TX | 48 | Texas | 139 | Ellis County |
TX | 48 | Texas | 141 | El Paso County |
TX | 48 | Texas | 143 | Erath County |
TX | 48 | Texas | 145 | Falls County |
TX | 48 | Texas | 147 | Fannin County |
TX | 48 | Texas | 149 | Fayette County |
TX | 48 | Texas | 151 | Fisher County |
TX | 48 | Texas | 153 | Floyd County |
TX | 48 | Texas | 155 | Foard County |
TX | 48 | Texas | 157 | Fort Bend County |
TX | 48 | Texas | 159 | Franklin County |
TX | 48 | Texas | 161 | Freestone County |
TX | 48 | Texas | 163 | Frio County |
TX | 48 | Texas | 165 | Gaines County |
TX | 48 | Texas | 167 | Galveston County |
TX | 48 | Texas | 169 | Garza County |
TX | 48 | Texas | 171 | Gillespie County |
TX | 48 | Texas | 173 | Glasscock County |
TX | 48 | Texas | 175 | Goliad County |
TX | 48 | Texas | 177 | Gonzales County |
TX | 48 | Texas | 179 | Gray County |
TX | 48 | Texas | 181 | Grayson County |
TX | 48 | Texas | 183 | Gregg County |
TX | 48 | Texas | 185 | Grimes County |
TX | 48 | Texas | 187 | Guadalupe County |
TX | 48 | Texas | 189 | Hale County |
TX | 48 | Texas | 191 | Hall County |
TX | 48 | Texas | 193 | Hamilton County |
TX | 48 | Texas | 195 | Hansford County |
TX | 48 | Texas | 197 | Hardeman County |
TX | 48 | Texas | 199 | Hardin County |
TX | 48 | Texas | 201 | Harris County |
TX | 48 | Texas | 203 | Harrison County |
TX | 48 | Texas | 205 | Hartley County |
TX | 48 | Texas | 207 | Haskell County |
TX | 48 | Texas | 209 | Hays County |
TX | 48 | Texas | 211 | Hemphill County |
TX | 48 | Texas | 213 | Henderson County |
TX | 48 | Texas | 215 | Hidalgo County |
TX | 48 | Texas | 217 | Hill County |
TX | 48 | Texas | 219 | Hockley County |
TX | 48 | Texas | 221 | Hood County |
TX | 48 | Texas | 223 | Hopkins County |
TX | 48 | Texas | 225 | Houston County |
TX | 48 | Texas | 227 | Howard County |
TX | 48 | Texas | 229 | Hudspeth County |
TX | 48 | Texas | 231 | Hunt County |
TX | 48 | Texas | 233 | Hutchinson County |
TX | 48 | Texas | 235 | Irion County |
TX | 48 | Texas | 237 | Jack County |
TX | 48 | Texas | 239 | Jackson County |
TX | 48 | Texas | 241 | Jasper County |
TX | 48 | Texas | 243 | Jeff Davis County |
TX | 48 | Texas | 245 | Jefferson County |
TX | 48 | Texas | 247 | Jim Hogg County |
TX | 48 | Texas | 249 | Jim Wells County |
TX | 48 | Texas | 251 | Johnson County |
TX | 48 | Texas | 253 | Jones County |
TX | 48 | Texas | 255 | Karnes County |
TX | 48 | Texas | 257 | Kaufman County |
TX | 48 | Texas | 259 | Kendall County |
TX | 48 | Texas | 261 | Kenedy County |
TX | 48 | Texas | 263 | Kent County |
TX | 48 | Texas | 265 | Kerr County |
TX | 48 | Texas | 267 | Kimble County |
TX | 48 | Texas | 269 | King County |
TX | 48 | Texas | 271 | Kinney County |
TX | 48 | Texas | 273 | Kleberg County |
TX | 48 | Texas | 275 | Knox County |
TX | 48 | Texas | 277 | Lamar County |
TX | 48 | Texas | 279 | Lamb County |
TX | 48 | Texas | 281 | Lampasas County |
TX | 48 | Texas | 283 | La Salle County |
TX | 48 | Texas | 285 | Lavaca County |
TX | 48 | Texas | 287 | Lee County |
TX | 48 | Texas | 289 | Leon County |
TX | 48 | Texas | 291 | Liberty County |
TX | 48 | Texas | 293 | Limestone County |
TX | 48 | Texas | 295 | Lipscomb County |
TX | 48 | Texas | 297 | Live Oak County |
TX | 48 | Texas | 299 | Llano County |
TX | 48 | Texas | 301 | Loving County |
TX | 48 | Texas | 303 | Lubbock County |
TX | 48 | Texas | 305 | Lynn County |
TX | 48 | Texas | 307 | McCulloch County |
TX | 48 | Texas | 309 | McLennan County |
TX | 48 | Texas | 311 | McMullen County |
TX | 48 | Texas | 313 | Madison County |
TX | 48 | Texas | 315 | Marion County |
TX | 48 | Texas | 317 | Martin County |
TX | 48 | Texas | 319 | Mason County |
TX | 48 | Texas | 321 | Matagorda County |
TX | 48 | Texas | 323 | Maverick County |
TX | 48 | Texas | 325 | Medina County |
TX | 48 | Texas | 327 | Menard County |
TX | 48 | Texas | 329 | Midland County |
TX | 48 | Texas | 331 | Milam County |
TX | 48 | Texas | 333 | Mills County |
TX | 48 | Texas | 335 | Mitchell County |
TX | 48 | Texas | 337 | Montague County |
TX | 48 | Texas | 339 | Montgomery County |
TX | 48 | Texas | 341 | Moore County |
TX | 48 | Texas | 343 | Morris County |
TX | 48 | Texas | 345 | Motley County |
TX | 48 | Texas | 347 | Nacogdoches County |
TX | 48 | Texas | 349 | Navarro County |
TX | 48 | Texas | 351 | Newton County |
TX | 48 | Texas | 353 | Nolan County |
TX | 48 | Texas | 355 | Nueces County |
TX | 48 | Texas | 357 | Ochiltree County |
TX | 48 | Texas | 359 | Oldham County |
TX | 48 | Texas | 361 | Orange County |
TX | 48 | Texas | 363 | Palo Pinto County |
TX | 48 | Texas | 365 | Panola County |
TX | 48 | Texas | 367 | Parker County |
TX | 48 | Texas | 369 | Parmer County |
TX | 48 | Texas | 371 | Pecos County |
TX | 48 | Texas | 373 | Polk County |
TX | 48 | Texas | 375 | Potter County |
TX | 48 | Texas | 377 | Presidio County |
TX | 48 | Texas | 379 | Rains County |
TX | 48 | Texas | 381 | Randall County |
TX | 48 | Texas | 383 | Reagan County |
TX | 48 | Texas | 385 | Real County |
TX | 48 | Texas | 387 | Red River County |
TX | 48 | Texas | 389 | Reeves County |
TX | 48 | Texas | 391 | Refugio County |
TX | 48 | Texas | 393 | Roberts County |
TX | 48 | Texas | 395 | Robertson County |
TX | 48 | Texas | 397 | Rockwall County |
TX | 48 | Texas | 399 | Runnels County |
TX | 48 | Texas | 401 | Rusk County |
TX | 48 | Texas | 403 | Sabine County |
TX | 48 | Texas | 405 | San Augustine County |
TX | 48 | Texas | 407 | San Jacinto County |
TX | 48 | Texas | 409 | San Patricio County |
TX | 48 | Texas | 411 | San Saba County |
TX | 48 | Texas | 413 | Schleicher County |
TX | 48 | Texas | 415 | Scurry County |
TX | 48 | Texas | 417 | Shackelford County |
TX | 48 | Texas | 419 | Shelby County |
TX | 48 | Texas | 421 | Sherman County |
TX | 48 | Texas | 423 | Smith County |
TX | 48 | Texas | 425 | Somervell County |
TX | 48 | Texas | 427 | Starr County |
TX | 48 | Texas | 429 | Stephens County |
TX | 48 | Texas | 431 | Sterling County |
TX | 48 | Texas | 433 | Stonewall County |
TX | 48 | Texas | 435 | Sutton County |
TX | 48 | Texas | 437 | Swisher County |
TX | 48 | Texas | 439 | Tarrant County |
TX | 48 | Texas | 441 | Taylor County |
TX | 48 | Texas | 443 | Terrell County |
TX | 48 | Texas | 445 | Terry County |
TX | 48 | Texas | 447 | Throckmorton County |
TX | 48 | Texas | 449 | Titus County |
TX | 48 | Texas | 451 | Tom Green County |
TX | 48 | Texas | 453 | Travis County |
TX | 48 | Texas | 455 | Trinity County |
TX | 48 | Texas | 457 | Tyler County |
TX | 48 | Texas | 459 | Upshur County |
TX | 48 | Texas | 461 | Upton County |
TX | 48 | Texas | 463 | Uvalde County |
TX | 48 | Texas | 465 | Val Verde County |
TX | 48 | Texas | 467 | Van Zandt County |
TX | 48 | Texas | 469 | Victoria County |
TX | 48 | Texas | 471 | Walker County |
TX | 48 | Texas | 473 | Waller County |
TX | 48 | Texas | 475 | Ward County |
TX | 48 | Texas | 477 | Washington County |
TX | 48 | Texas | 479 | Webb County |
TX | 48 | Texas | 481 | Wharton County |
TX | 48 | Texas | 483 | Wheeler County |
TX | 48 | Texas | 485 | Wichita County |
TX | 48 | Texas | 487 | Wilbarger County |
TX | 48 | Texas | 489 | Willacy County |
TX | 48 | Texas | 491 | Williamson County |
TX | 48 | Texas | 493 | Wilson County |
TX | 48 | Texas | 495 | Winkler County |
TX | 48 | Texas | 497 | Wise County |
TX | 48 | Texas | 499 | Wood County |
TX | 48 | Texas | 501 | Yoakum County |
TX | 48 | Texas | 503 | Young County |
TX | 48 | Texas | 505 | Zapata County |
TX | 48 | Texas | 507 | Zavala County |
UT | 49 | Utah | 001 | Beaver County |
UT | 49 | Utah | 003 | Box Elder County |
UT | 49 | Utah | 005 | Cache County |
UT | 49 | Utah | 007 | Carbon County |
UT | 49 | Utah | 009 | Daggett County |
UT | 49 | Utah | 011 | Davis County |
UT | 49 | Utah | 013 | Duchesne County |
UT | 49 | Utah | 015 | Emery County |
UT | 49 | Utah | 017 | Garfield County |
UT | 49 | Utah | 019 | Grand County |
UT | 49 | Utah | 021 | Iron County |
UT | 49 | Utah | 023 | Juab County |
UT | 49 | Utah | 025 | Kane County |
UT | 49 | Utah | 027 | Millard County |
UT | 49 | Utah | 029 | Morgan County |
UT | 49 | Utah | 031 | Piute County |
UT | 49 | Utah | 033 | Rich County |
UT | 49 | Utah | 035 | Salt Lake County |
UT | 49 | Utah | 037 | San Juan County |
UT | 49 | Utah | 039 | Sanpete County |
UT | 49 | Utah | 041 | Sevier County |
UT | 49 | Utah | 043 | Summit County |
UT | 49 | Utah | 045 | Tooele County |
UT | 49 | Utah | 047 | Uintah County |
UT | 49 | Utah | 049 | Utah County |
UT | 49 | Utah | 051 | Wasatch County |
UT | 49 | Utah | 053 | Washington County |
UT | 49 | Utah | 055 | Wayne County |
UT | 49 | Utah | 057 | Weber County |
VT | 50 | Vermont | 001 | Addison County |
VT | 50 | Vermont | 003 | Bennington County |
VT | 50 | Vermont | 005 | Caledonia County |
VT | 50 | Vermont | 007 | Chittenden County |
VT | 50 | Vermont | 009 | Essex County |
VT | 50 | Vermont | 011 | Franklin County |
VT | 50 | Vermont | 013 | Grand Isle County |
VT | 50 | Vermont | 015 | Lamoille County |
VT | 50 | Vermont | 017 | Orange County |
VT | 50 | Vermont | 019 | Orleans County |
VT | 50 | Vermont | 021 | Rutland County |
VT | 50 | Vermont | 023 | Washington County |
VT | 50 | Vermont | 025 | Windham County |
VT | 50 | Vermont | 027 | Windsor County |
VA | 51 | Virginia | 001 | Accomack County |
VA | 51 | Virginia | 003 | Albemarle County |
VA | 51 | Virginia | 005 | Alleghany County |
VA | 51 | Virginia | 007 | Amelia County |
VA | 51 | Virginia | 009 | Amherst County |
VA | 51 | Virginia | 011 | Appomattox County |
VA | 51 | Virginia | 013 | Arlington County |
VA | 51 | Virginia | 015 | Augusta County |
VA | 51 | Virginia | 017 | Bath County |
VA | 51 | Virginia | 019 | Bedford County |
VA | 51 | Virginia | 021 | Bland County |
VA | 51 | Virginia | 023 | Botetourt County |
VA | 51 | Virginia | 025 | Brunswick County |
VA | 51 | Virginia | 027 | Buchanan County |
VA | 51 | Virginia | 029 | Buckingham County |
VA | 51 | Virginia | 031 | Campbell County |
VA | 51 | Virginia | 033 | Caroline County |
VA | 51 | Virginia | 035 | Carroll County |
VA | 51 | Virginia | 036 | Charles City County |
VA | 51 | Virginia | 037 | Charlotte County |
VA | 51 | Virginia | 041 | Chesterfield County |
VA | 51 | Virginia | 043 | Clarke County |
VA | 51 | Virginia | 045 | Craig County |
VA | 51 | Virginia | 047 | Culpeper County |
VA | 51 | Virginia | 049 | Cumberland County |
VA | 51 | Virginia | 051 | Dickenson County |
VA | 51 | Virginia | 053 | Dinwiddie County |
VA | 51 | Virginia | 057 | Essex County |
VA | 51 | Virginia | 059 | Fairfax County |
VA | 51 | Virginia | 061 | Fauquier County |
VA | 51 | Virginia | 063 | Floyd County |
VA | 51 | Virginia | 065 | Fluvanna County |
VA | 51 | Virginia | 067 | Franklin County |
VA | 51 | Virginia | 069 | Frederick County |
VA | 51 | Virginia | 071 | Giles County |
VA | 51 | Virginia | 073 | Gloucester County |
VA | 51 | Virginia | 075 | Goochland County |
VA | 51 | Virginia | 077 | Grayson County |
VA | 51 | Virginia | 079 | Greene County |
VA | 51 | Virginia | 081 | Greensville County |
VA | 51 | Virginia | 083 | Halifax County |
VA | 51 | Virginia | 085 | Hanover County |
VA | 51 | Virginia | 087 | Henrico County |
VA | 51 | Virginia | 089 | Henry County |
VA | 51 | Virginia | 091 | Highland County |
VA | 51 | Virginia | 093 | Isle of Wight County |
VA | 51 | Virginia | 095 | James City County |
VA | 51 | Virginia | 097 | King and Queen County |
VA | 51 | Virginia | 099 | King George County |
VA | 51 | Virginia | 101 | King William County |
VA | 51 | Virginia | 103 | Lancaster County |
VA | 51 | Virginia | 105 | Lee County |
VA | 51 | Virginia | 107 | Loudoun County |
VA | 51 | Virginia | 109 | Louisa County |
VA | 51 | Virginia | 111 | Lunenburg County |
VA | 51 | Virginia | 113 | Madison County |
VA | 51 | Virginia | 115 | Mathews County |
VA | 51 | Virginia | 117 | Mecklenburg County |
VA | 51 | Virginia | 119 | Middlesex County |
VA | 51 | Virginia | 121 | Montgomery County |
VA | 51 | Virginia | 125 | Nelson County |
VA | 51 | Virginia | 127 | New Kent County |
VA | 51 | Virginia | 131 | Northampton County |
VA | 51 | Virginia | 133 | Northumberland County |
VA | 51 | Virginia | 135 | Nottoway County |
VA | 51 | Virginia | 137 | Orange County |
VA | 51 | Virginia | 139 | Page County |
VA | 51 | Virginia | 141 | Patrick County |
VA | 51 | Virginia | 143 | Pittsylvania County |
VA | 51 | Virginia | 145 | Powhatan County |
VA | 51 | Virginia | 147 | Prince Edward County |
VA | 51 | Virginia | 149 | Prince George County |
VA | 51 | Virginia | 153 | Prince William County |
VA | 51 | Virginia | 155 | Pulaski County |
VA | 51 | Virginia | 157 | Rappahannock County |
VA | 51 | Virginia | 159 | Richmond County |
VA | 51 | Virginia | 161 | Roanoke County |
VA | 51 | Virginia | 163 | Rockbridge County |
VA | 51 | Virginia | 165 | Rockingham County |
VA | 51 | Virginia | 167 | Russell County |
VA | 51 | Virginia | 169 | Scott County |
VA | 51 | Virginia | 171 | Shenandoah County |
VA | 51 | Virginia | 173 | Smyth County |
VA | 51 | Virginia | 175 | Southampton County |
VA | 51 | Virginia | 177 | Spotsylvania County |
VA | 51 | Virginia | 179 | Stafford County |
VA | 51 | Virginia | 181 | Surry County |
VA | 51 | Virginia | 183 | Sussex County |
VA | 51 | Virginia | 185 | Tazewell County |
VA | 51 | Virginia | 187 | Warren County |
VA | 51 | Virginia | 191 | Washington County |
VA | 51 | Virginia | 193 | Westmoreland County |
VA | 51 | Virginia | 195 | Wise County |
VA | 51 | Virginia | 197 | Wythe County |
VA | 51 | Virginia | 199 | York County |
VA | 51 | Virginia | 510 | Alexandria city |
VA | 51 | Virginia | 515 | Bedford city |
VA | 51 | Virginia | 520 | Bristol city |
VA | 51 | Virginia | 530 | Buena Vista city |
VA | 51 | Virginia | 540 | Charlottesville city |
VA | 51 | Virginia | 550 | Chesapeake city |
VA | 51 | Virginia | 560 | Clifton Forge city |
VA | 51 | Virginia | 570 | Colonial Heights city |
VA | 51 | Virginia | 580 | Covington city |
VA | 51 | Virginia | 590 | Danville city |
VA | 51 | Virginia | 595 | Emporia city |
VA | 51 | Virginia | 600 | Fairfax city |
VA | 51 | Virginia | 610 | Falls Church city |
VA | 51 | Virginia | 620 | Franklin city |
VA | 51 | Virginia | 630 | Fredericksburg city |
VA | 51 | Virginia | 640 | Galax city |
VA | 51 | Virginia | 650 | Hampton city |
VA | 51 | Virginia | 660 | Harrisonburg city |
VA | 51 | Virginia | 670 | Hopewell city |
VA | 51 | Virginia | 678 | Lexington city |
VA | 51 | Virginia | 680 | Lynchburg city |
VA | 51 | Virginia | 683 | Manassas city |
VA | 51 | Virginia | 685 | Manassas Park city |
VA | 51 | Virginia | 690 | Martinsville city |
VA | 51 | Virginia | 700 | Newport News city |
VA | 51 | Virginia | 710 | Norfolk city |
VA | 51 | Virginia | 720 | Norton city |
VA | 51 | Virginia | 730 | Petersburg city |
VA | 51 | Virginia | 735 | Poquoson city |
VA | 51 | Virginia | 740 | Portsmouth city |
VA | 51 | Virginia | 750 | Radford city |
VA | 51 | Virginia | 760 | Richmond city |
VA | 51 | Virginia | 770 | Roanoke city |
VA | 51 | Virginia | 775 | Salem city |
VA | 51 | Virginia | 780 | South Boston city |
VA | 51 | Virginia | 790 | Staunton city |
VA | 51 | Virginia | 800 | Suffolk city |
VA | 51 | Virginia | 810 | Virginia Beach city |
VA | 51 | Virginia | 820 | Waynesboro city |
VA | 51 | Virginia | 830 | Williamsburg city |
VA | 51 | Virginia | 840 | Winchester city |
WA | 53 | Washington | 001 | Adams County |
WA | 53 | Washington | 003 | Asotin County |
WA | 53 | Washington | 005 | Benton County |
WA | 53 | Washington | 007 | Chelan County |
WA | 53 | Washington | 009 | Clallam County |
WA | 53 | Washington | 011 | Clark County |
WA | 53 | Washington | 013 | Columbia County |
WA | 53 | Washington | 015 | Cowlitz County |
WA | 53 | Washington | 017 | Douglas County |
WA | 53 | Washington | 019 | Ferry County |
WA | 53 | Washington | 021 | Franklin County |
WA | 53 | Washington | 023 | Garfield County |
WA | 53 | Washington | 025 | Grant County |
WA | 53 | Washington | 027 | Grays Harbor County |
WA | 53 | Washington | 029 | Island County |
WA | 53 | Washington | 031 | Jefferson County |
WA | 53 | Washington | 033 | King County |
WA | 53 | Washington | 035 | Kitsap County |
WA | 53 | Washington | 037 | Kittitas County |
WA | 53 | Washington | 039 | Klickitat County |
WA | 53 | Washington | 041 | Lewis County |
WA | 53 | Washington | 043 | Lincoln County |
WA | 53 | Washington | 045 | Mason County |
WA | 53 | Washington | 047 | Okanogan County |
WA | 53 | Washington | 049 | Pacific County |
WA | 53 | Washington | 051 | Pend Oreille County |
WA | 53 | Washington | 053 | Pierce County |
WA | 53 | Washington | 055 | San Juan County |
WA | 53 | Washington | 057 | Skagit County |
WA | 53 | Washington | 059 | Skamania County |
WA | 53 | Washington | 061 | Snohomish County |
WA | 53 | Washington | 063 | Spokane County |
WA | 53 | Washington | 065 | Stevens County |
WA | 53 | Washington | 067 | Thurston County |
WA | 53 | Washington | 069 | Wahkiakum County |
WA | 53 | Washington | 071 | Walla Walla County |
WA | 53 | Washington | 073 | Whatcom County |
WA | 53 | Washington | 075 | Whitman County |
WA | 53 | Washington | 077 | Yakima County |
WV | 54 | West Virginia | 001 | Barbour County |
WV | 54 | West Virginia | 003 | Berkeley County |
WV | 54 | West Virginia | 005 | Boone County |
WV | 54 | West Virginia | 007 | Braxton County |
WV | 54 | West Virginia | 009 | Brooke County |
WV | 54 | West Virginia | 011 | Cabell County |
WV | 54 | West Virginia | 013 | Calhoun County |
WV | 54 | West Virginia | 015 | Clay County |
WV | 54 | West Virginia | 017 | Doddridge County |
WV | 54 | West Virginia | 019 | Fayette County |
WV | 54 | West Virginia | 021 | Gilmer County |
WV | 54 | West Virginia | 023 | Grant County |
WV | 54 | West Virginia | 025 | Greenbrier County |
WV | 54 | West Virginia | 027 | Hampshire County |
WV | 54 | West Virginia | 029 | Hancock County |
WV | 54 | West Virginia | 031 | Hardy County |
WV | 54 | West Virginia | 033 | Harrison County |
WV | 54 | West Virginia | 035 | Jackson County |
WV | 54 | West Virginia | 037 | Jefferson County |
WV | 54 | West Virginia | 039 | Kanawha County |
WV | 54 | West Virginia | 041 | Lewis County |
WV | 54 | West Virginia | 043 | Lincoln County |
WV | 54 | West Virginia | 045 | Logan County |
WV | 54 | West Virginia | 047 | McDowell County |
WV | 54 | West Virginia | 049 | Marion County |
WV | 54 | West Virginia | 051 | Marshall County |
WV | 54 | West Virginia | 053 | Mason County |
WV | 54 | West Virginia | 055 | Mercer County |
WV | 54 | West Virginia | 057 | Mineral County |
WV | 54 | West Virginia | 059 | Mingo County |
WV | 54 | West Virginia | 061 | Monongalia County |
WV | 54 | West Virginia | 063 | Monroe County |
WV | 54 | West Virginia | 065 | Morgan County |
WV | 54 | West Virginia | 067 | Nicholas County |
WV | 54 | West Virginia | 069 | Ohio County |
WV | 54 | West Virginia | 071 | Pendleton County |
WV | 54 | West Virginia | 073 | Pleasants County |
WV | 54 | West Virginia | 075 | Pocahontas County |
WV | 54 | West Virginia | 077 | Preston County |
WV | 54 | West Virginia | 079 | Putnam County |
WV | 54 | West Virginia | 081 | Raleigh County |
WV | 54 | West Virginia | 083 | Randolph County |
WV | 54 | West Virginia | 085 | Ritchie County |
WV | 54 | West Virginia | 087 | Roane County |
WV | 54 | West Virginia | 089 | Summers County |
WV | 54 | West Virginia | 091 | Taylor County |
WV | 54 | West Virginia | 093 | Tucker County |
WV | 54 | West Virginia | 095 | Tyler County |
WV | 54 | West Virginia | 097 | Upshur County |
WV | 54 | West Virginia | 099 | Wayne County |
WV | 54 | West Virginia | 101 | Webster County |
WV | 54 | West Virginia | 103 | Wetzel County |
WV | 54 | West Virginia | 105 | Wirt County |
WV | 54 | West Virginia | 107 | Wood County |
WV | 54 | West Virginia | 109 | Wyoming County |
WI | 55 | Wisconsin | 001 | Adams County |
WI | 55 | Wisconsin | 003 | Ashland County |
WI | 55 | Wisconsin | 005 | Barron County |
WI | 55 | Wisconsin | 007 | Bayfield County |
WI | 55 | Wisconsin | 009 | Brown County |
WI | 55 | Wisconsin | 011 | Buffalo County |
WI | 55 | Wisconsin | 013 | Burnett County |
WI | 55 | Wisconsin | 015 | Calumet County |
WI | 55 | Wisconsin | 017 | Chippewa County |
WI | 55 | Wisconsin | 019 | Clark County |
WI | 55 | Wisconsin | 021 | Columbia County |
WI | 55 | Wisconsin | 023 | Crawford County |
WI | 55 | Wisconsin | 025 | Dane County |
WI | 55 | Wisconsin | 027 | Dodge County |
WI | 55 | Wisconsin | 029 | Door County |
WI | 55 | Wisconsin | 031 | Douglas County |
WI | 55 | Wisconsin | 033 | Dunn County |
WI | 55 | Wisconsin | 035 | Eau Claire County |
WI | 55 | Wisconsin | 037 | Florence County |
WI | 55 | Wisconsin | 039 | Fond du Lac County |
WI | 55 | Wisconsin | 041 | Forest County |
WI | 55 | Wisconsin | 043 | Grant County |
WI | 55 | Wisconsin | 045 | Green County |
WI | 55 | Wisconsin | 047 | Green Lake County |
WI | 55 | Wisconsin | 049 | Iowa County |
WI | 55 | Wisconsin | 051 | Iron County |
WI | 55 | Wisconsin | 053 | Jackson County |
WI | 55 | Wisconsin | 055 | Jefferson County |
WI | 55 | Wisconsin | 057 | Juneau County |
WI | 55 | Wisconsin | 059 | Kenosha County |
WI | 55 | Wisconsin | 061 | Kewaunee County |
WI | 55 | Wisconsin | 063 | La Crosse County |
WI | 55 | Wisconsin | 065 | Lafayette County |
WI | 55 | Wisconsin | 067 | Langlade County |
WI | 55 | Wisconsin | 069 | Lincoln County |
WI | 55 | Wisconsin | 071 | Manitowoc County |
WI | 55 | Wisconsin | 073 | Marathon County |
WI | 55 | Wisconsin | 075 | Marinette County |
WI | 55 | Wisconsin | 077 | Marquette County |
WI | 55 | Wisconsin | 078 | Menominee County |
WI | 55 | Wisconsin | 079 | Milwaukee County |
WI | 55 | Wisconsin | 081 | Monroe County |
WI | 55 | Wisconsin | 083 | Oconto County |
WI | 55 | Wisconsin | 085 | Oneida County |
WI | 55 | Wisconsin | 087 | Outagamie County |
WI | 55 | Wisconsin | 089 | Ozaukee County |
WI | 55 | Wisconsin | 091 | Pepin County |
WI | 55 | Wisconsin | 093 | Pierce County |
WI | 55 | Wisconsin | 095 | Polk County |
WI | 55 | Wisconsin | 097 | Portage County |
WI | 55 | Wisconsin | 099 | Price County |
WI | 55 | Wisconsin | 101 | Racine County |
WI | 55 | Wisconsin | 103 | Richland County |
WI | 55 | Wisconsin | 105 | Rock County |
WI | 55 | Wisconsin | 107 | Rusk County |
WI | 55 | Wisconsin | 109 | St. Croix County |
WI | 55 | Wisconsin | 111 | Sauk County |
WI | 55 | Wisconsin | 113 | Sawyer County |
WI | 55 | Wisconsin | 115 | Shawano County |
WI | 55 | Wisconsin | 117 | Sheboygan County |
WI | 55 | Wisconsin | 119 | Taylor County |
WI | 55 | Wisconsin | 121 | Trempealeau County |
WI | 55 | Wisconsin | 123 | Vernon County |
WI | 55 | Wisconsin | 125 | Vilas County |
WI | 55 | Wisconsin | 127 | Walworth County |
WI | 55 | Wisconsin | 129 | Washburn County |
WI | 55 | Wisconsin | 131 | Washington County |
WI | 55 | Wisconsin | 133 | Waukesha County |
WI | 55 | Wisconsin | 135 | Waupaca County |
WI | 55 | Wisconsin | 137 | Waushara County |
WI | 55 | Wisconsin | 139 | Winnebago County |
WI | 55 | Wisconsin | 141 | Wood County |
WY | 56 | Wyoming | 001 | Albany County |
WY | 56 | Wyoming | 003 | Big Horn County |
WY | 56 | Wyoming | 005 | Campbell County |
WY | 56 | Wyoming | 007 | Carbon County |
WY | 56 | Wyoming | 009 | Converse County |
WY | 56 | Wyoming | 011 | Crook County |
WY | 56 | Wyoming | 013 | Fremont County |
WY | 56 | Wyoming | 015 | Goshen County |
WY | 56 | Wyoming | 017 | Hot Springs County |
WY | 56 | Wyoming | 019 | Johnson County |
WY | 56 | Wyoming | 021 | Laramie County |
WY | 56 | Wyoming | 023 | Lincoln County |
WY | 56 | Wyoming | 025 | Natrona County |
WY | 56 | Wyoming | 027 | Niobrara County |
WY | 56 | Wyoming | 029 | Park County |
WY | 56 | Wyoming | 031 | Platte County |
WY | 56 | Wyoming | 033 | Sheridan County |
WY | 56 | Wyoming | 035 | Sublette County |
WY | 56 | Wyoming | 037 | Sweetwater County |
WY | 56 | Wyoming | 039 | Teton County |
WY | 56 | Wyoming | 041 | Uinta County |
WY | 56 | Wyoming | 043 | Washakie County |
WY | 56 | Wyoming | 045 | Weston County |
AS | 60 | American Samoa | 010 | Eastern District |
AS | 60 | American Samoa | 020 | Manu’a District |
AS | 60 | American Samoa | 030 | Rose Island |
AS | 60 | American Samoa | 040 | Swains Island |
AS | 60 | American Samoa | 050 | Western District |
GU | 66 | Guam | 010 | Guam |
MP | 69 | Northern Mariana Islands | 085 | Northern Islands Municipality |
MP | 69 | Northern Mariana Islands | 100 | Rota Municipality |
MP | 69 | Northern Mariana Islands | 110 | Saipan Municipality |
MP | 69 | Northern Mariana Islands | 120 | Tinian Municipality |
PR | 72 | Puerto Rico | 001 | Adjuntas Municipio |
PR | 72 | Puerto Rico | 003 | Aguada Municipio |
PR | 72 | Puerto Rico | 005 | Aguadilla Municipio |
PR | 72 | Puerto Rico | 007 | Aguas Buenas Municipio |
PR | 72 | Puerto Rico | 009 | Aibonito Municipio |
PR | 72 | Puerto Rico | 011 | Anasco Municipio |
PR | 72 | Puerto Rico | 013 | Arecibo Municipio |
PR | 72 | Puerto Rico | 015 | Arroyo Municipio |
PR | 72 | Puerto Rico | 017 | Barceloneta Municipio |
PR | 72 | Puerto Rico | 019 | Barranquitas Municipio |
PR | 72 | Puerto Rico | 021 | Bayamon Municipio |
PR | 72 | Puerto Rico | 023 | Cabo Rojo Municipio |
PR | 72 | Puerto Rico | 025 | Caguas Municipio |
PR | 72 | Puerto Rico | 027 | Camuy Municipio |
PR | 72 | Puerto Rico | 029 | Canovanas Municipio |
PR | 72 | Puerto Rico | 031 | Carolina Municipio |
PR | 72 | Puerto Rico | 033 | Catano Municipio |
PR | 72 | Puerto Rico | 035 | Cayey Municipio |
PR | 72 | Puerto Rico | 037 | Ceiba Municipio |
PR | 72 | Puerto Rico | 039 | Ciales Municipio |
PR | 72 | Puerto Rico | 041 | Cidra Municipio |
PR | 72 | Puerto Rico | 043 | Coamo Municipio |
PR | 72 | Puerto Rico | 045 | Comerio Municipio |
PR | 72 | Puerto Rico | 047 | Corozal Municipio |
PR | 72 | Puerto Rico | 049 | Culebra Municipio |
PR | 72 | Puerto Rico | 051 | Dorado Municipio |
PR | 72 | Puerto Rico | 053 | Fajardo Municipio |
PR | 72 | Puerto Rico | 054 | Florida Municipio |
PR | 72 | Puerto Rico | 055 | Guanica Municipio |
PR | 72 | Puerto Rico | 057 | Guayama Municipio |
PR | 72 | Puerto Rico | 059 | Guayanilla Municipio |
PR | 72 | Puerto Rico | 061 | Guaynabo Municipio |
PR | 72 | Puerto Rico | 063 | Gurabo Municipio |
PR | 72 | Puerto Rico | 065 | Hatillo Municipio |
PR | 72 | Puerto Rico | 067 | Hormigueros Municipio |
PR | 72 | Puerto Rico | 069 | Humacao Municipio |
PR | 72 | Puerto Rico | 071 | Isabela Municipio |
PR | 72 | Puerto Rico | 073 | Jayuya Municipio |
PR | 72 | Puerto Rico | 075 | Juana Diaz Municipio |
PR | 72 | Puerto Rico | 077 | Juncos Municipio |
PR | 72 | Puerto Rico | 079 | Lajas Municipio |
PR | 72 | Puerto Rico | 081 | Lares Municipio |
PR | 72 | Puerto Rico | 083 | Las Marias Municipio |
PR | 72 | Puerto Rico | 085 | Las Piedras Municipio |
PR | 72 | Puerto Rico | 087 | Loiza Municipio |
PR | 72 | Puerto Rico | 089 | Luquillo Municipio |
PR | 72 | Puerto Rico | 091 | Manati Municipio |
PR | 72 | Puerto Rico | 093 | Maricao Municipio |
PR | 72 | Puerto Rico | 095 | Maunabo Municipio |
PR | 72 | Puerto Rico | 097 | Mayaguez Municipio |
PR | 72 | Puerto Rico | 099 | Moca Municipio |
PR | 72 | Puerto Rico | 101 | Morovis Municipio |
PR | 72 | Puerto Rico | 103 | Naguabo Municipio |
PR | 72 | Puerto Rico | 105 | Naranjito Municipio |
PR | 72 | Puerto Rico | 107 | Orocovis Municipio |
PR | 72 | Puerto Rico | 109 | Patillas Municipio |
PR | 72 | Puerto Rico | 111 | Penuelas Municipio |
PR | 72 | Puerto Rico | 113 | Ponce Municipio |
PR | 72 | Puerto Rico | 115 | Quebradillas Municipio |
PR | 72 | Puerto Rico | 117 | Rincon Municipio |
PR | 72 | Puerto Rico | 119 | Rio Grande Municipio |
PR | 72 | Puerto Rico | 121 | Sabana Grande Municipio |
PR | 72 | Puerto Rico | 123 | Salinas Municipio |
PR | 72 | Puerto Rico | 125 | San German Municipio |
PR | 72 | Puerto Rico | 127 | San Juan Municipio |
PR | 72 | Puerto Rico | 129 | San Lorenzo Municipio |
PR | 72 | Puerto Rico | 131 | San Sebastian Municipio |
PR | 72 | Puerto Rico | 133 | Santa Isabel Municipio |
PR | 72 | Puerto Rico | 135 | Toa Alta Municipio |
PR | 72 | Puerto Rico | 137 | Toa Baja Municipio |
PR | 72 | Puerto Rico | 139 | Trujillo Alto Municipio |
PR | 72 | Puerto Rico | 141 | Utuado Municipio |
PR | 72 | Puerto Rico | 143 | Vega Alta Municipio |
PR | 72 | Puerto Rico | 145 | Vega Baja Municipio |
PR | 72 | Puerto Rico | 147 | Vieques Municipio |
PR | 72 | Puerto Rico | 149 | Villalba Municipio |
PR | 72 | Puerto Rico | 151 | Yabucoa Municipio |
PR | 72 | Puerto Rico | 153 | Yauco Municipio |
UM | 74 | U.S. Minor Outlying Islands | 300 | Midway Islands |
VI | 78 | U.S. Virgin Islands | 010 | St. Croix Island |
VI | 78 | U.S. Virgin Islands | 020 | St. John Island |
VI | 78 | U.S. Virgin Islands | 030 | St. Thomas Island |
Suppose, as can happen, that you download your data and find that due to a coding error the 5-digit combined state and county FIPS codes have been stored as numeric, causing leading zeroes to be truncated off. If you check the FIPS codes and are reasonably confident that the only error is that leading left-hand-side zeroes have been omitted, you could do the following to correct the mistake:
## Attaching package: 'dplyr'
## The following object is masked from 'package:kableExtra':
## group_rows
## The following objects are masked from 'package:stats':
## filter, lag
## The following objects are masked from 'package:base':
## intersect, setdiff, setequal, union
## # A tibble: 6 × 3
## FIPS Name State
## <int> <chr> <chr>
## 1 1001 Autauga AL
## 2 1003 Baldwin AL
## 3 1005 Barbour AL
## 4 1007 Bibb AL
## 5 1009 Blount AL
## 6 1011 Bullock AL
example_df <- example_df %>% mutate(FIPS = ifelse(
nchar(FIPS) == 4,
width = 5,
pad = '0',
side = 'left'
## # A tibble: 6 × 3
## FIPS Name State
## <chr> <chr> <chr>
## 1 01001 Autauga AL
## 2 01003 Baldwin AL
## 3 01005 Barbour AL
## 4 01007 Bibb AL
## 5 01009 Blount AL
## 6 01011 Bullock AL
The above code uses the dplyr
and stringr
packages, both part of the tidyverse
and which have introductions here: https://dplyr.tidyverse.org/ and here: https://stringr.tidyverse.org/.
4.7 Numerators and Denominators
4.7.1 Epi Primer
When presenting data on disease distribution and measures of health disparities, the following types of measures are most often used:
- Prevalence
- Cumulative incidence
- Incidence rate
These measures serve to answer different types of research questions:
- Descriptive: describes the distribution of the outcome of interest
- Predictive: predicts who may experience the outcome of interest
- Causal: seeks to determine modifiable causes of the outcome of interest
Prevalence is defined as \(Pr[Y=1] = \frac{\text{# existing cases}}{\text{# individuals in study population at a point in time}}\). Prevalence is dimensionless, ranges from 0 to 1, and requires a time reference (i.e. prevalence at a certain year, age, etc.). Prevalence measures are useful for descriptive and not causal questions.
Cumulative incidence, also known as incidence proportion, risk, or attack rate (although not a rate), is defined as \(Pr[Y=1] = \frac{\text{# incident cases in a time period}}{\text{#individuals at risk at a baseline}}\). Cumulative incidence is also dimensionless and ranges from 0 to 1, but it must state a time period and anyone included in the denominator must be eligible to move into the numerator by meeting the case definition. Cumulative incidence is limited by a lack of information on the exact timing of the outcome of interest, time-varying exposures, competing risks, and loss to follow-up.
Incidence rate, also known as incidence density or hazard rate, is defined as \(\frac{\text{# incident cases during $t_0$ to $t_1$}}{\text{$\sum$ person-time at risk accumulated during $t_0$ to $t_1$}}\). Person-time can be expressed in years, months, weeks, or days. Incidence rate is not a proportion and ranges from 0 to \(\infty\).
Measures of disparity
- Ratio measures
- Difference measures
- Attributable fractions
Ratio measures include cumulative incidence ratios (CIR), incidence rate ratios (IRR), and odds ratios (OR). The range for these is 0 to \(\infty\) and no association is indicated by a ratio of 1.
Odds ratios are defined by \[\frac{(Pr[Y=1|A=1]/ Pr[Y=0|A=1])}{(Pr[Y=1|A=0]/ Pr[Y=0|A=0])}\]
Differences measures include cumulative incidence difference (CID), also known as attributable risk, and incidence rate difference (IRD), also known as attributable rate. The range for CID is -1 to 1 while the range for IRD is \(-\infty\) to \(\infty\). No association is indicated by a difference of 0.
Attributable Risk Percent (AR) or excess fraction is the proportion of disease burden among the exposed that is associated with the exposure and is defined by: \[AR\%=\frac{CI_{Exposed} – CI_{unexposed}}{CI_{Exposed}}*100 \]
Population Attributable Risk Percent (PAR) is the proportion of disease burden among the total population that is associated with the exposure and is defined by: \[AR\%*Pr[A=1|Y=1]=\frac{CI_{Total} – CI_{unexposed}}{CI_{Total}} \]
The analytic methods section of the Public Health Disparities Geocoding Project monograph demonstrates how the measures described above are identified and aggregated over areas and strata of area-based socioeconomic or other social metrics (ABSMs).
4.7.2 Numerator/Denominator Issues
When calculating population rates of health outcomes, it is important to consider and avoid bias resulting from a mismatch between the numerator and the denominator of the rate. Typically, this can occur when the data sources for the numerator and the denominator differ - e.g. to calculate the rate of deaths resulting from a drug overdose in a particular county, data for the numerator of the rate could come from death certificates and the data for the denominator from the national census. Using different data sources does not necessarily cause bias. It is when there is a mismatch between the two data sources that bias can result. For example, in the previous scenario, if the numerator data included all drug overdoses that occurred in a particular county, but the denominator only included residents of the county, bias could result as the numerator includes individuals that are not in the denominator.
For epidemiologic analyses of health disparities, data analysts generally rely on routinely collected data from health surveillance systems to define the numerators of rates. Such data are available on an ongoing basis with a lag of two or more years to allow for data compilation and cleaning. In contrast, data on population at risk may be obtained from a variety of sources depending on the need for stratification by demographic variables, time frame, and the desired level of geography. For example, the US Decennial Census provides detailed population estimates by age, sex-gender, and selected racialized groups in decennial years. For intercensal years, the US Census uses demographic modeling that takes into consideration births, deaths, and migrations to provide estimates for these demographic groups at the national, state, and county levels via its Population Estimates Program (PEP) [US Census PEP]. For smaller levels of geography, the US Census Bureau’s American Community Survey includes estimates of population for all census geographies larger than census blocks based on five year rolling averages. These are also typically made available after a two year delay.
Formally, the US Census Bureau recommends the use of PEP or decennial census counts as population size estimates in intercensal years, while recommending that ACS data be used for information about changing socioeconomic and demographic features. However, for estimation of small area disease rates or analyses of health disparities by ABSM in intercensal years, decennial counts are usually outdated and PEP estimates are not available at the desired geographic level. Thus, in practice, many epidemiologic studies will continue to rely on ACS small-area estimates for population denominators. While private companies are increasingly producing high-resolution gridded population estimates (typically for the total population, not stratified by sub-groups, whether by age or diverse social groups) that are based on machine-learning models combining census, remote sensing, land use, and other information, with the promise of providing population sizes at very small geographies in near real time, to date we have not found these data products to provide substantial improvement over using ACS small area estimates and in some cases they can induce bias (Nethery et al. 2021).
Because numerators (case data) and denominators (population estimates) come from different sources, and moreover, because intercensal population estimates in particular may be subject to uncertainty, it is possible to obtain sociodemographic strata in particular areas and years where the observed cases exceed the reported population at risk. This is particularly problematic when the number of cases is greater than zero but the reported population at risk is exactly zero. We term this phenomenon “numerator/denominator mismatch.”
To ensure that there is no numerator/denominator mismatch and that all cases in the aggregated numerator are coming from the population pool in the aggregated denominator and that all those in the denominator have the potential to become cases, one must understand the sources of data being used. It is therefore critical to explore the data dictionaries and survey methodology for the various sources of data to better understand the eligibility criteria for who gets included in the denominator and who appears in the numerators to be used in aggregating data for analysis. This includes answering questions like:
- How are cases defined?
- Does the data source include just adults or all ages?
- Is the data source limited to non-institutionalized populations?
- Does the data source include solely residents of the jurisdiction?
- What happens to individuals who do not have an address of residence?
- What happens to individuals who are institutionalized, including incarcerated?
Additionally, one should exclude all records that are not geocoded, do not meet the case definition, or are missing data on important covariates (e.g. age, gender, race/ethnicity, etc. depending on the question being asked). However, any such exclusions need to be clearly documented, with careful thought given to how the resulting selection bias can affect interpretation of the results.
Numerator/denominator mismatch can also introduce bias when aggregating data over strata of ABSMs. Understanding the sources of bias arising from incompatibility and identifying population size estimates to limit bias is a critical part of designing the analytical approach. For example, temporally incompatible numerator and denominator data tends to result in greater bias for race-stratified models involving numerically smaller populations, with important implications for studying disparities (Nethery et al, 2021).
4.8 Geocoding
Address geocoding, or just geocoding, is the process of converting a location description (usually an address) into some form of geographic representation (usually latitude and longitude coordinates). A geocoding software or program will parse input data into standard, recognizable values, compare this information to an internal reference database of points, lines, or polygons, and then return the best match of values in the database to the input data. We use geocoding software regularly in everyday life – anytime you look up directions to a friends house, search for nearby restaurants for dinner, or hail a ride-sharing service, a geocoding tool is operating under the hood to provide the information you need.
When you need to geocode many addresses, which we often need to do when working with large datasets, this is called ‘batch’ geocoding. Many services offer batch geocoding, with varying degrees of speed, accuracy, and pricing. We recommend reviewing multiple services before deciding what is right for you and your team. Below we provide a table of some geocoding services you might be interested in.
There are a variety of geocoding services available on the internet ranging from free to very expensive. The table below contains a list of some of the available geocoding services.
There are several important questions to consider when choosing a geocoding services, including:
Is it free? If not, what kind of subscription packages do they offer?
Is caching or locally/permanently storing geocoding results permitted?
Is using geocoding results with third-party basemaps permitted?
Does service have the right to store your geocoding requests and results and transmit these data to third parties?
What is their privacy and data protection policy?
Geocoder | |
ArcGIS World Geocoding Service | |
ArcGIS StreetMap Premium | |
Bing Maps | |
Census Geocoder | |
Geoapify | |
Geocode Earth | |
Geocodio | |
Google Maps | |
HERE | |
LocationIQ | |
Mapbox | |
MapQuest | |
OpenCage | |
TomTom |
In order to access a geocoding service, you will have to interact with its application program interface (API). Some services, like ArcGIS, have interfaces that are internal to the software you might download for your computer. Others like Google, or Nominatum, require some programming to access. We utilize R packages to access APIs from within the R environment. We will walk you through this process using Google’s Geocoding API as an example.
4.8.1 Getting your Data in Shape
In order for any batch geocoding process to run smoothly, we need to first get the data we want to be geocoded into the appropriate format to be processed. While each service may have different preferences for how the address data are formatted, they generally require all the address information combined into a single, string (text) variable. Some prefer commas separating different features of the string (Ellicott City, Maryland, 21042). If you are using R to clean your data, there are multiple functions in the stringr
package that will prove useful.
When preparing your data, watch out for naming idiosyncrasies in your dataset that may confuse the geocoder and lead to mismatches or failed attempts. In the Massachusetts mortality data, for example, addresses often used shorthand for the street designation (road = RD, path = PA, CT = court). To a human reader, that is rarely a problem, but Google’s Geocoding API often misidentified addresses ending in PA as being in Pennsylvania, and similarly identified CT as Connecticut. Several “drives” (DR) it struggled to identify it marked as doctor’s offices (!). By reviewing and editing your data before running your geocoding program, you can avoid having to run it twice.
4.8.2 Setting up the Service
Depending on what geocoding service you use, you may have to take several steps gain access to the service. Google, not unlike other services, requires you to register for an API key through the Google Cloud Console. These API keys allow services to track who is using them (don’t share yours!), and charge for services. Once you have the appropriate API key, you can save it to your R environment. This is recommended, as opposed to calling it in your code, as you may wish to share code without sharing your unique key.
4.8.3 Geocoding
Once your data are set up correctly, and you are credentialed to utilize the geocoding service, it’s time to geocode your data. Here is an example of code from the package ‘ggmap’ which supports the Google geocoding API. Depending on the quality of your internet service, whether or not your service allows you to cache results, and how many items you have to geocode, you may want to split up the geocoding into smaller batches so that if it is interrupted and you have to start over, you aren’t starting over from scratch.
Where possible, request as much output from your program as possible. In addition to latitude and longitude data, you can often receive information on the confidence of the program in the match, the precision of the match, additional geographic data, or other useful bits of information. And, importantly, when using services that cost money per request, be sure to save your results. If you find mistakes later, you can mark them, separate them from the main file, fix them, and rerun the geocoding service on the smaller sample.
4.8.4 Checking your Results
Once you’ve geocoded your results, it is important to check for accuracy. Some programs can tell you about the confidence of the match, and you can choose to review matches below a certain threshold to verify their accuracy. You can broadly verify the results by mapping the points to ensure things look appropriate. At a broad scale, like the premature mortality data, it may be hard to note small unexpected patterns in a sea of dots, but obvious issues (such as clusters of points being in a different state) can be identified using this method. You can also use some of the helpful output from the geocoding program. For example, Google offers a variable called “type” which tells you what kind of building the point represents. If you are mapping residences, it may be good to explore when some addresses come back as “electronics_store” or “dentist”.
As you go through this process, be mindful of your source data. Addresses for our Massachusetts mortality data, for example, are recorded by human beings. If your geocoding service struggles to find a match, it may help to verify that the street name is spelled correctly or has the proper designation. One check we used, for example, was to verify that the address Google returned had the same zip code as the address submitted. Large clusters of data where the zip code was wrong may reveal a common misspelling.
The key to this process is to not nitpick every small mistake the geocoding service makes, but to identify broad issues that might seriously bias your results.
4.9 Data Governance
There is only so much data users can do to account for poor data or the absence of data. Therefore, improvements in the availability and quality of health data and, in particular, improvements to the use of social metrics in conceptualizing and analyzing this data, are necessary. Data governance is therefore a critical feature of addressing health disparities. Data governance is about “who has input into making the decisions about which data are required, informed by the tandem expertise of health equity researchers and other members of the communities whose data are at stake, affording the expertise of lived experience” (Krieger, 2021). See Structural Racism, Health Inequities, and the Two-Edged Sword of Data: Structural Problems Require Structural Solutions for a proposed “two-part institutional mandate regarding the reporting and analysis of publicly-funded work involving racialized groups and health data and documentation as to why the proposed mandates are feasible” (Krieger, 2021).
Part of demanding improved data governance is interrogating the sources of data currently available, including their sampling strategies, underlying theories that inform their design, and who is involved in their generation - in line with ecosocial theory’s construct of accountability and agency. By exploring the origins of one’s data (both the actual records and the history of the data systems and categories at issue) and the processes through which they have been generated, data analysts and proponents of health justice can better articulate the potential for bias in the data, identify means of improving data collection to mitigate this bias, and actively call for structural change in data collection and governance.
Another key component of equity-oriented data governance is to make data openly accessible, with relevant safeguards for data privacy and use, so as to enable communities to ask their own data-driven questions, and not just rely on what analyses get published by governmental agencies or academic researchers. This also requires more robust infrastructure for community science, transparent review of methods and findings, and strengthened capacity for community-oriented knowledge translation to enhance agency. Although it is beyond the scope of our technical PHDGP 2.0 training to provide guidance on the specifics of equity-oriented data governance for the particular projects in which diverse groups are engaged, issues of data governance, sovereignty, and privacy are increasingly the focus of critical analysis and practice (Else 2022, Carroll, Rodriguez-Lonebear and Martinez 2019, Committee on National Statistics 2019, US Census Bureau 2020, Krieger et al. 2020).
4.10 References
Krieger N. The US Census and the People’s Health: Public Health Engagement From Enslavement and “Indians Not Taxed” to Census Tracts and Health Equity (1790-2018). Am J Public Health. 2019 Aug;109(8):1092-1100. doi: 10.2105/AJPH.2019.305017. Epub 2019 Jun 20.
Nethery, Rachel C., Tamara Rushovich, Emily Peterson, Jarvis T. Chen, Pamela D. Waterman, Nancy Krieger, Lance Waller, and Brent A. Coull. “Comparing denominator sources for real-time disease incidence modeling: American Community Survey and WorldPop.” SSM-Population Health 14 (2021): 100786.
Rothman, Kenneth J., Sander Greenland, and Timothy L. Lash. Modern Epidemiology. Vol. 3. Philadelphia: Wolters Kluwer Health/Lippincott Williams & Wilkins, 2008.
Else H. African researchers lead campaign for equity in global collaborations. Nature. 2022 Jun 10. doi: 10.1038/d41586-022-01604-3. Epub ahead of print.
Carroll SR, Rodriguez-Lonebear D, Martinez A. Indigenous Data Governance: Strategies from United States Native Nations. Data Sci J. 2019;18:31. doi: 10.5334/dsj-2019-031.
Committee on National Statistics. The National Academies of Sciences, Engineering, and Medicine. Workshop on 2020 Census Data Products: Data Needs and Privacy Considerations. Washington, DC: December 11–12, 2019. Available at: https://sites.nationalacademies.org/DBASSE/CNSTAT/DBASSE_196518. Accessed June 14, 2022.
US Census Bureau. Understanding differential privacy. https://www.census.gov/programs-surveys/decennial-census/decade/2020/planning-management/process/disclosure-avoidance/differential-privacy.html ; accessed June 14, 2022.
Krieger N, Nethery RC, Chen JT, Waterman PD, Wright E, Rushovich T, Coull BA. Impact of Differential Privacy and Census Tract Data Source (Decennial Census Versus American Community Survey) for Monitoring Health Inequities. Am J Public Health. 2021 Feb;111(2):265-268. doi: 10.2105/AJPH.2020.305989. Epub 2020 Dec 22.